Allegedly a group of prodon pol thugs crashed a committee hearing testimony behind closed doors and made a scene beyond anything anyone has ever seen. Bursting in to do what? Cause... moreAllegedly a group of prodon pol thugs crashed a committee hearing testimony behind closed doors and made a scene beyond anything anyone has ever seen. Bursting in to do what? Cause a ruckus? Save the day? Make jacka**es of themselves? They delayed things by their petulant sophomoric adolescent actions. They achieved their goal of getting attention. For the viewing pleasure of motormouth for sure and all the dopey toady sycophants. Stopping a Constitutional activity. Just because they could. Now of course all the prodons were cheering and stomping and shouting and yelling "fight fight fight fight fight". Ya know like little children on a grammar school playground egging on combatants just because it was so exciting. Children in adult bodies stopping adults doing a job they have every right to do. Some spectacle. So they "won". Other than showing us how desperate they are to stop government from working as it should what did they accomplish? We already knew they were dam* fools. Whatever. less
He turned his back on allies and brushed it off by saying they've been fighting for years anywayHe lifted all sanctions on Turkey and gave Erdogan everything he wantedHe single-han... moreHe turned his back on allies and brushed it off by saying they've been fighting for years anywayHe lifted all sanctions on Turkey and gave Erdogan everything he wantedHe single-handedly caused ISIS members to escape since who is there to guard them...they are regrouping nowHe said ISIS is defeated when in fact he has caused a REBIRTH RESURGENCE RESUSCITATING THEMHe has caused ethnic cleansing, deprived Kurds of their homeland and has no regret or remorse about itHe has let other countries know we are not to be trusted. We betray our allies when it suits usHe has ceded power and control to Putin and Erdogan and Assad and all other despot dictators by doing their bidding and then calling it a VICTORY. We know better. So does the world. The dam* fool keeps prancing around like a show horse and taking laps. He is beyond clueless. In the words of JESUS..."forgive them Father for they know not what they do". Forgive him lord for he knows not what he has done. Or does he?What exactly did he WIN that benefits America? less
The trump gave Erdogan everything he wanted including lifting ALL SANCTION and then brags about it as if he won something! How can he be so delusional as that? Obviously he is wire... moreThe trump gave Erdogan everything he wanted including lifting ALL SANCTION and then brags about it as if he won something! How can he be so delusional as that? Obviously he is wired backwards. Is there anyone who rewire him?
Other countries' citizens have access to guns rifles etcetera but they don't KILL ONE ANOTHER at the drop of a hat as Americans do. Why? Anyone have any ideas?Here in America you g... moreOther countries' citizens have access to guns rifles etcetera but they don't KILL ONE ANOTHER at the drop of a hat as Americans do. Why? Anyone have any ideas?Here in America you get angry you shoot someone. We don't have a lock on mental illness. Why do we have a lock on murdering one another?Here in America people are terrified of one another. There is potential death awaiting them around every corner. So they arm themselves to protect themselves against certain death. How does that make any sense?Why are AMERICANS so afraid of everything and everyone all of the time? Scairdy cats. Why are they being raised to see having/owning guns as the only way to be safe? Inculcating fear of "the other" is done by parents to their kids and so they grow up fearful. They respond to anyone who sez he/she will protect them from "the other". Fear terror anxiety spooks them every moment of their lives. Really pathetic but there it is.Many millions of Americans are scairdy cats and don't mind the world knowing it. They obsess ov... less
There must be some sort of filter in their brains that blocks self-knowledge self-awareness. That would make sense in a few but it makes no sense at all when it occurs in multiple ... moreThere must be some sort of filter in their brains that blocks self-knowledge self-awareness. That would make sense in a few but it makes no sense at all when it occurs in multiple millions of people. So it must be a birth defect passed on by parents. How else do you explain the millions of people who see trump as a TRUTHTELLER and VICTIM when in fact he is the exact opposite? It is very puzzling. As if they all live in one of the fun house carnival attractions where all the mirrors distort your appearance. That is their ONLY reality. Distorted. They don't know any better because they refuse to leave the funhouse. They fear what is "out there" and so they bond together and hang together and live together and think together as one. Distortion is their only reality. The only thing they have to cling to so they are impotent to effect any change. All they have to do is WALK OUT OF THE FUN HOUSE and experience reality but they cannot. Fear immobilizes them. SIGH. less
My new favorite Trump burn is the one Colorado's Mayor posted today " Well this is awkward ...Colorado doesn’t border Mexico. Good thing Colorado now offers free full da... moreMy new favorite Trump burn is the one Colorado's Mayor posted today " Well this is awkward ...Colorado doesn’t border Mexico. Good thing Colorado now offers free full day kindergarten so our kids can learn basic geography". At a Conference in Pittsburgh Trump said - "We're building a wall on the border of New Mexico, and we're building a wall in Colorado,". Cheers!
