*ALL of its plot means that from the beginning of the movie until the end of the movie, the events on the screen do not exceed 24 hours. That excludes from consideration any movies... more*ALL of its plot means that from the beginning of the movie until the end of the movie, the events on the screen do not exceed 24 hours. That excludes from consideration any movies that portray flashbacks depicting other events outside of that one day period.
A. I do not currently own an automobile. B. I have never owned an automobile.
C. I have never had my automobile completely detailed. D. Quite frequently, at least once a ... moreA. I do not currently own an automobile. B. I have never owned an automobile.
C. I have never had my automobile completely detailed. D. Quite frequently, at least once a week or every two weeks. E. Monthly. F. Every few months. G. About once a year. H. Other answer ~
The mick isn't gonna stick around for long. Boris would welcome the job and well he**'s bells the tumbleweed has always spoken so highly of Boris a transatlantic marriage mad... moreThe mick isn't gonna stick around for long. Boris would welcome the job and well he**'s bells the tumbleweed has always spoken so highly of Boris a transatlantic marriage made in heaven?
The goal was to PROVE that the Intelligence Community had NO RIGHT to investigate a president that seemed to be off the rails sleeping with a foreign country and supporting it 24/7... moreThe goal was to PROVE that the Intelligence Community had NO RIGHT to investigate a president that seemed to be off the rails sleeping with a foreign country and supporting it 24/7 while attacking his own country.Well there y'are folks. The tumbleweed is completely engrossed once again in himself. Everything is always all about him 24/7. I know you just love the he** outta him for that. Screw modesty! Screw running the country! Screw running the country. Screw running the country! Screw running the country! It's all about he he he he him him him. He is not only STEALING your tax dollars to enrich himself he also will rewrite HISTORY to please him which of course you support since you want him pleased at all cost. Carry on as you were. It will get better. Pat yourselves on the back because YOU are the ones who enabled tumbleweed. less
He is the one who released the photo! Look at all the men at the table some of whom are looking down shamefaced and embarrassed. None of THEM had the guts to stand up to the tumble... moreHe is the one who released the photo! Look at all the men at the table some of whom are looking down shamefaced and embarrassed. None of THEM had the guts to stand up to the tumbleweed. Not one.. The tumbleweed looks so perplexed and is definitely sitting way lower because of course the mommy is standing up and scolding the naughty child.How and why the tumbleweed thinks he looks so awesome good he released the photo and he thinks she looks so awesome bad is why he is what he is. He doesn't have a clue what is going on around him at any time. He lives in his own world of wonder apart from the rest of us 24/7. Inside that world is pure heaven. He has no idea about appearances or cause and effect or what goes around comes around. None of that is in his wheelhouse.He has no idea he is old fat and orange either. less
He has a spine and spoke up. Gotta give him credit for that right? He sez what you said and did. Think it could work? Might you give it a thought or two?
The prez sez if it were up to Lindsay we'd be there 1000 years. In others words the prez sez "SCREW HIM"!What does a toady sycophant do who has been ignored refuted ridiculed by th... moreThe prez sez if it were up to Lindsay we'd be there 1000 years. In others words the prez sez "SCREW HIM"!What does a toady sycophant do who has been ignored refuted ridiculed by the guy he toady sycophanted for so loyally?
On Putin's orders they were activated and actionized once Putin secured the strings on the puppet trump?. I have read that espionage spy cells are very patient and will establish t... moreOn Putin's orders they were activated and actionized once Putin secured the strings on the puppet trump?. I have read that espionage spy cells are very patient and will establish themselves in a country they plan to sabotage/ndermine but will wait for years to be given the go-ahead. Was trump that signal to them to "go ahead"?
Add conviction of that to his very long list of prizes awards honors medals plaques statues. He will be the gift that keeps on giving long after he is interred. Decade after ... moreAdd conviction of that to his very long list of prizes awards honors medals plaques statues. He will be the gift that keeps on giving long after he is interred. Decade after decade after decade.
The prez said Turkey had a right co "CLEAN OUT" the area inhabited by the Kurds. CLEAN OUT? EXTERMINATE?The tumbleweed-caused withdrawal of troops and the tumbleweed invitation to ... moreThe prez said Turkey had a right co "CLEAN OUT" the area inhabited by the Kurds. CLEAN OUT? EXTERMINATE?The tumbleweed-caused withdrawal of troops and the tumbleweed invitation to Erdogan to go in and do what he wanted to do signals extreme aloofness and uncaring. The results of which is a genocide? All on the tumbleewed. Totally. Complete. Foreverly his.Well the Naxis were held to account for the Jewish Genocide at the NUREMBERG TRIALS.The USA may well be similarly "honored" by having a World Court charge us and take us to trial. Will the tumbleweed whose fault it is be dead by then? Who knows. But that causes another question. less
Give them "get out of jail free" cards right now to be held and used when needed?So it's never been done before. So what's your point? A tumbleweed has never been prez before eithe... moreGive them "get out of jail free" cards right now to be held and used when needed?So it's never been done before. So what's your point? A tumbleweed has never been prez before either.I dunno. Makes sense to me. Hand out pre-need cards to all those caught in the corruption of the tumbleweed and make it so that there is no expiration date. That way no way will any of the corrupt criminal crooks ever pay or be punished for being corrupt criminal crooked treasonous traitors. Everybody's happy right? Everybody's happy and they all go down to the seashore and enjoy a day at the bit**! :) less
An AMERICAN presidential candidate BEGS FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOR HELP to get elected president since he doesn't trust the American People to select the person they want to be the Amer... moreAn AMERICAN presidential candidate BEGS FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOR HELP to get elected president since he doesn't trust the American People to select the person they want to be the American president.Then after years of being investigated for doing that WHICH IS ILLEGAL he does it again to get re-elected by going to foreign countries and BEGGING for help to get re-elected.Does it make you proud that a person who has so little confidence in himself or his country has to beg foreigners to do for him what his own fellow citizens can't be depended on to do?Does it fill your heart and soul with joy that he puts his tail between legs and begs and begs and begs and begs?Isn't it HUMILIATING to see an AMERICAN begging anyone for anything let alone FOREIGNERS?How does this bode well for him futurely? This person will beg foreign countries to to do what else for him how often in return for which he will do what for them futurely? less
That means you mindlessly act? When does being mindless and acting/reacting mindlessly ever have a good result?You not care to know WHY you do or die? Why?
