Wellthe very bigliest putdown was when he said he could go out and shoot someone and they'd be okay with it. They would not abandon him. They would stick by him. A coldhearted cold... moreWellthe very bigliest putdown was when he said he could go out and shoot someone and they'd be okay with it. They would not abandon him. They would stick by him. A coldhearted coldblooded shooter/murderer is okay with them per him. He said so so he must know.But for me personally that would be a very low blow. For them the faithful it don't matter no how no way how he insults them denigrates them embarrasses them undermines them sabotages them he owns them. Now THAT is UNCONDITIONAL LOYALTY.The person you are loyal too RIDICULES YOU and don't take no offense. He gotcha! less
The Putin has a lapdogpuppet on his lap(tumbleweed).The Putin lapdogpuppet has a lapdogpuppet on HIS lap(liddlebillybarr).The Putin lapdogpuppet with the lapdogpuppet has a lapdogp... moreThe Putin has a lapdogpuppet on his lap(tumbleweed).The Putin lapdogpuppet has a lapdogpuppet on HIS lap(liddlebillybarr).The Putin lapdogpuppet with the lapdogpuppet has a lapdogpuppet on HIS lap(mikepompousa**)The Putin lapdogpuppet with the lapdoggpuppet with the lapdogpuppet with the lapdogpuppet(rudyg) has two lapdogpuppets...the two Ukrainians one of whom paid rudyg $500,000 large.And so on and so on and so on.Very clever how they fit inside one another so easily on and on and on ad infinitumNow you get a prize if you can guess the total number of lapdogpuppets there are in the world of tumbleweed. The prize is a surprise. less
Undo the entirety of the investigation into the Russian meddling.Thassit! The whole enchilada. So the liddlebillybarr lapdog puppet travels the worlds to find any way he can to att... moreUndo the entirety of the investigation into the Russian meddling.Thassit! The whole enchilada. So the liddlebillybarr lapdog puppet travels the worlds to find any way he can to attack the origin of the investigation with the goal of rendering all of invalid and thereby freeing all the corrup criminals in prison right now and suspending any imprison of anyone futurely.What else does the lapdog puppet have to be but be a good obedience liddle lapdog puppet.
Get Hunter Biden for his Ukraine association! When was Hunter Biden a president who asked a foreign country for a favor to help the asker win an election he could not possibly... moreGet Hunter Biden for his Ukraine association! When was Hunter Biden a president who asked a foreign country for a favor to help the asker win an election he could not possibly win on his own? Exactly what date what foreign leader and what presidential election?Wait a dam* minit you 3 dingbat dumbbells. The tumbleweed, the mike pompousa** and liddle billybarr specifically. WHAT ABOUT YOURS? WHADDABOUT YORES? WHADDABBOUT IT?Ya think people are so stupid dumb they are going to focus on the tail of the elephant when all of the rest of it belongs to all of you? The elephant that is crushing our democracy by simply resting its a** on our country? You really do think you are going to get away with distract deny insult accuse? Boy y'all really are that stupid dumb aren'tcha? less
Her practices were found to be RISKY NOT MALICIOUS.So now is the tumbleweed gonna go way way back and resuscitate Whitewater in his obsessive fanatic lust to "get something" on Hil... moreHer practices were found to be RISKY NOT MALICIOUS.So now is the tumbleweed gonna go way way back and resuscitate Whitewater in his obsessive fanatic lust to "get something" on Hillary Clinton? Why not? What could it hurt?
Those who find life meaningless and don't appreciate it nor are they grateful for it can give it to someone who is fighting to stay alive.What would be so wrong about doing that? T... moreThose who find life meaningless and don't appreciate it nor are they grateful for it can give it to someone who is fighting to stay alive.What would be so wrong about doing that? The unappreciative could go away from life and know that they provided more of it to someone who truly valued it. Say a mom of 4 kids who was fighting cancer. Give her those extra years so she could be there for her kids until they were grown.What could it hurt to do that? You are not stealing anything from anyone. The person who gets no joy in life can give those years to someone who will use them for good reason.Now character counts. We would not want to give evildoers who were dying longer lives to do more evil.The UNIVERSE or HEAVEN or GOD would have to get involved. Vetting of potential recipients of extra years would be thorough. We would not let any despot dictator evil cruel racist bigot murderer treasonous traitor sneak through.In the world of WHAT IF why not this? less
Remember the BAR SCENE in Star Wars where all the weird creatures from all the various worlds gathered together to get drunk as skunks?A Norman Rockwell cover it wasn't.MAD MAGAZIN... moreRemember the BAR SCENE in Star Wars where all the weird creatures from all the various worlds gathered together to get drunk as skunks?A Norman Rockwell cover it wasn't.MAD MAGAZINE?Do you not see the similarity of what we have now as our tumbleweed cabal et al "gubment" and what was created in fantasy once upon a time long long long ago in a universe that was far far far far away?
