Of the 11 other places looked at in ten states per the press secretary spokesmouth every team that was sent out to scout came back saying DORAL was the best. What did it cost to se... moreOf the 11 other places looked at in ten states per the press secretary spokesmouth every team that was sent out to scout came back saying DORAL was the best. What did it cost to send them out and pay for travel lodging food? Who cares right? Anything trump wants is OK. Of course she could be lying. Mebbe nothing else was ever considered and there were no teams. So she lies as good as the old hats do. Don't hate her because she is stupid. They all are or they would not be servicing a thing like trump. Seriously. You don't expect any intelligent talented person to grovel like that to a madman do you and belly crawl 24/7?They do not tell you what other places they visited. Perhaps if they in fact exist they would be the following:DisneyworldDisneylandMagic CastleMovieland Wax MuseumMcDonald's in the City of Brotherly LoveChuckee Cheese in a Wisconsin City of course..vat elsseTaco Bell in Harlem or Watts...score big points with African Americans and LatinoslChick Fil A (staunch extreme right-wing conservatives)---an... less
Should we confer medals on, award prizes to the very best liars? Make it an American honor to be so designated? Write instruction manuals that must be memorized to educate natural ... moreShould we confer medals on, award prizes to the very best liars? Make it an American honor to be so designated? Write instruction manuals that must be memorized to educate natural truthtellers about the error of their ways and give them a roadway to a life of lies...gorgeous lies..fabulous lies...brilliant lies...genius lies...profoundly wise lies?
Some believe they have a right to do whatever they can however they can as long as they can get away with it and anyone who doesn't do likewise is a dam* fool.What kind are you? "R... moreSome believe they have a right to do whatever they can however they can as long as they can get away with it and anyone who doesn't do likewise is a dam* fool.What kind are you? "Right is always righter than wrong" or "wrong rules rocks rolls and I will too?"You see nothing wrong with anything anyone does to get more because well you admire them for it.Living life on the edge is not my cuppa tea but apparently it rocks for many. Why I do not know. Do you?
They never get around to answering the very simple question. They get all caught up in all the permutations and iterations and other possibilities, many of which have zero to do wi... moreThey never get around to answering the very simple question. They get all caught up in all the permutations and iterations and other possibilities, many of which have zero to do with anything. It's as if you give them a simple melody and they go off on a riff to places unknown and not useful.Is it a strength or defect to analyze a thing to death before you even deal with what it is in its simplest form? Is that a sign of high intelligence or confusion or a lack of ability to communicate? I dunno.
You sent me a message about my remarks on here. ???I hope you read the remarks sent my way. That is all I have to say, but can we fix this Personal Message thing?
The gubment is chickensh** because they lied and lied and lied and got tired of being challenegd and called out on it. They could have decided to do the proper appropriate intellig... moreThe gubment is chickensh** because they lied and lied and lied and got tired of being challenegd and called out on it. They could have decided to do the proper appropriate intelligent adult thing and have Press Briefings daily and answer TRUTHFULLY. But they ran away with their tails between their legs because no one there dared face valid questions. They Faux News Sean Hannity everything because there are no hardball questions. They probably are told the questions to ask in advance and never stray from the rigid demand. The trump et al have single handedly shown us how afraid they are of being asked questions and having it be televised so that millions of people can watch the lies and dancing and spinning and insulting. The current gubment of the trump can't handle them. So they don't. Give up when you aren't up to the challenge. That's what cowards do. Losers too. less
OR ALTERNATIVELY without our guns we'd no doubt rank much higher?Having more guns clearly doesn't make us more safe. What does it do for you?Canada is ranked SIXTH on the list of s... moreOR ALTERNATIVELY without our guns we'd no doubt rank much higher?Having more guns clearly doesn't make us more safe. What does it do for you?Canada is ranked SIXTH on the list of safest countries. I always knew Canadians were a lot smarter than Americans. 116 other countries are too. Way smarter. We're mediocre at best. Get over it if you thought any differently!
