I am human so nothing human is alien to meModeration in all thingsTime heals all woundsObsequiousness begets friends, truth hatredExtreme law is often extreme injusticeExtreme just... moreI am human so nothing human is alien to meModeration in all thingsTime heals all woundsObsequiousness begets friends, truth hatredExtreme law is often extreme injusticeExtreme justice is often extreme maliceWhile there's life there's hopeFortune favors the braveOf all those lines which resonates most with you? Why?Amazing the brilliance of a man alive so long ago? As if he had an insight into the human condition which has not changed at all since his time. The more things change the more they stay the same. We are apparently stuck being what we are. less
The criminally corrupt tricky dicky nixon. NIX ON NIXON. He was the epitome of ghastly. I thought there could NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER NEVER be worse than he. Once again I was wro... moreThe criminally corrupt tricky dicky nixon. NIX ON NIXON. He was the epitome of ghastly. I thought there could NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER NEVER be worse than he. Once again I was wrong.I wonder what futurely will come to be? Will I be wrong then too? What about you? Are you right or wrong or middling/medium? Do you win more than you lose? Do you guess wright more often than you guess rong?
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama all CARED VERY DEEPLY FOR THE PEOPLE THEY SERVED.They did not differentiate one from the other based on color religion or politics. They ... moreBill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama all CARED VERY DEEPLY FOR THE PEOPLE THEY SERVED.They did not differentiate one from the other based on color religion or politics. They were the Presidents for ALL THE PEOPLE including those who didn't vote for them.On 9/11 we saw how President Bush reacted. There was no doubt he was deeply wounded about the loss of life and brought us together as nation as ONE PEOPLE. He did not dog whistle any American group. He did not attack insult malign blame derogate any American group. He spoke to ALL THE PEOPLE.It's sad that we don't appreciate what we have until we lose it.We took Clinton, Bush and Obama for granted. PRESIDENTS ARE SUPPOSED TO CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE THEY SERVE. That is the point of being a president. THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO PUT VICIOUS VITRIOLIC PARTISANSHIP ASIDE and fulfill the oath of the office. THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO ABIDE BY THE CONSTITUTION AND REALIZE THEY ARE BUT 1/3 of the leaderhip of a country. EXECUTIVE JUDICIAL LEGISLATIVE. Three EQUAL and ESSEN... less
Be patient. I am getting to that. Thousands were missing, millions were homeless and funds started being collected to help out worldwide. It was on the watch of President George W.... moreBe patient. I am getting to that. Thousands were missing, millions were homeless and funds started being collected to help out worldwide. It was on the watch of President George W. Bush. What did he do?He appointed his father, George Herbert Walker Bush and Bill Clinton to head the fundraising task force and coordinate it. A great friendship grew between the two so much so that George H.W. Bush said he could be the father that Clinton never had and Clinton never disagreed with him. Different politics completely. No difference in their character or humanity or CARING about others.Former presidents coming together to do good work. What a novel concept? No. It was a bit of a surprise but we saw very early on it was a BRILLIANT thing to do.What do you think would have been the response if a trump had been president? less
I watched a two-hour special titled "THE WAY I SEE IT". He shared bazillions of photos he took behind the scenes mostly during President Obama's tenure as president but also some w... moreI watched a two-hour special titled "THE WAY I SEE IT". He shared bazillions of photos he took behind the scenes mostly during President Obama's tenure as president but also some were shared covering President Reagan and among the most sadly heartbreaking and poignant were when President Reagan died and at the funeral Nancy and their two children draped themselves over his coffin and kissed it.Normally White House photographers are Apolitical and once the president is gone they become invisible and stay silent. Pete could not and now is an activist.Were you silent all those years but now you too are an activist because silence assumes assent and you do not assent to the current political quagmire cesspool?Or are you still silent because you approve? Or silent because you don't want to get involved? Or silent because you are afraid of becoming a target? Or silent just because you see good in all as well as evil and so why takes sides when we are all the same? less
Julius Caesar was born 12 July 100 BC and died 5 March 44 BC. The IDES of March.William Shakespeare wrote a play about him which is fairly historically accurate as far as the "expe... moreJulius Caesar was born 12 July 100 BC and died 5 March 44 BC. The IDES of March.William Shakespeare wrote a play about him which is fairly historically accurate as far as the "experts" can tell.So when people are long gone is it the evil that lives on? What GOOD did Hitler do that we remember?
Do you challenge them or let it go? Silence assumes assent. Doesn't it? Example?The earth is flat. I believe there is a FLAT EARTH society isn't there? The flat earthers see earth ... moreDo you challenge them or let it go? Silence assumes assent. Doesn't it? Example?The earth is flat. I believe there is a FLAT EARTH society isn't there? The flat earthers see earth as a vast flatland. If you go to the edge you can fall off.The moon landing was a hoax. It was filmed on a soundstage in Hollywood. It is a conspiracy whose purpose has yet to be made clear. But it is fake phony never happened. NASA is in on it.There was no HOLOCAUST. There was no extermination of millions of jews. It was all a jewish plot to gain sympathy and besmirch the nazis.There is a worldwide deep state cabal made up of fllesh-eating cannabals who traffic children for sex and torture and murder them and drink their blood. QANON is based on that belief. Of course that cabal is all made up of democrats per the QANON dogma. Republicans embrace them and welcome them into politics. WITH OPEN ARMS. They are the future.There are good people on both sides of any issue. The most heinous monstrous hateful evil sapheads are also very good ... less
Isn't that what dogma is? A set standard of "correct" that one must embrace to belong to anything?Is dogma thought up by one and embraced by the many or is it the many in conspirac... moreIsn't that what dogma is? A set standard of "correct" that one must embrace to belong to anything?Is dogma thought up by one and embraced by the many or is it the many in conspiracy and collusion who create the dogma?Must there always be an underlying "reason" well thought out and logical?
After hearing a long and boring or inane recitation you say "that was interesting" because you don't want to hurt someone? If we always said precisely what we thought would the wor... moreAfter hearing a long and boring or inane recitation you say "that was interesting" because you don't want to hurt someone? If we always said precisely what we thought would the word "interesting" have never been invented?
He calls women NASTY but seems to reserve that high compliment for women never men.He is the only saphead of his gender I have EVER HEARD use that word. It is a girly word not a MA... moreHe calls women NASTY but seems to reserve that high compliment for women never men.He is the only saphead of his gender I have EVER HEARD use that word. It is a girly word not a MANLY word.I have rarely heard women use the word but the dumb duck is drawn to it. WHY?NASTYPhysically filthy, disgustingly uncleanOffensive to taste or smell, nauseatingVicious spiteful uglyMorally filthy obscene indecentDirty foul loathesomeSickening repulsive repellentSmutty pornographicIts opposite is clean, pureCould it possibly maybe perhaps have anything at all whatsoever to do with a "monthly" cycle? less