The extreme right-wing nimnut crackpot conspiracy theory imbeciles. Yep. The liddlebillybarr is following every nitwit halfwit dimrit up every torturously crooked path to find that... moreThe extreme right-wing nimnut crackpot conspiracy theory imbeciles. Yep. The liddlebillybarr is following every nitwit halfwit dimrit up every torturously crooked path to find that smoking gun which will completely vindicate Russia and the tumbleweed's toady sycophants who are currently serving terms in prison for corruption and criminal behavior.There are lots of them So when liddlebillybarr eradicates everything that was done he will have to undo undue those consequent punishments too and that will take up a lot of time. Time is not his friend.If you think this is an appropriate way to spend your tax dollars please say AYE. If not well what can you do when the investigator himself (liddle billybarr) is fueled by crackpots energized by wingnuts driven by fruitcake ingredients and is the biggest nut of all except for the tumbleweed?Now liddlebillybarr theoretically is one heckuva smart accomplished talented respected guy. IN WHAT UNIVERSE? Lookingglass? Rabbit hole? Oz? less
The tumbleweed said there'd be a pause a cease fire but actually currently Turkey is using that pause to clean out (tumbleweed's words) northern Syria. Ethnic cleanse. Murder.Seems... moreThe tumbleweed said there'd be a pause a cease fire but actually currently Turkey is using that pause to clean out (tumbleweed's words) northern Syria. Ethnic cleanse. Murder.Seems to me the tumbleweed OWES US A defeat lap a FAILURE lap or perhaps just a LIAR lap.
You betcha! When the innards are crippled and hobbled and bent over and ugly things like truth and justice and goodness are non-existent and targets for extinction obliteration.So ... moreYou betcha! When the innards are crippled and hobbled and bent over and ugly things like truth and justice and goodness are non-existent and targets for extinction obliteration.So you see we ought always elect the straight as an arrow wartless upright do rights and eschew what we have now. Unless you love it so much you refuse to give it up. Do ya?
I suppose some are never potty trained and so they wear diapers their entire lives. Some folks are incontinent and that is not their fault. But some aren't and still pantypoop and ... moreI suppose some are never potty trained and so they wear diapers their entire lives. Some folks are incontinent and that is not their fault. But some aren't and still pantypoop and think how grand it is. Different strokes. Like pulling troops out of Syria was a big pantypoop which the tumbleweed for some reason thinks is worth bragging about. Do you?
Oprah Magazine wants me back real bad.The newsstand cover price is $4.99 per issue. They sent the November issue as an enticement with an invoiceSo a one-year subscription PLUS A F... moreOprah Magazine wants me back real bad.The newsstand cover price is $4.99 per issue. They sent the November issue as an enticement with an invoiceSo a one-year subscription PLUS A FREE TOTE BAG (I've lost count how many of those I have)will cost me the price of$8! How many of you out there got the same offer? How many of you are gonna bite and resubscribe?Could you pass up such a deal?When was the last time you got an offer you couldn't refuse? Which was?
