The trump is an excellent example of a**backward wiring. He attracts those whose brains are similarly a**backwards. Can they be FIXED or were they born with a**backwards brains/min... moreThe trump is an excellent example of a**backward wiring. He attracts those whose brains are similarly a**backwards. Can they be FIXED or were they born with a**backwards brains/minds and there is no fix for that?
He values only incoming loyalty directed at him. He clearly places selective value on outgoing loyalty. So far as I can see he has only been loyal to Putin. In every way ever... moreHe values only incoming loyalty directed at him. He clearly places selective value on outgoing loyalty. So far as I can see he has only been loyal to Putin. In every way every day every breath he takes every move he makes every word he says reeks of complete SUBMISSIVE loyalty to Vlad Putin. He lives to service Putin's every wish desire demand. Unquestioningly. He goes out of his way to absolve Putin of any guilt for anything at any time and insists on rewriting history and ignoring the findings of his own intelligence agencies. All in service to Putin.He is all for Putin all the time. There is no room there for anyone else. Putin is the centerpiece to his happiness and pleasing Putin 24/7 is his only goal.Commendable right? Yep! You betchum Red Ryder. You betchum. less
I wonder if any country has REFUSED to allow us to set up an Embassy or if we have ever REFUSED to allow any country to set up an Embassy here?Aren't diplomats facilitators? Aren't... moreI wonder if any country has REFUSED to allow us to set up an Embassy or if we have ever REFUSED to allow any country to set up an Embassy here?Aren't diplomats facilitators? Aren't they conduits between countries whose goal it is to ease communication?Would YOU ever want to be an American Diplomat living in a foreign country as Ambassador from the US? Which country?
The current monster family in the White House got nuttin' honey. No charm no class no noblesse oblige. They are all greedy selfish money-hungry hoors. THE MUNSTERS were funny and I... moreThe current monster family in the White House got nuttin' honey. No charm no class no noblesse oblige. They are all greedy selfish money-hungry hoors. THE MUNSTERS were funny and I think kind. Not mean or cruel or heartless or vindictive and I don't recall any of them ever lying. Do you? I don't remember any of them ever sleeping with foreigners and throwing their fellow Americans under a bus. They were just a pleasant loving family. We used to have them occupy the White House. Will we ever have a loving family in the White House again?One thing for sure the White House will have to be fumigated and cleansed and detrumpified. It will not be habitable until and unless all traces of the former occupants are totally removed. Like mold. If unchecked it will spread and could make the people living there very ill. less
Or once it starts to sink it's already sunk and nothing will stop it? Is there some rule or law that stipulates that the captain must go down with the ship? What happens if the cap... moreOr once it starts to sink it's already sunk and nothing will stop it? Is there some rule or law that stipulates that the captain must go down with the ship? What happens if the captain bails and survives while others die?
Also the Saudi Crown Prince and anyone for whom he can hoor himself and earn more money. He is such a great pleasure maker to others. Excluding the US of A whom he insults and unde... moreAlso the Saudi Crown Prince and anyone for whom he can hoor himself and earn more money. He is such a great pleasure maker to others. Excluding the US of A whom he insults and undermines and sabotages and insults and defames 24/7. Whadda guy. Whadda guy. Whadda guy. Whadda guy. Whadda guy. My oh my. Whadda guy. :(
Could he really be that obliviously obtuse about what words mean and what he admitted to doing? And what's more as he did he was quite arrogant about it. GET OVER IT he said. Did h... moreCould he really be that obliviously obtuse about what words mean and what he admitted to doing? And what's more as he did he was quite arrogant about it. GET OVER IT he said. Did he not know how far off base he was?
Billions of pieces of trump lies squirming around like worms in heat? Better he should vend/vendetta/vent every minute of every day. Dear Lord. Give us our daily trump. We can take it.
The American people TAX TROUGH is where all the gubment PIGS pig out. Y'all know that right? Every single one of them have spent oodles of boodles of YOUR TAX DOLLARS to make their... moreThe American people TAX TROUGH is where all the gubment PIGS pig out. Y'all know that right? Every single one of them have spent oodles of boodles of YOUR TAX DOLLARS to make their lives a whole lot plushier and lushusher. You didn't seriously think they are working for YOU do you? He** no. You work for them. Your tax dollars give them the lifestyle they lust after and so well you aren't going to begrudge them for financially screwing you every way all day every day? Why would you? You don't begrudge the grand master at it..the trump cabal et al so why should you begrudge his lapdog puppet lemming toady sycophants "staff" or "cabinet" ripping you off as bigly and oftenly as possible? They are all crooks crookeding their way through every day. Hooray for trump. He knows how ta pick 'em! less