Why are there words and definitions of things in grammar that we use anyway. Who cares what adverbs, diphthongs, participles etc are? Why do they teach that crap? I already know ho... moreWhy are there words and definitions of things in grammar that we use anyway. Who cares what adverbs, diphthongs, participles etc are? Why do they teach that crap? I already know how to speak and write.
Oct. 7th - Trump calls President Erdogan on the same day as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's birthday...Was this a birthday present for Putin?Ukraine Reacts: Trump's Call Is Pu... moreOct. 7th - Trump calls President Erdogan on the same day as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's birthday...Was this a birthday present for Putin?Ukraine Reacts: Trump's Call Is Putin's Victory...
He is stupid, but never when it comes to hiding and lying and paying off people. Just like Jeffrey and Harvey, but he is paying people to shut AMERICANS up.
Taylor told lawmakers that Sondland, a wealthy businessman who donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration, was aware of the demands and later admitted he made a mistake by telling ... moreTaylor told lawmakers that Sondland, a wealthy businessman who donated $1 million to Trump's inauguration, was aware of the demands and later admitted he made a mistake by telling the Ukrainians that military assistance was not contingent on agreeing to Trump's requests.
"In fact, Ambassador Sondland said, 'everything' was dependent on such an announcement, including the security assistance," Taylor recalled.
"Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelenskyy to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election," Taylor said about a Sept. 1 phone call between them.
Taylor apparently kept detailed records of conversati less
Ivana says TRUMP raped her after she had incorrectly chosen a hair dresser that ruined his hair. Well, that's fair, right? Rape for a bad hair-do. He ca... moreIvana says TRUMP raped her after she had incorrectly chosen a hair dresser that ruined his hair. Well, that's fair, right? Rape for a bad hair-do. He can rape who he chooses it seems. E. Jean Carroll feels it is too late to speak up further now. But she lays it out what happened in her book and it is exactly what he says he did to women on that Access Hollywood tape. This rape occurred years before that tape. And E. Jean told several close to her at the time what happened.
But there are two men, she writes, whom she wishes she’d spoken about sooner. One is a camp director who repeatedly molested her when she was twelve. The other is Donald Trump. The incident happened in the fall of 1995 or the spring of 1996, she writes. She and Trump ran into each other at Bergdorf Goodman; Trump convinced her to help him shop for a present in the lingerie department; Carroll—“and as I write this, I am staggered by my stupidity,” she state... less
Any oldtimers out there who remember CANDID CAMERA?Could all of this be a very lengthy episode of being fooled into thinking any of this was real? Know what I mean?
The motormouth does that each time he brings up President Obama or Hillary Clinton. The vast distance between him and them is never more obvious than when he drags them to center s... moreThe motormouth does that each time he brings up President Obama or Hillary Clinton. The vast distance between him and them is never more obvious than when he drags them to center stage once again to be in the spotlight. Compare and contrast them with him. He insists upon it. He cannot help himself. His obsession is constant and is killing him. A confident man would let it stay in the past and move forward without dragging all that baggage forward. He will continue his quest to be best. Poor soul.
You also know that the moon landing was a hoax that the earth is flat and if you go too far you will fall off the edge and that the earth is the center of the universe and is only ... moreYou also know that the moon landing was a hoax that the earth is flat and if you go too far you will fall off the edge and that the earth is the center of the universe and is only 6000 years old because the Bible tells you so. Correct? I thought so.
Companies fold and are bought out. People move on to other jobs. Employees often stay and pray nothing significant will change. I know change will occur but should it always be at ... moreCompanies fold and are bought out. People move on to other jobs. Employees often stay and pray nothing significant will change. I know change will occur but should it always be at the expense of the employees? Should there be some change-sharing that goes on to give the employees some faith in their newly acquired company leaders or their new boss? I know bottom line profit matters to investors. But so too does being fair to the people there. Where is that line?
HenchmanAn unscrupulous and ruthless subordinate, especially a CRIMINALAn unscrupulous supporter or ADHERENT OF A POLITICAL FIGURE OR CAUSE ESPECIALLY ONE MOTIVATED BY POLITICAL GA... moreHenchmanAn unscrupulous and ruthless subordinate, especially a CRIMINALAn unscrupulous supporter or ADHERENT OF A POLITICAL FIGURE OR CAUSE ESPECIALLY ONE MOTIVATED BY POLITICAL GAIN.Synonyms.FLUNKY LACKEY COHORTLittle pols hench for bigger pols and bigger pols hench for foreign countries' pols. The biggest hench for the biggest whales and lots of them end up in jails.A portent of things to come? All motormouth employees hench for him. Supporters do two to too. The motormouth henches for Putin and Erdogan and Kim and the Saudi Crown Prince and anyone else anytime else anywhere else who smiles at him and tells him how beautiful he and how smart and how wise.Political life is rife with henches of all genders. Purebreeds and mixed breeds. Y'all come back here ya hear?. less
Does the guilt then rest on the conscience of the priest who does what with it? Ask GOD to pray for the souls of both the murderer and murdered? Is the priest left with any guilt a... moreDoes the guilt then rest on the conscience of the priest who does what with it? Ask GOD to pray for the souls of both the murderer and murdered? Is the priest left with any guilt about anything or is he also absolved after he prays to GOD? Where does the victim get justice in this? How many times can a murderer confess a murder to a priest and be absolved? Once a week? Is there a limit to it beyond which a priest may then report it to the authorities? It is a very confusing thing for outsiders to understand. I expect those who grow up with it have no problem with it.Same thing with deathbed confessions. Are those who say they are very sorry and regret very much the evil they did and seem sincere are they forgiven their sins and go to heaven with a cleansed soul and conscience? What does the priest do with that information? Pray for his soul and then move on to minister to another penitent? It seems like an automatic production line where every part does the same thing every time with the same outcome. Cranking o... less
As for the brainwashed. Do they KNOW what was done to them or do they believe whatever they "think" is entirely due to them?WHO ARE YOU? Where does the knowledge to answer that que... moreAs for the brainwashed. Do they KNOW what was done to them or do they believe whatever they "think" is entirely due to them?WHO ARE YOU? Where does the knowledge to answer that question come from? WHY ARE YOU? Harder to answer in every sense but the physical. WHY ARE YOU AS YOU ARE AND NOT ELSEWISE?