Ya know one of the trump goals is to be a trillionaire off your backs using your tax dollars as your prez. Do you share in that goal? If so well hang on you're gonna get taken for ... moreYa know one of the trump goals is to be a trillionaire off your backs using your tax dollars as your prez. Do you share in that goal? If so well hang on you're gonna get taken for everything ya got because he wants it he needs it he will take it and who will stop him? However if there is a line you will not tolerate being crossed and he crossed it why not say so? Stand up be brave speak your truth. Or will other prodons turn on you and punish you and MAKE YOU PAY? :)
Or are ya all on board because one your goals like his is to make him a lo richer off we the people than he was when was installed as prez? Wanna make him a trillionaire with YOUR ... moreOr are ya all on board because one your goals like his is to make him a lo richer off we the people than he was when was installed as prez? Wanna make him a trillionaire with YOUR TAX DOLLARS? If so why? If not are you too chicken to say so out loud? C'mon folks. Get a grip. Speak up prodons. Pro trump forever no matter what or do you have a line you don't want crossed and he crossed it?
He is doing everything in his power to make us LESS SAFE at home and abroad. Aligning with the enemy and turning his back on our former allies and standing by while they are slaugh... moreHe is doing everything in his power to make us LESS SAFE at home and abroad. Aligning with the enemy and turning his back on our former allies and standing by while they are slaughtered and all he has to say is that "the Kurds are no angels"? The Kurds who fought side-by-side with Americans for YEARS and lost over 11,000 of their members to help us take out ISIS? In return for which the trump gives Putin whatever he wants and rolls over for Erdogan and gives Assad a nod and a wink and makes excuses for Kim's continued nuclear testing. How is any of that making America safer? less
Is everyone in D.C. part of the deep-state conspiracy except for the trump? He alone is true blue and true true and true for you? How do you explain his terrible choices in those h... moreIs everyone in D.C. part of the deep-state conspiracy except for the trump? He alone is true blue and true true and true for you? How do you explain his terrible choices in those he surrounded himself by and with and those in whom he trusted his secrets? At the very least you must admit he sucks at that.
Place yer bets. 20,000 or 30,000 by time he is bounced? Surely he believes he is the best the greatest the wisest the smartest the biggest the truest the bluest the foolest. A moun... morePlace yer bets. 20,000 or 30,000 by time he is bounced? Surely he believes he is the best the greatest the wisest the smartest the biggest the truest the bluest the foolest. A mountain of lies and still counting. Double digit lies on average for every day of his presidency. He and his cabal et al are drowning in all his lies and they hang on for more. No doubt they think there'll be a pony in all the sh** and they continue looking for it until the end. Good luck with that all ye pony seekers.
So did Mick realize the goods were up and he threw the trump under the bus by pointing all fingers and thumbs directly at the trump?How is the trump gonna crush him? Mick admitted ... moreSo did Mick realize the goods were up and he threw the trump under the bus by pointing all fingers and thumbs directly at the trump?How is the trump gonna crush him? Mick admitted they robbed the bank and rob them all the time. Get over it. It's how things are done.The trump was brought down down down down by Mick so of course the trump will not take that lying down.Also Gordon Sondland talked a lot and confessed a lot when investigated yesterday. No one is gonna sacrifice his/her life for the trump. All the rats will be deserting the ship but before they go they will tell all to make things easier on them. Wouldn't you? I mean is the trump really worth your life? What has he done for YOU? Gordon Sondland admitted he was a dupe. That he was just a stooge for rudyg. Gee! Ya think? Or was he very knowledgeable about all of it and no one's dupe and went along without any concerns until he was caught and then he squealed like anyother animal caught in a trap. Do you blame him? He paid $1 million to the trump campaig... less
