Rick Perry said they'd be willing to go days without power rather than allow the federal government to get in their business!I wonder if the folks left behind of those who DIED BEC... moreRick Perry said they'd be willing to go days without power rather than allow the federal government to get in their business!I wonder if the folks left behind of those who DIED BECAUSE OF THE COLD would agree with that jacka**? YA THINK?
Is there such a thing as a massive mass PSYCHOTIC BREAK? What are the symptoms thereof?DelusionsHlalucinationsDisorganized thinkingDisorganized speech patternDisorganized behaviorD... moreIs there such a thing as a massive mass PSYCHOTIC BREAK? What are the symptoms thereof?DelusionsHlalucinationsDisorganized thinkingDisorganized speech patternDisorganized behaviorDepressionTrouble sleepingLack of insightAnxietyParanoiaLoss of appetiteDiminished emotional expression (lack of EMPATHY)Seeing, hearing, believing things that aren't real exhibiting erratic behavior or emotionsCan a PSYCHOTIC BREAK of the head travel all the way down and engulf the entire body politic?Is that what happened to the Republican Party? It went down the rabbit hole into an absurd alternate universe? less
On the one hand hospitalizations and deaths are decreasing and vaccines are becoming more available for more groups.ON THE OTHER HAND we are told that the South African strain whic... moreOn the one hand hospitalizations and deaths are decreasing and vaccines are becoming more available for more groups.ON THE OTHER HAND we are told that the South African strain which is more deadly and spreads faster is now in America in several states and apreading.The vaccines were not meant to mitigate the new strain and may be slightly effetcive but not enough.Meanwhile or also variant strains are being born all the time...so many that it boggles the mind.So what am I supposed to be feeling? Great relief or great dread at what lies ahead?I get a vaccine today that was made for the original strain..how many more other vaccines will I need to combat all the other strains? The mutating is not decreasing it is INCREASING!That's it. less
Say someone started off in one place and ended up in the other or switched back and forth several times. Does the environment of the death really mean that much? What am I missing?... moreSay someone started off in one place and ended up in the other or switched back and forth several times. Does the environment of the death really mean that much? What am I missing?Say people start off living in a nursing home. They are transferred to a hospital for care and then transferred back to the nursing home where they die. Or the opposite happens. Why does it matter?
Since April 2020 he and his family have been living under the security of ARMED GUARDS who protect them.FOOTOO said Fauci was a "DISASTER".Thereby making him a target for retaliati... moreSince April 2020 he and his family have been living under the security of ARMED GUARDS who protect them.FOOTOO said Fauci was a "DISASTER".Thereby making him a target for retaliation revenge by the maddog wackadoodlenoodle crackpot insurrectionists. So they got Fauci and Pence and Pelosi...probably the top three in their "HIT" parade.After that it's millions and millions. Republicans who stayed the course and did the right thing. All people of color. All DEMS. All women. All witnesses. All prosecuters. All everyone everywhere except the FOOTOO suckup a**kissing toady sycophants and his adoring worshippers. At least so far as I know. Of he course he could turn on them on a dime at any time. And eventually he probably will. less
When experiments were done on the blood of black men who thought they were being given medication to ward off syphilis when in fact they were being given the disease itself without... moreWhen experiments were done on the blood of black men who thought they were being given medication to ward off syphilis when in fact they were being given the disease itself without any treatment so the gubment could see how the disease progresses without any medical mitigation. Some of the men already had syphilis. Some did not. They toldit was to rid them of "bad blood".So black people do not trust yielding their bodies to "the government" for whatever they are told it is for. They lived through and died for having done that many decades ago.If you was them or they was you would you? less
What sequence of events would have to happen for that to happen?Or does FOOTOO just show up, Chief Justice Roberts swears him in and back to work he goes?What happens to Joseph R. ... moreWhat sequence of events would have to happen for that to happen?Or does FOOTOO just show up, Chief Justice Roberts swears him in and back to work he goes?What happens to Joseph R. Biden?More to the point who is the veep FOOTOO will have since he aleady has marked Mike Pence for death at the hands of the insurrectionists.I wonder who would be BRAVE enough to take that on? Matt Gaetz? Sean Hannity? Ivanka Trump? Rudyg?If you were offered that plush job would you accept?Here's to March 4. Otter be loads of fun no matter what the outcome. less
Did you know President Biden visited him? Yep Dole is a Republican but that mattered not. Why should it?Do you think FOOTOO would have done so being as how he said he hates heroes?
Which of the two would have more to fear if those secret tapes were released to the public?Both are creeps. Which is the creepiest creep?Of course if there are no tapes or they can... moreWhich of the two would have more to fear if those secret tapes were released to the public?Both are creeps. Which is the creepiest creep?Of course if there are no tapes or they cannot be found it's all moot.I wouldn't be surprised. Certainly anyone doing what Jeff Epstein done did do has no ethics or honor or integrity he would be jeopardizing. Allegedly he did that to have "dirt" on everyone to be used if and when needed in the future.Insurance. You understand what that's for right? You may never need to use insurance but it's nice to know it's there just in case? less
Hardly. FBI director Christopher Wray told us that MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO. That the real terrorisst thread in America was coming from white supremacists/hate groups.So what else is new?