I say the US of A. The motormouth gubment alone would be enormously crooked corrupt criminal treasonous traitorous.That way we could have all the snakes and scum and vermin gathere... moreI say the US of A. The motormouth gubment alone would be enormously crooked corrupt criminal treasonous traitorous.That way we could have all the snakes and scum and vermin gathered together to play together pray together conspire together dine together and supine together and well "have at it" together. Mixed genders of course. Guys and gals, sirs and dames, men and women, males and females. They could musical chairs their time together. Do si do and away we go.They'd be fed and clothed and housed (incarcerated) for life. The guards would do nothing to prevent them from doing anything they want to one another. Might is right you see. Where would be the best place to have that enormous prison in YOUR country? In the capital or out in the boonies somewhere? less
To draw a parallel.The milk (motormouth) was spoiled from day one. The cacophony of defenders of that spoiled milk are now spending all their time attacking the packaging(process) ... moreTo draw a parallel.The milk (motormouth) was spoiled from day one. The cacophony of defenders of that spoiled milk are now spending all their time attacking the packaging(process) and defending the milk as being good pure healthy maligned. We can smell the stench of the spoiled milk but they insist it is all in our heads. The milk is as pure and innocent as the driven snow and GOD is there alongside them to protect it.So now until the spoiled milk is discarded that is how they will spend their days. There is no defending the milk*motormouth) so all they can do is attack how it is packaged(the Constitutional right of Congress). That's what caused the adolescent pimply faced hormone driven lustful toady sycophants to break into a closed-door investigation, order pizza and frat boy Animal House their way through it for hours. They even got an "atta boys" tweet of appreciation from the spoiled milk for doing what they did. Expect more of the same. Betcha you can't wait. Me too neither. less
uncovered any leads, I’ve put in hours and hours on this one, I practically never go home, and now I’m THIS close to solving the whole thing ! You can&r... moreuncovered any leads, I’ve put in hours and hours on this one, I practically never go home, and now I’m THIS close to solving the whole thing ! You can’t do this to me, Captain, you just can’t! Grrrrrrrrrr. ~
Democrats have no problem with chemically castrating, surgically mutilating or murdering their children immediately after birth.But spanking them is considered “child abuse.”
This is for all you educated people that think uneducated people are dumb. Let's see how this works out for you and your family if this country keeps pushing for socialism.CRITICAL... moreThis is for all you educated people that think uneducated people are dumb. Let's see how this works out for you and your family if this country keeps pushing for socialism.CRITICAL LIFE LESSON ."Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"..There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the professor noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime. In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked: "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. "You catch wild pigs by finding a ... less
My wife cooked, on electric indoor grill, a couple of tri-tips that I had dry-rubbed two days earlier. It was better than any I had ever had in a restaurant or cooked myself.
Donald Trump Jr has a knack for landing himself in hot water
This article is more than 3 years old AND HE HAS ONLY GOTTEN MORE STUPID AND BOORISH
... moreDonald Trump Jr has a knack for landing himself in hot water
This article is more than 3 years old AND HE HAS ONLY GOTTEN MORE STUPID AND BOORISH
The Republican nominee’s son caused a stir this week by comparing refugees to candy, hardly the first time he has offended people with his opinions
Tue 20 Sep 2016 16.39 EDTLast modified on Fri 9 Feb 2018 14.06 EST
Donald Trump Jr delivers a speech on behalf of his father as he campaigns at the Neshoba County fair in Philadelphia, Mississippi, in July. Photograph: Keith Warren/AP
Donald J Trump Jr, the son of Republican nominee Donald J Trump, has been criticised for comparing Syrian refugees to Skittles, in unfavourable terms.
It is the first time Trump Jr – a surrogate for his father’s presidential campaign – has specifically compared people seeking asylum from a war-torn country to candy.
But it is far from the first time Trump Jr has upset large swathes of the popu... less
By this I don't mean physically - we all know it's easy peasy to post links... but don't you find that those posts tend to be the least *popular*? I wonder why.. .it's like p... moreBy this I don't mean physically - we all know it's easy peasy to post links... but don't you find that those posts tend to be the least *popular*? I wonder why.. .it's like people are always keen to share the music they love, but mostly people aren't interested? Am I wrong? I love hearing new music but I am not sure many others really love exploring new sounds?
I copied and pasted this...THIS IS SO WORTH READING....???? Be sure to share with those children & friends that "feel the need" to follow GRETA and just what all that entails..... ... moreI copied and pasted this...THIS IS SO WORTH READING....???? Be sure to share with those children & friends that "feel the need" to follow GRETA and just what all that entails..... A friend of mine posted this the other day. Thanks Carla...After our daughter of fifteen years of age was moved to tears by the speech of Greta Thunberg at the UN the other day, she became angry with our generation “who had been doing nothing for thirty years.”So, we decided to help her prevent what the girl on TV announced of “massive eradication and the disappearance of entire ecosystems.”We are now committed to give our daughter a future again, by doing our part to help cool the planet four degrees.From now on she will go to school on a bicycle, because driving her by car costs fuel, and fuel puts emissions into the atmosphere. Of course it will be winter soon and then she will want to go by bus, but only as long as it is a diesel bus.Somehow, that does not seem to be conducive to ‘helping the Climate&r... less
Fer gooness sakes y'all the very being of liddlebillybarr mike pompousa** rudyg is dependent on SAVING motormouth from all incoming fire. NO MATTER WHAT. You think they are gonna r... moreFer gooness sakes y'all the very being of liddlebillybarr mike pompousa** rudyg is dependent on SAVING motormouth from all incoming fire. NO MATTER WHAT. You think they are gonna race his WRATH by doing the right thing? Sheesh boy are you ever dumbunnies if you do.