Have there ever been any LIVING saints or is sainthood something that happens retroactively after someone's death? I think a miracle must be attributed to the saint in question. I ... moreHave there ever been any LIVING saints or is sainthood something that happens retroactively after someone's death? I think a miracle must be attributed to the saint in question. I don't know if there is a specific period one must wait to become a saint. Imagine people wearing trump on a chain around their necks and praying to him? He would be a specific saint. There are all kinds. Travel, lost causes, whatever. What specific thing would he be prayed to for?So what miracle has the trump been responsible for or multiples thereof? less
By insisting that it was UKRAINE that meddled in the 2016 American prez election and that Russia had nothing to do with it.How many of y'all (prodons)BUY THAT LIE and are trying to... moreBy insisting that it was UKRAINE that meddled in the 2016 American prez election and that Russia had nothing to do with it.How many of y'all (prodons)BUY THAT LIE and are trying to convince others of it? Do you agree with the trump? When don't you?So all the evidence showing it was Russia and all the investigations and all the convictions and all the folks currently in prison and those who will futurely find themselves are part of a deep state conspiracy? Really? Imagine how massive a scope it would have to be to render all of what we have experienced a HOAX?.Yes you prodons are quite able to fashion your own truths based on what you are told to think by FAUX news and the trump et al cabal. You do not believe what you see or hear only what the trump tells you to and of course his flipping from story to story makes no difference to you at all. You flip with him as often as needed to be supportive. Your choice. Your life. Your funeral. less
Before you slam anyone don't you GOOGLE to get more information on whatever the subject at hand is?Are you INTERESTED in discovering sources and verifying for yourself truth/lie/cr... moreBefore you slam anyone don't you GOOGLE to get more information on whatever the subject at hand is?Are you INTERESTED in discovering sources and verifying for yourself truth/lie/crap or is your interest specifically in smacking down people so you do so out of ignorance and anger rather than out of knowledge?I don't get you at all. Those of you who never research never investigate never go beyond your gut response. You are wired weird.It would be very aggravating if it weren't so annoying. Sheesh.
We could communicate on the same level with the same understanding of evil and good. Think of the slaughter that would be avoided and the misery and afflictions that we do to... moreWe could communicate on the same level with the same understanding of evil and good. Think of the slaughter that would be avoided and the misery and afflictions that we do to one another simply because of the different mind wiring? Does that terrify you or d'ya think it would make for a better world?
It must be real nice and good and swell to never make a mistake. Never bet on the wrong horse or the wrong hand or the wrong man/woman. Wish I could say the same but I'm extremely ... moreIt must be real nice and good and swell to never make a mistake. Never bet on the wrong horse or the wrong hand or the wrong man/woman. Wish I could say the same but I'm extremely fallible so it would be a lie and I don't.
NO one is gonna take the rap for da GAWDFODDER. No one. They peel away like scabs. Telling what really happened UNDER OATH.Still some stalwart diehards who live in lalaland will ke... moreNO one is gonna take the rap for da GAWDFODDER. No one. They peel away like scabs. Telling what really happened UNDER OATH.Still some stalwart diehards who live in lalaland will keep on trying to spin the truth into something convincing. We are not as dumb as they think we are and certainly not nearly as dumb as they are. Down to the sea in ships. Nearer my GOD to thee. Amazing Grace. What's next? Who's on deck? More homeruns?
"Don't be a wuss" or "don't be a sap" or "don't be a doormat" or "don't be a dupe" or "don't be traitor" or "don't be a lapdog puppet" or "don't be so gullible". Yes. But "don't be... more"Don't be a wuss" or "don't be a sap" or "don't be a doormat" or "don't be a dupe" or "don't be traitor" or "don't be a lapdog puppet" or "don't be so gullible". Yes. But "don't be a tough guy"? Who talks like that in the real world?
rubber bands, twist ties, screw driver, tape measure, pot holders, coupons, I'll add to this later. It's only six for me for now. That's why I only asked for six from y... morerubber bands, twist ties, screw driver, tape measure, pot holders, coupons, I'll add to this later. It's only six for me for now. That's why I only asked for six from you; to be fair. You know.