One reality has no protection from is/is not. There are no soundproof stages of being existing there. The other "reality" lives in soundproof bubblewrap and is protected from all v... moreOne reality has no protection from is/is not. There are no soundproof stages of being existing there. The other "reality" lives in soundproof bubblewrap and is protected from all vicissitudes at the moment. They neither see nor hear what is out there. Hearing aids have gone dark. Glasses are rose-colored or opaque. The only things that come through to reach them has been pre-approved pre-chewed pre-digested for their own good. How much nutrition is there in second-hand food? Beats me. Not my cuppa tea.
That is surely insanity.That's like boxing in cops and investigating all of them not just the bad-apple cops.The more successful they've been at protecting the cities they serve th... moreThat is surely insanity.That's like boxing in cops and investigating all of them not just the bad-apple cops.The more successful they've been at protecting the cities they serve the more you attack them malign them undercut them insult them investigate them set them up and lie about them.If that makes sense to you read no further.If it doesn't what the he** are we gonna do about it?Now the traitorous treasonous lapdogpuppet fake AG who services and rolls over for trump is engaged in investigating the people who were involved it PROVING Russian interference and meddling in our election. He will have none of it. He is on a self-righteous vendetta to "get to the bottom of it" destroying the government institution he heads. Isn't that a swell mess? We waste bajillions of dollars on trump and his cabal et al who work hard at having us fail. Is that what y'all do with your budget? Spend it on poison and harmful things to take YOU out? Of course not. Why do we put up with it in our gubment? That is exactly how they are... less
It is obvious by what we see the unscrupulous SOB's are a lotta folks' cuppa tea. Liars and traitors and cruel in human SOB ers are what they prefer and support and adore. I'd ask ... moreIt is obvious by what we see the unscrupulous SOB's are a lotta folks' cuppa tea. Liars and traitors and cruel in human SOB ers are what they prefer and support and adore. I'd ask what for but I bet they don't know and even if they did they would lie. I mean if you adore a liar you're gonna have no problem taking after him and copycatting him. A mystery to me. Thee?.
Of course it is. It PROVES guilt. No question. No doubt. IT PROVES GUILT. Let them try to keep on keeping on in that lane. Trouble ahead. The road is out. WARNING. Do not proceed. ... moreOf course it is. It PROVES guilt. No question. No doubt. IT PROVES GUILT. Let them try to keep on keeping on in that lane. Trouble ahead. The road is out. WARNING. Do not proceed. Will they ignore or heed?
Same with a judge who is forced to step down for judicial badness. What happens to all the decisions he made? Are they aborted and all the cases retried?Of course when doctors lose... moreSame with a judge who is forced to step down for judicial badness. What happens to all the decisions he made? Are they aborted and all the cases retried?Of course when doctors lose their licenses for malpractice you can undo someone who died or uncripple unmaim someone he harmed.There really is no recourse for those who were harmed is there? All that happens is that the bad doer no loner has power to do bad things. The past is the past alas.
How long did it take Motormouth to malign Senator John McCain after he died?Is there an "appropriate" amount of time to wait before you unleash vitriol and hate on the dead? Not th... moreHow long did it take Motormouth to malign Senator John McCain after he died?Is there an "appropriate" amount of time to wait before you unleash vitriol and hate on the dead? Not that motormouth would care about what is "appropriate". Too many syllables for him. Anything beyond two and you've lost him! :(
That'd be way weak wouldn't it?"I did it because I'm scared to death not to do it" Seriously who is going to admit that?or"I did because I love the guy and want to show my respect ... moreThat'd be way weak wouldn't it?"I did it because I'm scared to death not to do it" Seriously who is going to admit that?or"I did because I love the guy and want to show my respect and undying devotion".Which would you be apt to say? The truth or a lie to make you look like something you aren't?