How long does being "misinformed" work as an excuse? How long before seeking out misinformation to spread it around like manure become LYING? Is there a "use by" date for "being mi... moreHow long does being "misinformed" work as an excuse? How long before seeking out misinformation to spread it around like manure become LYING? Is there a "use by" date for "being misinformed" and after that it spoils and will harm you bigly?
Or does Tumbleweed trump give a heads up to billionaires to buy low and then he sez his say and they make BIGLY money? Why not? The tumbleweed is all about making himself ric... moreOr does Tumbleweed trump give a heads up to billionaires to buy low and then he sez his say and they make BIGLY money? Why not? The tumbleweed is all about making himself richer and as he goes so goes his rich pals. COLLUSION in plain sight alright? Clever tumbleweed. Jerks the market around. up and down and up and down and up and down on his words. Buy low sell high. My oh my. Another scam. Imagine THAT?
Is the drive to EXTERMINATE DESTROY DEFILE so strong that it eclipses LOVE and will always last longer and be stronger? Do RACISTS live longer than the rest of us?
All AMERICANS should support AMERICA. That includes all politicians and their families. That includes all producers of goods they sell to AMERICANS. THOSE GOODS SHOULD ALL BE MANUF... moreAll AMERICANS should support AMERICA. That includes all politicians and their families. That includes all producers of goods they sell to AMERICANS. THOSE GOODS SHOULD ALL BE MANUFACTURED IN AMERICA BY AMERICANS FOR AMERICANS TO PURCHASE. Not on the cheap in other countries providing jobs to their people instead of Americans and then importing them to America. Only VERY UNPATRIOTIC GREEDY MONEY-HUNGRY HOORS would do that.
So Congressman Elijah Cummings died at the age of 68. Relatively "young" these days. By all accounts there is nonpartisan sadness for this loss. By all accounts he was a very good ... moreSo Congressman Elijah Cummings died at the age of 68. Relatively "young" these days. By all accounts there is nonpartisan sadness for this loss. By all accounts he was a very good man respected and admired by all those who knew him of all political parties and in all walks of life. So I wonder. There are so many extremely ungood people actively working very hard to do harm who are still here why couldn't one of THEM be taken away to wherever the next stop is instead of a good man? It makes one wonder. Well it causes ME to wonder. We have so few good and so many ungood losing one of the ungood would harm no one. Seems unfair at this moment to reduce our strength and let our weakness continue on unscathed. SIGH less
An old saw. If your parents and your children were drowning whom would save?Seriously. Isn't there only one correct sane LOGICAL answer to such a question?
The trump pulls troops out of northern Syria per demand of Erdogan to allow him the privilege of CLEANSING the region of Kurds. Genocide permitted by the trump.How does sending tro... moreThe trump pulls troops out of northern Syria per demand of Erdogan to allow him the privilege of CLEANSING the region of Kurds. Genocide permitted by the trump.How does sending troops to Saudi Arabia to ethnic cleanse Yemenis because the Saudi Crown Prince HATES THEM put America first?Pulling troops out of northern Syria to encourage Erdogan to ETHNIC CLEANSE Kurds in that area of Syria certainly puts Erdogan's interest first and foremost.So the push me pull me toy prez is erratic irrational loose cannony. Unpredictable. Chaotic. Undisciplined. Clues less. Planless. Directionless. Tumblewood trump. less
People actually BUY jeans with multiple holes and shreds and lots of fabric missing AS NEW because that is the fashion. Someone thought homo saps were such saps that you could conv... morePeople actually BUY jeans with multiple holes and shreds and lots of fabric missing AS NEW because that is the fashion. Someone thought homo saps were such saps that you could convince them that junk was high fashion and gambled on it and other someones agreed and bought into it. You see rich famous people as guests on TV shows in clothes that our parents would have NEVER allowed us to wear outside the house.Same with our politics. We elect/buy trash because we think it's fashionable. Go figger!
Evil is always quick and deadly.Seeking the good takes forever. Is it because evil is more natural in homo saps than good and is always there ready to leap out and destroy? Is evil... moreEvil is always quick and deadly.Seeking the good takes forever. Is it because evil is more natural in homo saps than good and is always there ready to leap out and destroy? Is evil stronger fatter bigger and good smaller slimmer weaker? Why does evil so often triumph over good? Is evil temporary and good forever? Anyone have any idea why evildoers are in charge everywhere in the world? An infectious disease like the BLACK PLAGUE that will wipe millions off the face of the earth through "ethnic cleansings" and ruses for reassigning people to specific places like herds of cattle the better to get rid of them? Is goodness and fair in charge anywhere? less