The most delicious delightful extraordinary heavenly supercalifragilisticexpialidocious thing of course is that it is the tumbleweed who released that photo believing that it made ... moreThe most delicious delightful extraordinary heavenly supercalifragilisticexpialidocious thing of course is that it is the tumbleweed who released that photo believing that it made her look bad. That is how obtuse he is.He brought it on himself. No one leaked it. He offered it up.How can he be so clueless about so many things that OBVIOUS to everyone else? How did he manage to make it through life being that oblivious? I don't get it. Track record of ridicule bankruptcies lawsuits sexual abuse is what you see. A great background for a tumbleweed who is supported by all the despot dictators in the world isn't it? He is "quality" merchandise for them to use however they choose. Sheesh. Too bad the label is MADE IN THE USA. Better if it were "made in China Taiwan Afghanistan Timbuctoo. If only! less
His best bet is to flee now to a country that does not provide extradition. And stay there forever. He doesn't care about his family.Of course since he will no longer have any powe... moreHis best bet is to flee now to a country that does not provide extradition. And stay there forever. He doesn't care about his family.Of course since he will no longer have any power at all to give the despot dictators what they want from him who is going to welcome him? Of what use would he be to anyone unless he could be used to do their bidding as he has done since DAY ONE?What would he do if he were PERSONA NON GRATA in every country of the world? Flee to an obscure unknown island "out there" somewhere and disappear forever? Nice thought. Hold it. less
They tried their DAM*DEST to phony it up and charge try convict her of bad stuff and though there were Republicans involved in the investigating they couldn't do it!Now whether tum... moreThey tried their DAM*DEST to phony it up and charge try convict her of bad stuff and though there were Republicans involved in the investigating they couldn't do it!Now whether tumbleweed will tolerate that I don't know. He might well sic his lapdogpuppet boy liddlebillybarr on that as he has on the Russian investigation. Or maybe he'll throw in the excellent mike pompousa** and double down and retry her again and again and again and again and again. He does not like failure. He insists on things going his way or there is always gonna be he** to pay.Anyway if all you ever do is get your info from FAUX your elephant begins and ends at the tail. You have no clue about the rest of it. Didja know? less
Eliminate all traces of President Barack ObamaReplace Russia with Ukraine as having hacked our 2016 election and say it was on behalf of Hillary ClintonState that the entire Muelle... moreEliminate all traces of President Barack ObamaReplace Russia with Ukraine as having hacked our 2016 election and say it was on behalf of Hillary ClintonState that the entire Mueller investigation was illegal faulty and without merit so eradicate itFree all criminals who were charged tried convicted of wrongdoing. Without crime they should not do timeNever question anything tumbleweed says or does. He is never wrong. That means he is always right.The tumbleweed HATES the Constitution and wipes his a** with it figuratively daily. You must do the same.The Justice Department is owned and operated by the tumbleweed. He is the sole owner. NEVER QUESTION ITAll you need do to survive is bobblehead your way (up and down..not sideways) through life 24/7. When the tumbleweed speaks smile adoringly and cheer loudly no matter how many times you hear the sameoldsameoldsameold script. HE IS WATCHING YOU. HE IS LISTENING TOO. BE WARNED.Now whether surviving in a tumbleweed-controlled world is worth it is something you have to d... less
Did tumbleweed ACTUALLY SAY"when I TOOK OVER the country" or "when I TOOK OVER the military"?I know he has said "MY GENERALS". Is it his country and his military?A coup by a fat ol... moreDid tumbleweed ACTUALLY SAY"when I TOOK OVER the country" or "when I TOOK OVER the military"?I know he has said "MY GENERALS". Is it his country and his military?A coup by a fat old man whose credentials are anything but auspicious took over the country and the military?It's kinda a long row to hoe for a fat old man who detests exercise because it "takes too much energy". Even so did he hoe it?
