The rudyg is currently being or has already been thrown under the tRUMP bus. Will the rudyg end up like Michael Cohen and become jailbird/prisonbird because of a corrupt president?
A tRUMP spokesmouth said that Giuliana is still the tRUMP attorney but will have nothing more to do with Ukraine. So then what will he something to do with?Another example of the t... moreA tRUMP spokesmouth said that Giuliana is still the tRUMP attorney but will have nothing more to do with Ukraine. So then what will he something to do with?Another example of the tRUMP distancing himself from someone.
A SPINE. The pompousa** is just a rubber stamp of tRUMP. EXACTLY like liddlebillybarr, rudyg,mikepounce. Same cloth same ilk same wishywashyspinelesswhinya**es.But now mike pompous... moreA SPINE. The pompousa** is just a rubber stamp of tRUMP. EXACTLY like liddlebillybarr, rudyg,mikepounce. Same cloth same ilk same wishywashyspinelesswhinya**es.But now mike pompousa** is up to his eyebrows in alligators. Sheesh. Ain't that GREAT?
Who in the he** thought that up? Is that what the Constitution promulgates dictates? LIE and then FORBID truthtellers from testifying? If so there was a lotta tRUMP in the founding fathers.
Being faithful is a great thing but what does that have to do with Biden's running for president? Is he saying that to justify not minding or welcoming their support because they a... moreBeing faithful is a great thing but what does that have to do with Biden's running for president? Is he saying that to justify not minding or welcoming their support because they are more faithful? I dunno. It just sounded weird to me. You?
Joe Biden's kid. The tRUMP is vendettaing him and joe and anyone else that occurs to him.He is a spectacle fer shure. Over the edge around the bend in his cups making no sense and ... moreJoe Biden's kid. The tRUMP is vendettaing him and joe and anyone else that occurs to him.He is a spectacle fer shure. Over the edge around the bend in his cups making no sense and his peeps adore him I guess. Well beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Sanity is in the ear of the hearer right? The insane man speak of inanities and insanity and they hear sane. He is profane and they hear sane. It matters not at all if what tRUMP says is incoherent nonsensical irrational. They think it is very smart of . So there you are. They all think he is an extremely stable genius just as he advertised.I just saw a very short clip of it and his spellbound audience was eating it all up. Every crazy thing tRUMP said they revere and cherish and keep close to their bosoms. It's really astonishing. less
The rich guy who bought the Ukraine spot vacated by the former holder WILL TESTIFY TO CONGRESS DESPITE the BAN by mike pompousa** AND despite that tRUMP doesn't want him to do so. ... moreThe rich guy who bought the Ukraine spot vacated by the former holder WILL TESTIFY TO CONGRESS DESPITE the BAN by mike pompousa** AND despite that tRUMP doesn't want him to do so. It's gonna cost Sondland a he**uva lot more than $1 million bucks to get out of this gawdawful tRUMP scandal in one piece. A LOT MORE.
What happens when a person IGNORES the tRUMP demand to shut up and say nothing to anyone? Does the person who CHOOSES to testify anyway because he/she wants the truth out go to pri... moreWhat happens when a person IGNORES the tRUMP demand to shut up and say nothing to anyone? Does the person who CHOOSES to testify anyway because he/she wants the truth out go to prison?Mebbe they could share the big happy family. The REFUSERS and the CHOOSERS? That would be a whole lotta fun going on 24/7. Cots with thin mattresses side by side by side by side by side with those tin foil blankets, no toiletries and hot dogs for breakfast lunch and dinner..mustard only.
Bolton is no fan of tRUMP. The tRUMP is only a fan of himself. It should be real good. Let the chips fall where they may. Let truth out. The tRUMP is already going down down down d... moreBolton is no fan of tRUMP. The tRUMP is only a fan of himself. It should be real good. Let the chips fall where they may. Let truth out. The tRUMP is already going down down down down down. Faster couldn't hurt.
Think the current puppetboy lapdog Senate will change it's stripes or spots and actually become an active participant in government as intended by the CONSTITUTION? Right now it's ... moreThink the current puppetboy lapdog Senate will change it's stripes or spots and actually become an active participant in government as intended by the CONSTITUTION? Right now it's a worthless bunch of crap. What are the odds that it will become uncrapped in 2020?
