Take the BIG BANG. Out of nothing comes something. Awhile ago I read that before THE BIG BANG there were other bangs. Going back how far? Eventually there is no going back. You're ... moreTake the BIG BANG. Out of nothing comes something. Awhile ago I read that before THE BIG BANG there were other bangs. Going back how far? Eventually there is no going back. You're there. Nothing. BANG. Something? I dunno. Hard to process that.
Because the dumb cluck duck POLL WATCHERS ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS! KKK NAZI SkinHEAD MILITIA WHITE SUPREMACIST PROUD BOYS QANON. All the fruits and nuts that are weaponized. Th... moreBecause the dumb cluck duck POLL WATCHERS ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS! KKK NAZI SkinHEAD MILITIA WHITE SUPREMACIST PROUD BOYS QANON. All the fruits and nuts that are weaponized. They will be "monitoring you? with loaded guns. They are all NUTS. Do you really want to upset them?I warned you. I told you what is the BEST thing you can do. Ignore it at your own peril. Condolences. GOD BLESS and RIP.
Becaue they are STUPID DUMBS! They think the dumb cluck duck is their saviour. Need I say more?Buy into QANON and you too will be useful idiot programmed by Russians to do their bi... moreBecaue they are STUPID DUMBS! They think the dumb cluck duck is their saviour. Need I say more?Buy into QANON and you too will be useful idiot programmed by Russians to do their bidding. What a glorious way to end your life as a treasonous traitor who sold out his/her country for a duck.
Let them all be suicide murderers dropping like flies and taking the rest of out with them.What a great way to go. Die and murder in one swell foop. Eliminate all homo sapheads so ... moreLet them all be suicide murderers dropping like flies and taking the rest of out with them.What a great way to go. Die and murder in one swell foop. Eliminate all homo sapheads so the earth can heal. Then start over in a few billions years with homo saps who have brains and logic and value life and one another. These bums don't value either. Let them have their way with. TIRED OF ARGUING WITH THE STUPID DUMBS? Me too.