Greedy folk and sharers are opposites. Can they join in any kind of meaningful union when one is focused on getting taking while the other is happy sharing, giving?
At least in politics civility seems to be EXTINCT because there is none. What happened to it? Was it murdered or did it just leave the building? At what point were pols excoriated ... moreAt least in politics civility seems to be EXTINCT because there is none. What happened to it? Was it murdered or did it just leave the building? At what point were pols excoriated by their fellow partisans for being polite to "the other"? Now it seems the cruder and more boorish more outrageous more hateful they are to one another the more support they get from their own ilk. How sad is THAT?
An Answermug pal brought it to my attention. I had never heard of it before. It used to be called VERF. Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation. There are something like 30,000 me... moreAn Answermug pal brought it to my attention. I had never heard of it before. It used to be called VERF. Voluntary Euthanasia Research Foundation. There are something like 30,000 members and I believe the organization is based in Australia.Are you pro or con? Why?
I'm always in the kitchen baking or cooking or roasting or poaching r braising or stir-frying. I can't remember the last time I wore an apron. I don't remember wearing one while my... moreI'm always in the kitchen baking or cooking or roasting or poaching r braising or stir-frying. I can't remember the last time I wore an apron. I don't remember wearing one while my son was young and he is going to be 54 on his next birthday. Now what did I do with them? Why did I stop wearing them? Weird that I forgot all about their existence!
I'm an avoider. I don't have the luxury of time on my side to waste any of it. So I try not to do so.Some people always seem to be in one battle or another with one someone or anot... moreI'm an avoider. I don't have the luxury of time on my side to waste any of it. So I try not to do so.Some people always seem to be in one battle or another with one someone or another for one reason or another. Always. Is that a life you'd want to live? What do they get out of it?
I worked for a couple who owned 7 McDonald's Restaurants. When the Disabilities Act (whatever it's called) was passed all the restaurants needed to be in compliance. Which we did. ... moreI worked for a couple who owned 7 McDonald's Restaurants. When the Disabilities Act (whatever it's called) was passed all the restaurants needed to be in compliance. Which we did. It took awhile but we thought everything was hunky dorry. But there was this one female customer who was wheelchair bound and I don't remember how many times she'd try to sue us for something very small that our other customers in similar situations had no problem with. She was known for that. I just wonder what her have a steel rod up her a** when all our other similarly afflicted customers seemed to be fine with what we had done? Nothing else to do? Wanted to make a name for herself? WHAT? less
. . . from the following artists - - all are huge favorites of mine.If you have a favorite song by any or all of these artists, let me know.:)1. The Pointer Sisters2. Johnny Nash3.... more. . . from the following artists - - all are huge favorites of mine.If you have a favorite song by any or all of these artists, let me know.:)1. The Pointer Sisters2. Johnny Nash3. Laurie Anderson4. Simple Minds5. Howard Jones6. The Mamas and The Papas7. Dwight Yoakam8. Patsy Cline 9. Shriekback10. Alice in Chains11. Enya12. Peggy Lee13. Alice Cooper14. R.E.M.
For instance, if a certain number of yards are lost by the team which committed the penalty, or if a certain number of yards are gained by the opposing team, shouldn't that su... moreFor instance, if a certain number of yards are lost by the team which committed the penalty, or if a certain number of yards are gained by the opposing team, shouldn't that suffice as a consequence, instead of the dual whammy?
Being on the receiving end of what you caused others to experience. Living each life you harmed for ONE DAY when you were attacking abusing accusing lying about harming someone. Kn... moreBeing on the receiving end of what you caused others to experience. Living each life you harmed for ONE DAY when you were attacking abusing accusing lying about harming someone. Know what it was like suffering at YOUR hands for someone else.That would be wearing the shoe of another whether it fit or pinched. ONE DAY ONLY to experience what you "gave" them.Obviously some would have very few to atone for. Maybe 10? I dunno. Others who were rotten stinking crumbumbs would have dozens or hundreds or thousands.I figger motormouth would have 100,000 give or take. Everyone he attacked insulted lied about accused abused sued. Individuals and entire groups he vilified objectified terrified.So divide 100,000 by 365 (not exact but close enough) and he'd have to live another 274 years to experience that "it."In actuality it would be millions. Millions of Muslims, millions of people of color, millions of African Americans, millions of democrats, millions of LGBTQ, millions of handicapped folks, millions of journalists/... less
I dunno 'bout chu but if my kid died in a foreign country because he was ORDERED to be there by the CIC while protecting an oilfield I'd be ticked off pissed off and infuriatedly furious.
Women who are pregnant and keep drinking alcohol or doing drugs or engaging in wanton unprotected sex do this to their babies. WHY? If you're gonna be an addict, a drunk or a hoor ... moreWomen who are pregnant and keep drinking alcohol or doing drugs or engaging in wanton unprotected sex do this to their babies. WHY? If you're gonna be an addict, a drunk or a hoor just get spayed/neutered. Then you can live your life the way ya wanna without damaging your child(ren).
Apparently the poor go to clinics where needles are used over and over and over and are not properly disinfected. So whatever is on there spreads to the next shot receiver.
Truth is coming out in RESOUNDING FASHION with each testimony! The motormouth demanded the testifiers not appear but guess what? They are giving him the international sign of good ... moreTruth is coming out in RESOUNDING FASHION with each testimony! The motormouth demanded the testifiers not appear but guess what? They are giving him the international sign of good will with both hands and testifying. He is nothing but an inept impotent scairdy cat and now all he can do is sit and watch everything falling down aorund him and burying him and drowning him in a sea of his excesses. He EARNED it and DESERVES it.It serves him well to see what his stable genius profound wisdom has wrought. Think he will learn anything from it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! SERIOUSLY. less