Betcha tRUMP has bigly regrets! He screwed up bigly on this choice really bigly and really badly. Poor rudyg. His turn next to be well err investigated arrested mayhap?
The press is the enemy of the people.Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. Investigative reporters keep digging and digging and digging to get to the truth which they then report.
Zelenskyy agreed to investigate Biden for corruption in Ukraine!. A total loss. A complete capitulation. A Vichy gubment working with the Nazis redux. Sheesh. Weak.
He does not support career diplomats or anyone who works for him. I think that's true of all the tRUMP toady sycophant appointees. They all play pattycake with the tRUMP butt 24/7.... moreHe does not support career diplomats or anyone who works for him. I think that's true of all the tRUMP toady sycophant appointees. They all play pattycake with the tRUMP butt 24/7. More resignations to come I betcha.
Why good old Gordon Sondland...Ambassador to the European Union who got involved with Ukraine as a bonus!His credentials?Were you not paying attention?. He bought a job with ... moreWhy good old Gordon Sondland...Ambassador to the European Union who got involved with Ukraine as a bonus!His credentials?Were you not paying attention?. He bought a job with tRUMP for a million large! No experience. No education. No knowledge of what the he** he was doing. That is the singular chain that connects all tRUMP toady sycophant employees. They don't know how or care about what the he** they are doing. That's why they are all so CORRUPTIBLE! If they had any integrity or honor or morals they would never have been selected. Do I have to draw you a picture fer cryin' out loud? Everyone says so. That I can tell you. less
So the tRUMP and the rudyg and their trusty band of corruption-fighters travel the world fighting corruption everywhere they go. Impressive. Robinhood and his band of men all did g... moreSo the tRUMP and the rudyg and their trusty band of corruption-fighters travel the world fighting corruption everywhere they go. Impressive. Robinhood and his band of men all did good. The tRUMP/rudyg cabal et al erupt in corrupt easily and often. Carry on lads. You leave a wide deep trail of crumbs.
And rudyg is PROBABLY in HUGE jeopardy himself.So Michael Cohen, tRUMP lawyer, already in jailNow rudyg, tRUMP lawyer, possibly gonna end up there too!Who(m) can a guy buy wh... moreAnd rudyg is PROBABLY in HUGE jeopardy himself.So Michael Cohen, tRUMP lawyer, already in jailNow rudyg, tRUMP lawyer, possibly gonna end up there too!Who(m) can a guy buy who won't become a jailbird?
A potential testifier could be blocked by the scairdy cat terrified gubment from testifying before Congress so she may just quit.The scairdy cat terrified tRUMP is turning himself ... moreA potential testifier could be blocked by the scairdy cat terrified gubment from testifying before Congress so she may just quit.The scairdy cat terrified tRUMP is turning himself into a pretzel because of all the people who KNOW the truth and want to TELL THE TRUTH. His worst nightmare come home to roost and roost and roost and roost. Impotent Eunuch-to-be once he is impeached and removed from office doesn't know what to do/say so he whirlingdervishes into a frenzy trying to cover everything. He may well screwdrive himself straight down to China! less
IMPEACH AND REMOVE?Oy vey he is verklempt , raged..en and out.Look at it like this. He is impeached and stays on. As what? He was relieved of his manhood so he will be one of those... moreIMPEACH AND REMOVE?Oy vey he is verklempt , raged..en and out.Look at it like this. He is impeached and stays on. As what? He was relieved of his manhood so he will be one of those neutered dudes in a harem where all the gals are safe from him because he is no longer a him but an it. EUNUCH I believe is the proper word.He is better off gone away..far far far forever to stay.
It does NOT take a GENIUS to answer the question. It is one of two things. YES or NO. So which answer do you give and why?Apparently Republican Cory Gardner could not answer the qu... moreIt does NOT take a GENIUS to answer the question. It is one of two things. YES or NO. So which answer do you give and why?Apparently Republican Cory Gardner could not answer the question. Is he feebleminded? Does he not understand the language? Whichever answer you choose is a word of one syllable. YES or NO.Whinya** scairdy cats willnot cannot answer that simple question. They fear the tRUMP and his wrath rath. So they'd rather show their stupid dumb than their truthful. Go figger!