You know there are two ways to SAVE FACE.Pay extras/out-of-work actors to be seat fillers. Thousands of them. They will show the appreciate grief and sob and cry.If they are too ch... moreYou know there are two ways to SAVE FACE.Pay extras/out-of-work actors to be seat fillers. Thousands of them. They will show the appreciate grief and sob and cry.If they are too cheap to do that thenHold a private ceremony behind closed doors with no cameras allowed. Say it is because the family is grieving and want privacy at this time of their grief.The extravagant showoff who loves big crowds would like to have 100,000 or 1 billion show up. How much would that cost?But the cheapskate deadbeat stiffer would like the cheap way out. less
What would be the motive of insisting everyone DUMB DOWN? Your kid is capable of making A's and you demand he make only C's! Ludicrous absurd ridikkalus nuts, right?So okay. The ma... moreWhat would be the motive of insisting everyone DUMB DOWN? Your kid is capable of making A's and you demand he make only C's! Ludicrous absurd ridikkalus nuts, right?So okay. The manufacturers in your country are capable of producing CLEANER AIR by sticking to requirements on Emissions from cars and smoke and all the crap attendant thereto.You remove the laws that require their best and replace them with laws that reduce relax widen strethch dilute. How do you LOGICALLY justify that? The motormouth is in a constant quest to reduce relax stretch ignore widen dilute destroy. What is his game? Weakening America to be easier pickings for RUSSIA? Is that it? The stinkier our air the sicker our people the weaker they are to fight evil? Is he smart enough to pursue any plan or is everything with him spontaneous adlib loosygoosy? Is he naturally a destroyer of all things good or does he have to work at it? less
Does a freshly washed brain "operate" more betterly efficiently optimumly than one that is doity?Like a freshly steam-washed engine in a car ? Does a sparkly clean engine cause the... moreDoes a freshly washed brain "operate" more betterly efficiently optimumly than one that is doity?Like a freshly steam-washed engine in a car ? Does a sparkly clean engine cause the car to run better faster using less gas and creating fewer harmful emissions?
Here's why.Betcha every one of them HATE anyone who "takes a knee" during the national anthem or flag salute. Know anyone prodon who supports those who "take a knee":? Of course yo... moreHere's why.Betcha every one of them HATE anyone who "takes a knee" during the national anthem or flag salute. Know anyone prodon who supports those who "take a knee":? Of course you don't. They don't exist!YET they all support the motormouth who is singlehandedly trashing tearing ripping dirtying what the fla\g and national anthem represent. They do not see the irony in that. They are incapable of thinking about anything but servicing motormouth every which way they can. Robotic automatic unquestioning 24/7.They are either obtusely unaware of their duplicity and hypocrisy or they are aware and don't give a sh** about it.Either way why do they stay in a country they hold in such little regard? Putting the demands of a traitorous madman above their country every minute of every day and they do it with no remorse of course. What are they exactly? Why are they? Who(m) are they? Why don't they just go away to another country and leave us alone? Take their motormouth and his rallies and toady sycophants wi... less
More bad for America and more good for motormouth and himself? It is the NOT the nature of a schlock two-bit crummy TV lawyer to lie low out of sight and quiet. Something very big ... moreMore bad for America and more good for motormouth and himself? It is the NOT the nature of a schlock two-bit crummy TV lawyer to lie low out of sight and quiet. Something very big and very bad is being hatched. Any idea(s) what?
Not only corrupt but guilty of traitoring and treasoning as he commits high crimes and misdeamanors IN PLAIN SIGHT and conspires with our enemies as he cuts off our allies and betr... moreNot only corrupt but guilty of traitoring and treasoning as he commits high crimes and misdeamanors IN PLAIN SIGHT and conspires with our enemies as he cuts off our allies and betrays them and causes death to them and shrugs it off by saying it isn't his problem.What's the problem here? Why is what is so patently OBVIOUS not even on the radar of the prodons? I don't get it. Selling us out to Russia or whomever pays him the most money has been his MO since day one and he BRAGS about it. This is not reprehensible disgusting unendurable to prodons? What are they doing in this country if Russia is so much better they support motormouth courting Russia and doing whatever it tells him to do? Why stay here while you are actively supporting the destroyer of your country and cheering him on at the rallies he throws you attend? Motormouth defiles America by doing that. Better he should defile it from afar in Russia surrounded by foreign soil and not here. Better you should be there with him as he defiles this ... less
Usually kids have more terrors and things that go "bump" in the night due to their imaginations. Some need to have the bedroom door left open or a nightlight on and want a parent t... moreUsually kids have more terrors and things that go "bump" in the night due to their imaginations. Some need to have the bedroom door left open or a nightlight on and want a parent to check under the bed and in the closet to make sure there are no monsters there.When we are mature we leave childish things behind. Except some of us carry them with us into adulthood and old age hood and the terrors never diminish but only multiply. They are the ones who have to have guns. The more they have the safer they feel. They are the ones enveloped in deep dark state conspiracy theories. These are the ones who will never reveal their names or locations or occupations. Their entire adult lives are defined by what they fear. It drives them to do absurd things. It underlies every word and deed. Fear rides with them 24/7 and never leaves them.Sad. Dangerous for others when the most fearful have the most power. Decisions based on fear are very queer.Decisions based on what is right and what is true and what is just are the ideal.B... less
The side streets often offer a deal more than what you find where the crowds are.Are you an explorer, adventurer or do find comfort in crowds and staying on the tried-and-true beat... moreThe side streets often offer a deal more than what you find where the crowds are.Are you an explorer, adventurer or do find comfort in crowds and staying on the tried-and-true beaten paths where bazillions others have gone before? Why?
