Belonging to an internet social site with folks who are smart, knowledgeable, polite and happily/cordially share what they know. I just want to thank all of you who have joined tog... moreBelonging to an internet social site with folks who are smart, knowledgeable, polite and happily/cordially share what they know. I just want to thank all of you who have joined together to educate me over the years. I've told you that individually and now I'm telling you collectively. You know who you are! At my age attending "college" daily at my convenience is beyond priceless. It's a highlight of my day. I don't know if any of you feel that way but I do and so of course I'm sharing that with you as I always do! :) less
This is a thought that's been rattling around a while.. then something happened that clarified it for me. We know we should respect people's opinions, even if they are different fr... moreThis is a thought that's been rattling around a while.. then something happened that clarified it for me. We know we should respect people's opinions, even if they are different from our own - that suits me as long as no one's in danger and no one's going to get hurt. But what happens when an opinion is being professed as if it were fact? It gets messy there.. people will often believe their opinion is fact.. it's very common. So, what happens when we discover an opinion that's based on a misunderstanding of facts, or on false facts? We are told we should respect other's opinions... but shouldn't we try to educate people if they base the opinion on something that is factually incorrect?
Here's an example.. a person on another site posted about rescue kitties...There was a kitty who was 15 in the shelter and in this person's opinion the rescue centre workers should euthanise the kitty and put it out of it's misery. The poster's opinion was based on the belief that felines only life to around 12-16. So... less