In america of course it is GUANO and his GUANOHEADS. White supremacist fascist racists from head to toe. DOMESTIC TERRORISM is the greatest threat now since January 6, 2021. No. Si... moreIn america of course it is GUANO and his GUANOHEADS. White supremacist fascist racists from head to toe. DOMESTIC TERRORISM is the greatest threat now since January 6, 2021. No. Since November 2016 when GUANO was elected. That's the beginning of the end of times.Everywhere else though?
getz and tail lure spoke to a cheering crowd of about 100 people outside Riverside City Hall on Saturday.The cheering throngs and mobs wore MAGA and carried signs telling getz and ... moregetz and tail lure spoke to a cheering crowd of about 100 people outside Riverside City Hall on Saturday.The cheering throngs and mobs wore MAGA and carried signs telling getz and goon how much they are loved! A whole entire 100 showed up! Imagine that? A whole entire 100!They can brag on that. After all California has 40 million people. I bet some of those 100 drove hundreds of miles just to listen to them!100 showed up. That they can take to the bank and cash right? 100 showed up. 100 showed. They will keep comforting themselves with that. HOW MUCH DID WE TAXPAYERS HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT? less
Publish a book consisting of EVERY GUANO TWEET from 2015 to when he was cut off.Publish a book consisting of EVERY RALLY SPEECH GUANO ever made. They are all the same but some thin... morePublish a book consisting of EVERY GUANO TWEET from 2015 to when he was cut off.Publish a book consisting of EVERY RALLY SPEECH GUANO ever made. They are all the same but some things bear repeating.Publish a book consisting of every word GUANO said to the press. Whether at his few press conferences or on the run to get on a plane.Publish a book fo every word he ever said to every staff member from DAY ONE of his being the prez.You know that behind-the-doors verbatim book would be a BEST SELLER because everyone would buy who was not a fan. Fans would never want to read anything awful about him especially if it were him doing the awfulling.His fan would buy all the others in multiples.Anyway you slice it he'd get a lot of money for all his baloney.Since money is all he TRULY LOVES besides himself he'd be happy as a dog at high tide. less
So from alleged police and military connections they are now all the same. Traitors. Insane profane inane.They go by different names.qanonsoathkeepersproud boysKKKWHITE SUPREMACIST... moreSo from alleged police and military connections they are now all the same. Traitors. Insane profane inane.They go by different names.qanonsoathkeepersproud boysKKKWHITE SUPREMACIST FASCIST RACISTSThree peacersTwo timersWitless heartless souless spiritless GUTTERSNIPESI think all GUANOHEADS are gun lovers.
All of the nutjob crackpot treasonous TRAITOR hate groups came out of the woodwork out of the slime out of the scum and were identified. Yep. THEY ALL OUTED THEMSELVES. Talk about ... moreAll of the nutjob crackpot treasonous TRAITOR hate groups came out of the woodwork out of the slime out of the scum and were identified. Yep. THEY ALL OUTED THEMSELVES. Talk about STUPID DUMB.So now the FBI and others have their names locations occupations. Would we have know about them elsewise otherwise under any other guise?Mebbe. But this was so much better. Know why? THEY GOT CAUGHT IN THE ACT OF ATTEMPTED INSURRECTION. All the FB postings and hate-filled rhetoric would never have been as VALUABLE as the EVIDENCE THEY WILLING LEFT.Nothing and no one as stupid dumb as criminals who photographs themselves and brag about their crimes.SEE ME. HEAR ME. I ME. EYE ME. Thousands of them. Mental guttersnipes for sure.GUTTERSNIPE. The lowest social group The dregs. The discards. The unwanted. less
Make the lives of his GUANOHEADS pure HE** and made them love it. So since GUANO and the GUANOHEADS have been roasting over their own spits over the fire GUANO keeps stoking what w... moreMake the lives of his GUANOHEADS pure HE** and made them love it. So since GUANO and the GUANOHEADS have been roasting over their own spits over the fire GUANO keeps stoking what would be the worst punishment you can think for them to forever live in their own HE**?I know. Being surrounded by people of color who value honor honesty Democracy. Having them take turns LECTURING on the evils of GUANOHOOD AND GUANOHEADS who fell for it. Listing all the LIES and all the CRIMES and all the INSULTS and all the ASSAULTS over and over and over and over and over ad infinitum through eternity and whatever comes after that.Now the people LECTURING wouldn't actually BE there in person. They'd be "piped" in through the magic of electronics. There would be no muting or shutting off.As the GUANO and his HEADS roast on that spit over open fires they would hear the voices of MAXINE WATERS and AOC and JOE BIDEN and BARACK OBAMA and MAYA ANGELOU and MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. and and and and 24/7 nonstop through eternity.It might drive ... less
What for? Instead of trying to help out or help what did they do? Take the coward's way out. Mourning? Not even close.Why are some so weak and some so strong? Why do some go out of... moreWhat for? Instead of trying to help out or help what did they do? Take the coward's way out. Mourning? Not even close.Why are some so weak and some so strong? Why do some go out of their way to EXACERBATE rather then mitigate or ameliorate?The weak links in the chain of life. So much for their lives. They valued them not at all . Why would you?