It's a new line being built to connect with various existing below-ground lines and is being built UNDER LONDON! They plan to have a rooftop garden on top when the construction is ... moreIt's a new line being built to connect with various existing below-ground lines and is being built UNDER LONDON! They plan to have a rooftop garden on top when the construction is done. It was featured on NOVA. It's a huge project and will save a lot of time getting from place to place. I did not know that London was the first place to feature below-ground transportation. I thought it was the subway in New York but no. Any idea how much it will cost when completed? Will you be able to take advantage of it? less
I've used them several times before. Thinking of asking for one for Christmas. I use TinkerCAD to make a lot of my projects, but I learned AutoCAD as well, but I need to learn Soli... moreI've used them several times before. Thinking of asking for one for Christmas. I use TinkerCAD to make a lot of my projects, but I learned AutoCAD as well, but I need to learn SolidWorks and Sculptris if I want to learn how to truly make things :D
The star system, that is. Also if they were heading in that direction, which they are not. Still though. It's moving at a rate of about 17 kilometers per second. It's amo... moreThe star system, that is. Also if they were heading in that direction, which they are not. Still though. It's moving at a rate of about 17 kilometers per second. It's among the fastest manmade objects. Not counting for the fact we're traveling at 220 km/s around Sagittarius A* (black hole at the center of our galaxy), and everything on earth as well. You know what I mean :P
You can go ahead and post all of your politics crap. Politics are important but y'all are still taking this circus too seriously, so I'm spamming some science to settle the scales with some seriousness :P less
The resultant (Type I) supernova would be 60,000 times brighter than the full moon and about a tenth as bright as the sun. So for a period of time, it'd look as if, for the souther... moreThe resultant (Type I) supernova would be 60,000 times brighter than the full moon and about a tenth as bright as the sun. So for a period of time, it'd look as if, for the southern hemisphere, there were two suns in the sky. A Type II supernova would only be a fifth as bright as a Type I supernova and would last FAR longer. Sadly it'll be a couple billion years before this even has a chance of happening, and the sun will be long dead. The sun will have a relatively quiet death, just hazing out into a planetary nebula with a white dwarf at the center. Gosh space is sexy :D less