We hear that it will "prejudice" a case.How can PROVABLE TRUTH be prejudicial when it is ACTUAL EVIDENCE BASED ON FACT?Lies are prejudicial but they are told all the time. A lie is... moreWe hear that it will "prejudice" a case.How can PROVABLE TRUTH be prejudicial when it is ACTUAL EVIDENCE BASED ON FACT?Lies are prejudicial but they are told all the time. A lie is not an equivalent to a truth.
Since the motormouth has been guilty as charged of everything of which he is charged he is very good at turning things around and accusing others of what he is guilty of over and o... moreSince the motormouth has been guilty as charged of everything of which he is charged he is very good at turning things around and accusing others of what he is guilty of over and over and over and over and over again ad nauseum ad infinitum ad absurdum!Yet y'all keep buying that same old crap. Sheesh. Y'all are VERY SLOW LEARNERS.
That's what the jacka** said. Even if true the Ukrainians were UNAWARE THAT AID WAS BEING WITHHELD so since they were unaware there is nothing there.UNAWARE? This is how low they g... moreThat's what the jacka** said. Even if true the Ukrainians were UNAWARE THAT AID WAS BEING WITHHELD so since they were unaware there is nothing there.UNAWARE? This is how low they go and the bonkers gibberish they expect people to accept. Some of you do. I can't help you with that. Wish to he** I could but I can't. SIGH.
Pence sez "we're gonna fight it with the truth"! What "it"? William Taylor's testimony! TRUTH they're gonna fight. SURPRISED? Of course you aren't. TRUTH IS ANATHEMA TO ALL&n... morePence sez "we're gonna fight it with the truth"! What "it"? William Taylor's testimony! TRUTH they're gonna fight. SURPRISED? Of course you aren't. TRUTH IS ANATHEMA TO ALL OF THEM. TRUTH WILL KILL THEM. The mike pounce sez William Taylor is swampy. Which means his chooser mikepompousa** is also swampy too. N'est-ce pas mon ami?ALLEGEDLY Mike Pompousa** asked William Taylor to come out of retirement to take the job he holds now. You read that right. Would pompousa** be next on the motormouth "kill the bas**rd" list? Whatcha think? Why?Renegade deep-state operatives. EVERYONE who dares speak TRUTH TO POWER. The motormouth is at full twit as he tweets his rage outrage furiosity and accuses all truthtellers of being evil and liars. Cheeky twit. Who is gonna believe that twit? less
Methinks if so HE is not well-pleased with themLong ago GOD told us that "revenge is mine" saith the Lord.How will HE take revenge on them who blaspheme HIM by their support of mot... moreMethinks if so HE is not well-pleased with themLong ago GOD told us that "revenge is mine" saith the Lord.How will HE take revenge on them who blaspheme HIM by their support of motormouth?Praying to GOD while you simultaneously worship motormouth, the spawn of the devil? Seriously? What is wrong with that picture?.
We already know they are the lowest of the low and snakes have nothing on them as they crawl on their bellies through the muck and scum and slime. Low profile. Keeping a low profil... moreWe already know they are the lowest of the low and snakes have nothing on them as they crawl on their bellies through the muck and scum and slime. Low profile. Keeping a low profile hoping you just fuggeddabbout! Right. You betcha. Will do. Over and out. The rudyg is axed. Then there were were two. Which of them gets axed next? Oh of course mike mulvaney has to go. But he is very liddle fish compared to the two sharks who are faking it. And the big whale? The motormouth of course. How do you beach a whale? Remove the water from his environment or REMOVE HIM to dry land. How do we do that? Stay tuned. They are working on it! :) less
What could it hurt? That I can tell you. Everyone says so! MAKE AMERICA GRATEFUL AGAIN. Get rid of the bum NOW. Fill in the details later. You down with it, up with it or sideways?