Does YOUR head "see" beauty in evil/ugly? Many homo saps' heads do and so is it a birth DEFECT or is it placed upon them after birth as a sacrament to what they are told is "good"?... moreDoes YOUR head "see" beauty in evil/ugly? Many homo saps' heads do and so is it a birth DEFECT or is it placed upon them after birth as a sacrament to what they are told is "good"?Horns and cleft feet and evil pours from the pores of those they worship and adore wherever they go. The DEVILS are out and about knowing full well their worshipful acoylytes will never abandon them. Their followers are delighted and enchanted and hypnotized by the drama and the scale of it. They gladly embrace cheer support thrive on it.A head is a head is a head. What it "sees" and how it "interprets" what it sees will always accrue to their benefit because not one of them can ever admit THEY are evil lovers and swoon at the most grostesque representations of what is allegedly human. You cannot reach them. No point in trying. They are long-since owned by evil and that is the only thing that keeps them alive. Remove the evil and they will shrivel up and die figuratively. Some literally probably mebbe perhaps. And so it goes. less
Which of them has the GREATEST PROPENSITY FOR EVIL?The single-hatred(jews) mustached manThe multiple googolplex hatred(everyone who doesn't kiss his a**) orange manI know this is r... moreWhich of them has the GREATEST PROPENSITY FOR EVIL?The single-hatred(jews) mustached manThe multiple googolplex hatred(everyone who doesn't kiss his a**) orange manI know this is real hard for y'all out there to decide. Take all the time you need to figger it out. Eliminating one section of humanity(Jews) or gunning for all he hates all the time on his own and also at the direction of the world's despot dictators? To date...the press, the Democrats, people of color, political opponents, women, men who don't a**kiss 24/7 and everyone the Putin the Erdogan the Kim the Netanyahu the Assad the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and whomever whispers in his ear like the Stephen Miller order him to attack harm destroy! What a good little boy the tumbleweed is. Admirable ain't he?.I'm sure there are others too but for starters that list will have to do. So Jews (1) vs the others.The tumbleweed is surely many TIMES EVILER than Hitler since the tumbleweed hates despises attacks insults far manier/manyer targets.Do the ma... less
The BAD SEED, the BLACK SHEEP, the TROUBLEMAKER INSTIGATOR PERPETRATOR take up everyone's attention 24/7. Who has time to shepherd the good kids through childhood up to adulthood?W... moreThe BAD SEED, the BLACK SHEEP, the TROUBLEMAKER INSTIGATOR PERPETRATOR take up everyone's attention 24/7. Who has time to shepherd the good kids through childhood up to adulthood?Were YOU the good kid? True or un?
The American tumbleweed is kept very busy kowtowing to and accommodating all the demands of the despot dictators. So far he has done a crackerjack bangup job for all of them. Givin... moreThe American tumbleweed is kept very busy kowtowing to and accommodating all the demands of the despot dictators. So far he has done a crackerjack bangup job for all of them. Giving Putin and Kim and Erdogan and Assad and the Saudi Crown Prince and Netanyahu full support and backing and bits and pieces of what used to be American Democracy. The tumbleweed has not failed any of them at all not even once. A stellar record by any yardstick. For everyone but we the people. SIGH. What a revoltin' development this is! What a mess! What did we do to deserve this? Karma catching up with us? less
*ENFANT TERRIBLEAn incorrigible child as one whose behavior is embarrassingAn outrageously bold or outspoken person or says and does indiscreet or irresponsible thingsA person whos... more*ENFANT TERRIBLEAn incorrigible child as one whose behavior is embarrassingAn outrageously bold or outspoken person or says and does indiscreet or irresponsible thingsA person whose work thought or lifestyle is so unconventional or avant garde as to appear revolutionary or shockingAn old fat man usually is not an enfant terrible. But our ol fat man stopped maturing at the infant toddler hissy fit tantrum stage and what you see/hear is what you get folks. It is unseemly to be most charitable and deadly dangerous to be completely truthful. He has already caused deaths on his watch. More to come? You betcha!What other ENFANT TERRIBLE rulers are there? All dictator despots perhaps? less
Those who ridicule oftenly believe in the tumbleweed!Which believer do you think is gooder and which believer do you think is un? The Unicorn believer or the tumbleweed believer? Why?