One's ability to assess determine evaluate is limited by one's ability to think clearly LOGICALLY 24/7. DC thinking not AC. You don't be smart and dumb and smart and dumb and smart... moreOne's ability to assess determine evaluate is limited by one's ability to think clearly LOGICALLY 24/7. DC thinking not AC. You don't be smart and dumb and smart and dumb and smart and dumb. It isn't alternating current intellectually. You are or you aren't. On or Off. Now even the smartest among us can be wrong about things. Not so much because how they think is faulty but how data is presented. If you buy a lie because it was so convincing it doesn't mean you're dumb it just means you missed something or you were provided with false information. However if you continue being wrong as your standard everyday ordinary typical MO and doing so is not an anomaly then well maybe you aren't as smart as you think you are. It happens. less
A POWERFUL WOMAN. The only one with figurative you-know-whats stood up to the builly man and told him he was wrong! Many of the men looked down at their manicures too shamed to loo... moreA POWERFUL WOMAN. The only one with figurative you-know-whats stood up to the builly man and told him he was wrong! Many of the men looked down at their manicures too shamed to look up at the Speaker. All of them were dumbfounded that a WOMAN would have the final word and be photographed giving the prez HE**!Now here's the kicker which will tell about the self-awareness of the tumbleweed. HE IS THE ONE WHO RELEASED THE PHOTO BELIEVING IT MADE THE POWERFUL WOMAN look bad. I know it is unbelievable to realize how stupid dumb he is. He keeps stepping in his own sh** and blames everyone for it. Clueless oaf.This photo will be forever shown generation after generation after generation. Like the statue of raising the flag at Iwo Jima!How many words is that photo worth? As many as all the words in all the books that will be written about it and all the words that will be spoken about it and all the words that occur to those who look at it and understand full well the meaning of what they see.All hail to Nancy Pelosi! W... less
Programming people to believe what you tell them to believe is so easy to do providing the ones you program are the gullibles, the conspiracy theory advocates, the deep dark state ... moreProgramming people to believe what you tell them to believe is so easy to do providing the ones you program are the gullibles, the conspiracy theory advocates, the deep dark state believers, the anti-goods and pro-awfuls. They are just waiting to be programmed so they can go out and multiply and spread the word and destroy. Mindless. No opinions. No conscience. No guilt. No judgment. No cognitive functions that are independent of how they are programmed. Human computers. Flesh and blood. Millions of them. Who repairs them when they break down? less
Eye of the beholder of course of course of course.Now does your eye behold what's there, what you are told is there, what you wish were there? Unless you take an eye exam you will ... moreEye of the beholder of course of course of course.Now does your eye behold what's there, what you are told is there, what you wish were there? Unless you take an eye exam you will never know. ALSO AND MOST IMPORTANTLYthe person administering the eye exam must be on the straight and narrow up and up because if he/she/it/they are not then whatever they tell you will be what they want you to think and now what really is. How would you know the difference?
This is what we would have been given had there actually been a valid honest search.A list of the places that were being considered...their locations and what it would have cost to... moreThis is what we would have been given had there actually been a valid honest search.A list of the places that were being considered...their locations and what it would have cost to hold the G7 thereA list of pros and cons for each placeSo we could see the PROOF EVIDENCE FACTS TRUTH and agree that of all of them DORAL WAS IN FACT BEST.But since it was all bogus and fictional and fake to begin with there was no such reporting to the American people. There was just a backing down. More to come. More backing down. Less doubling down. Boring one-trick pony. less
The LIE was that his teams scoured the country and investigated 12 places none of which could hold a candle to DORAL. What bullsh**! Then all of a sudden it dawns on him that Camp ... moreThe LIE was that his teams scoured the country and investigated 12 places none of which could hold a candle to DORAL. What bullsh**! Then all of a sudden it dawns on him that Camp David might be a swell place to hold it?C'mon!
That one time the tumbleweed was honest. He was showing us exactly what to expect from him and when he took over or was installed well everything has gone DOWNHILL ever since! He h... moreThat one time the tumbleweed was honest. He was showing us exactly what to expect from him and when he took over or was installed well everything has gone DOWNHILL ever since! He has kept his unspoken word. No upside since. Not one. Going down down down down.I wonder. If he had only taken that elevator GOING UP what would have become of him as prez and us and our country and the Constitution and our place in the world?
The less there is there the more it costs?Okay let's take that a step further. A prez who is shredded when you purchase (elect) him is already missing a lot. What makes such a prez... moreThe less there is there the more it costs?Okay let's take that a step further. A prez who is shredded when you purchase (elect) him is already missing a lot. What makes such a prez more worthwhile than one that isn't shredded? The shredding isn't just physical sad to say. It's emotional intellectual spiritual as well. More is missing than there. Why buy what isn't when you could have bought what is? Makes no sense to me to buy what should be trashed discarded rejected but homo saps do so all the time. A species DEFECT of homo saps? less
If he had not hired corrupt people to work with him to shred the Constitution but hired capable honest honorable people to uphold it might we have forgiven his conceits because his... moreIf he had not hired corrupt people to work with him to shred the Constitution but hired capable honest honorable people to uphold it might we have forgiven his conceits because his heart was in the right place? Being super conceited doesn't necessarily mean you are dishonest or cruel or evil or heartless. Of course that is a "what if" that is truly hard to imagine. Even so, WHAT IF?
If there had been NO foreign gubments infiltrating and misdirecting and lying and faking and setting up the gullibles and the vote had been untainted how much would the trump have ... moreIf there had been NO foreign gubments infiltrating and misdirecting and lying and faking and setting up the gullibles and the vote had been untainted how much would the trump have lost by d'ya think? Of couse that is pure guesswork since we will never know. The templates are not honed and refined and fixed so we get to go through this all over again unless of course the impeach/remove occurs before November 2020.