Or wouldja be embarrassed ashamed humiliated because what you could get away with as a kid (when you don't know any better) you can't away with as an adult(when you do or SHOULD kn... moreOr wouldja be embarrassed ashamed humiliated because what you could get away with as a kid (when you don't know any better) you can't away with as an adult(when you do or SHOULD know better)?The barging-in prodon pols who forced their way into a closed-door investigation made dam* fools of themselves! THERE WERE REPUBLICANS IN THE ROOM PARTICIPATING IN THE INVESTIGATION! THERE ARE ALWAYS CLOSED-DOOR SESSIONS WHEN CLASSIFIED SENSITIVE INFORMATION MAY BE DISCLOSED.But the MAIN reason it was a closed door session was because if it were out in the open then other witnesses would be able to coordinate their testimony with that of others which means they could be COLLUDING to tell a story that isn't true. You don't interview witnesses in front of other witnesses. Anybody KNOWS that. These goofballs thought they'd get brownie points with motormouth and maybe they did but they also made dam* fools of themselves and showed egregioius contempt and disrespect for the process. Dumbbells the lot of them. Will they do it agai... less
Of course we know that the mercurial guy sez he is an extremely STABLE genius and a source profound wisdom. Why would he lie?Mercury in fish is undesirable. Mercury is the only ele... moreOf course we know that the mercurial guy sez he is an extremely STABLE genius and a source profound wisdom. Why would he lie?Mercury in fish is undesirable. Mercury is the only element that is liquid at room temperature. Is it considered to be very unstable?What are advantages and dis of mercury or mercurial?
That "a sitting president cannot be prosecuted even if he shoots someone." Really? Just injured not murdered? What if the shot hits the spine and paralyzes the victim? What if the ... moreThat "a sitting president cannot be prosecuted even if he shoots someone." Really? Just injured not murdered? What if the shot hits the spine and paralyzes the victim? What if the shot kills the target so the prez is now a MURDERER? A president is IMMUNE from being held accountable for his actions while he is the president is what the core of the argument is.The Constitution DOES NOT STATE THAT.DESPERATION surely is the "reasoning" behind that absurd statement. Or the gamble that since people have already accepted the motormouth's obscene corrupt criminal evildoing what's maiming someone for life or murdering someone gonna matter?Motormouth BRAGGED that he could shoot someone and would not lose a vote. You included? Why is that exactly? That whatever he does is automatically okay with you no matter what? What if he rapes your daughter? That okay with you too? less
Yep. Potential supporters realize the extent to which motormouth was willing to go to get fake dirt on Biden's son because motormouth is absolutely TERRIFIED of Joe! Not good motor... moreYep. Potential supporters realize the extent to which motormouth was willing to go to get fake dirt on Biden's son because motormouth is absolutely TERRIFIED of Joe! Not good motormouth. Not good. You show your tells very well repeatedly. Folks who are astute which you are not pick up on that and go with it. You are the instrument of your own downfall. No one does it better than you do. Who do? You do. Keep it up. It's working well for Biden. Free publicity.
Absurd? Ridikkalus? Blasphemous?I don't think so. EVANGELICALS are in love with trump and don't mind the evil he is has done is doing will do. Do you really think GOD scolding them... moreAbsurd? Ridikkalus? Blasphemous?I don't think so. EVANGELICALS are in love with trump and don't mind the evil he is has done is doing will do. Do you really think GOD scolding them would change their minds? No. They are CERTAIN he is sent by GOD and so even when GOD HIMSELF tells them they are wrong they will not believe HIM. The poison of belief has penetrated every cell and is irreversible. Think Evangelicals will roast in He**? I dunno. That's up to GOD not me. I know I wouldn't want to be one of 'em. FER SHURE! less
He tweets that the Dem case is dead. It was never better. Ever.What do you believe? His words or the mountains of corroborated INFORMATION UNDER OATH that sez otherwise?How l... moreHe tweets that the Dem case is dead. It was never better. Ever.What do you believe? His words or the mountains of corroborated INFORMATION UNDER OATH that sez otherwise?How long are YOU going to believe his lies not your own eyes? Is that wise?
More harm than good?A perfect vehicle for terrorists to communicate with one another and political LIARS to spread lies and foreign gubments to infiltrate and trick gullibles. Terr... moreMore harm than good?A perfect vehicle for terrorists to communicate with one another and political LIARS to spread lies and foreign gubments to infiltrate and trick gullibles. Terrible has already happened. FAR WORSE is still to come.Will the legacy of internet be as deplorable as the Atomic Bomb?Or are homo saps delighted when more harm than good is done? Are homo saps evil at the core and eventually the evil is released as is being done in the current reality? Lots more evil ahead. Celebrate come on let's go. less
I presume motormouth started off as a homo sap and somewhere along the line his dna got mixed in with a monstrous thing and he morphed into it. No going back. It is what it is.
One asks how defiance keeps growing as THE DEFIANT ONES are caught, mounted on slides and examined under the microscope. Obliviously unaware of their circumstances. Specimens/smatt... moreOne asks how defiance keeps growing as THE DEFIANT ONES are caught, mounted on slides and examined under the microscope. Obliviously unaware of their circumstances. Specimens/smatterings of what tried to be something that MATTERED. They are as clueless as motormouth. He is a specimen too fully examined on a slide under a micrscope by his makers/enablers/facilitators. The only ones who know what is going on are those who observe from afar and pull the strings of the puppet things trapped on glass forever. The specimens have no idea at all. less
What is LIKABLE about motormouth? What is admirable desirable respectable inspirational devotional spiritual authentic? Yet millions LOVE 'em. Go figger!