So then you get older and retire and your kids are off living their own lives and all you have is time. What do YOU do with yours? Why?I am thinking a lot more now than I ever did ... moreSo then you get older and retire and your kids are off living their own lives and all you have is time. What do YOU do with yours? Why?I am thinking a lot more now than I ever did before. I can spend as much time as I wish thinking about whatever I want. No one is the boss of me but me. I frolic about joyfully in the world of "WHAT IF"? I keep up with what's going on all the time and have opinions about it. Before? Seriously? Who had the time for that? So I say unto you all if you are not thinking more and opining more and being more open now than you were then something is very wrong with you. Condolences. less
MORE corruption more criminal traitorous treasonous activity more lies more evildoing more cruelty more vindictive vengefulness more loose cannon action more danger more despair mo... moreMORE corruption more criminal traitorous treasonous activity more lies more evildoing more cruelty more vindictive vengefulness more loose cannon action more danger more despair more duplicity more deceitful activity more fake more phony more cockamamie wackadoodly.LESS truth less safety less justice less hope less sovereignty less security less love less fair less honor less integrity less morality less trust.The mores took control. How do we eviscerate them?
The fake AG liddlebillybarr was/is traveling worldwide to engage various foreign countries in proving that the investigation into Russia meddling in the 2016 election never should ... moreThe fake AG liddlebillybarr was/is traveling worldwide to engage various foreign countries in proving that the investigation into Russia meddling in the 2016 election never should have taken place. Why? Because Russia was never involved. The conspiracy theory today? That the Dems concocted this all up to win the election. That it was never Russia at all.So motormouth ordered the fake AG (his lapdog puppet in charge of JUSTICE) to find "proof" so that all the people involved in the investigation will be brought up on charges of traitorhood and treasonship and will be dealt with forthwith. Prison of course if not being given the death penalty! You think I am joking right? I am not. The motormouth is so obsessed with proving he was not installed as prez due to Russian election meddling he will do anything corrupt anyone murder anyone who gets in his way. He has to. He has no choice. His insane obsession is driving him to this end and he has many passengers willing to play along with him.So all the players that were... less
Trump Betrayed the Kurds. He Couldn’t Help Himself.
... moreHOW DARE HE????HOW DARE HE????
Trump Betrayed the Kurds. He Couldn’t Help Himself.
Humiliating his own Cabinet secretaries was bad. Putting faithful American allies in harm’s way is far worse.
OCT 15, 2019
Peter Wehner
Contributing writer at The Atlantic and senior fellow at EPPC
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Updated at 11:06 a.m. ET on October 15, 2019.
President Donald Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds stung deeply. “They trusted us and we broke that trust. It’s a stain on the American conscience.” These, according to The New York Times, are the searing words of an Army officer who has worked alongside the Kurds in northern Syria.
Kurdish forces played a central role in aiding the United States in fighting the Islamic State. But in a phone call a week ago Sunday, Trump gave the green light to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to invade ... less
Wouldn't it be swell if you could foresee the days when the waves of your life were going to come crashing down on you giving you a head's up so you could prepare yourself?When thi... moreWouldn't it be swell if you could foresee the days when the waves of your life were going to come crashing down on you giving you a head's up so you could prepare yourself?When things are calm you get relaxed and think everything is swell and then a SWELL builds and takes you down figuratively. How much warning do you ever get before that happens?