When he is forced to put his tail between his legs and crawl away from another stupid dumb idea he finds a way to make himself the victim. He can never take anything like a man. He... moreWhen he is forced to put his tail between his legs and crawl away from another stupid dumb idea he finds a way to make himself the victim. He can never take anything like a man. He can never accept responsibililty for errors mistakes misstatements or lies. A con man who scams every moment of every day. He doesn't know any better. One-tricki pony. One-note Samba. One-hit wonder.
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Our next start dates:Online - December 2, 2019 less
But buissnes buy up all the Patents to stop them being marketed An English guy has invented lightweight aluminum batteries that can power heavy trucks and propeller planes.As ... moreBut buissnes buy up all the Patents to stop them being marketed An English guy has invented lightweight aluminum batteries that can power heavy trucks and propeller planes.As you can imagine, the whole car industry is trying their best to stop him....How many other things are there that's been broughty just so they can't be used...
I dont know what to think about them.In which power(s) do they can 'read your future' ? I dont think they can to a limit, because God is above everything and can change everyt... moreI dont know what to think about them.In which power(s) do they can 'read your future' ? I dont think they can to a limit, because God is above everything and can change everything as He wants .
For a change. We had it with President Obama. MIA since then. It would be quite a nice return to sanity. Now Mayor Pete doesn't have a LOCK on those qualities so maybe anothe... moreFor a change. We had it with President Obama. MIA since then. It would be quite a nice return to sanity. Now Mayor Pete doesn't have a LOCK on those qualities so maybe another one among them will be the ONE! More to come. Stay tuned.
How does $300 HUNDRED MILLION sound so far? By the time the election rolls around if the tumbleweed is still around then it may well could reach A TRILLION to keep them goldens egg... moreHow does $300 HUNDRED MILLION sound so far? By the time the election rolls around if the tumbleweed is still around then it may well could reach A TRILLION to keep them goldens eggs coming to them from their goose. What's the use? Between the foreign nation infiltration and the corruption of our nation a Trillion bucks here or there don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. Right. Sure it don't.Onward upward to ONE TRILLION DOLLARS to elect a goose and various ganders who are prodon copycats.
Or are all liars welcome to spread filth and dung and poop wherever they can get away with it for those who delight in embracing and dining on and forwarding to others filth ... moreOr are all liars welcome to spread filth and dung and poop wherever they can get away with it for those who delight in embracing and dining on and forwarding to others filth dung and poop? Different strokes?
Wouldja return it and say "thanks but no thanks" or make a big deal out of giving it to a charitable cause that trump would abhor like anything to do with helping children dying of... moreWouldja return it and say "thanks but no thanks" or make a big deal out of giving it to a charitable cause that trump would abhor like anything to do with helping children dying of terrible disease? Are you a quiet a**-kicker or do you like everyone to know whose a** you kicked, when, why and when you plan to do it again?
Without pain you could die of something curable. It is a way to prevent bad things from happening.With whistleblowers the country can die of something fixable eliminatable and shin... moreWithout pain you could die of something curable. It is a way to prevent bad things from happening.With whistleblowers the country can die of something fixable eliminatable and shines a light on the wicked.There is no difference in the importance of our survival between the two. That anyone wants to harm attack "out" punish destroy whistleblowers is shocking. Evil. Conscienceless. Unconscionable. Deplorable. DESPICABLE. HORRIBLE. Anyone you know or know of who is exactly like that?
You ask "why lie when the truth is evident"?Why not? What could it hurt? When did a lie ever cause harm? Lying is good for all living things. Lying is positive hopeful helpful gran... moreYou ask "why lie when the truth is evident"?Why not? What could it hurt? When did a lie ever cause harm? Lying is good for all living things. Lying is positive hopeful helpful grand. Lying makes life worth living. Without lying there is no purpose to anything. Lies rock. Liars are rock stars with groupies who are dying to sleep with them.
A Quantas non-stop flight from New York to Sydney, Australia is the longest recorded non-stop flight in history. Quantas is planning more of them.For me it was 5 hours to Honolulu ... moreA Quantas non-stop flight from New York to Sydney, Australia is the longest recorded non-stop flight in history. Quantas is planning more of them.For me it was 5 hours to Honolulu and I thought it would drive me around the bend. Or the 5 hours from L.A. to Long Island, New York. But 3 times plus longer? Not me. No way. You?