I got a Halloween boo boo today while I was splitting firewood (a piece flew back and hit me in the shin). It real hurt but I didn't cry and I couldn't swear because there were kid... moreI got a Halloween boo boo today while I was splitting firewood (a piece flew back and hit me in the shin). It real hurt but I didn't cry and I couldn't swear because there were kids around so I just said oh mama a few times. Cheers and have a happy and safe Halloween!
Samhain (All Hallows Eve) is a time to remember those who have passedTo celebrate the Summers endAnd prepare for Winter Months aheadThe Sun God and mother Earth fall into slumber a... moreSamhain (All Hallows Eve) is a time to remember those who have passedTo celebrate the Summers endAnd prepare for Winter Months aheadThe Sun God and mother Earth fall into slumber as the nights lengthenand winter begins...
It's a festive time where we send our children out to extort candy from strangers in lieu of them destroying their property Don we now our costumes and masks to proudly embrace our inner pagan!HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM HALLOWEENIE & GOATZART!
I think that question is unanswerable. Whatever view you have of you is what you think you are. Is what you think a distorted image or do you see what's really there? How do you KN... moreI think that question is unanswerable. Whatever view you have of you is what you think you are. Is what you think a distorted image or do you see what's really there? How do you KNOW?So if you don't really KNOW how true the you you think you are is how do you place any value on it?Forget financially. Think otherly. Are you decent kind trustworthy caring? Are people better off for having spent time with you? Are you an asset to any organization or group because you always contribute the best of you?It's maybe the hardest question to answer. WHO ARE YOU? less
Do you KNOW YOUR VALUE to yourself? Ever write down whom you are as an ingredient list of components?What would be at the top of the list?That's the easy part. Here's the hard part... moreDo you KNOW YOUR VALUE to yourself? Ever write down whom you are as an ingredient list of components?What would be at the top of the list?That's the easy part. Here's the hard part.What is your value to others? How do you know what they tell you is true? Perhaps they don't want to hurt your feelings so they are super kind if not completely honest.Perhaps they want something from you so they are very complimentary and superduperkind.How do you know that what you think is your value to them is really what they value in you?T'is something to ponder upon if you have the inclination to do so. Whatever answers you come up with may or may not be true. That's life. less
Jim surprised me with it. I'd never have noticed it but when he goes out putzing for guy things he always has me in mind for other things. In fact my favorite kitchen gadgets he br... moreJim surprised me with it. I'd never have noticed it but when he goes out putzing for guy things he always has me in mind for other things. In fact my favorite kitchen gadgets he brought home for me. He has a very good eye for what I can use. I don't. I'm glad one of us does.So what AWESOME thing do you use a lot and love a lot and can't imagine doing without? Inanimate.
Are you always polite though you may get bored and are you always respectful? Are you as good an audience when you speak to you as you are when others speak to you?
AND?...this is why HALLOWEEN has always been my FAVORITE holiday. celebrate death. CELEBRATE THE DEATH OF THIS INSANE REIGN OF DONALD TRUMP and his hideous minions.&nbs... moreAND?...this is why HALLOWEEN has always been my FAVORITE holiday. celebrate death. CELEBRATE THE DEATH OF THIS INSANE REIGN OF DONALD TRUMP and his hideous minions. Celebrate the demise of the careers of William Barr, Mike Pence, scum like Paul Ryan, Keven Nunez, sycophants like Stephen Miller and crackheads like Kellyanne Conway, scum like Sara Huckabee, SCUM for real. Trump likes to call decorated heroes who were wounded in service to America and love of this country HUMAN SCUM? IMPEACH THIS MORON. PLEASE GOD. LET IT BE.HAPPY GHOST DAY!!!!! less
He did it and there might have been something wrong with doing but it isn't impeachable.He did it, there was something VERY WRONG WITH DOING IT AND IT IS IMPEACHABLE!Geez they're s... moreHe did it and there might have been something wrong with doing but it isn't impeachable.He did it, there was something VERY WRONG WITH DOING IT AND IT IS IMPEACHABLE!Geez they're slow. Why not get to the bottom line first and then work upwards?
An arrogant conceited supercilious condescending sociopath psychopath crackpot wackadoodle certainly is gonna assess his/her value at awesome big. Extremely. Profoundly... moreAn arrogant conceited supercilious condescending sociopath psychopath crackpot wackadoodle certainly is gonna assess his/her value at awesome big. Extremely. Profoundly. Wisdomly.Similarly a modest person way well under assess his/her value because being a conceited a** is not his/her cuppa tea.So who decides TRUE VALUE? Friends or foes are gonna skew it. What independent detached INTELLIGENT source is there to nail it?
Most normal sane folks would be humiliated being caught doing that. Begging groveling. A guy who doesn't embarrass or get humiliated will do anything it takes to win. Anything. No ... moreMost normal sane folks would be humiliated being caught doing that. Begging groveling. A guy who doesn't embarrass or get humiliated will do anything it takes to win. Anything. No skin off hs nose. Whatever right? Why not? What could it hurt?
I'm not talking about surveillance thingies. I'm talking about any otherwise on any plane in an existence that is accessible to you? Spirits and things that go bump in the night al... moreI'm not talking about surveillance thingies. I'm talking about any otherwise on any plane in an existence that is accessible to you? Spirits and things that go bump in the night all around all the time that you cannot see or hear. Would it comfort you to know if that were true or would you be terrified? Why?
Why should it matter if you have an audience or don't? Why do you care who hears what needs to be said? Isn't the pleasure in the saying which requires no one hearing?Or are you al... moreWhy should it matter if you have an audience or don't? Why do you care who hears what needs to be said? Isn't the pleasure in the saying which requires no one hearing?Or are you all about performing for others and require an audience at all times to perform for and impress? More or less?
Slogans schtick pitches. Schlock smears scandals. Lies denies insults. Attacks. Hooks lines and sinkers. Pizazz flash thunder lightning! What can't you resist? The pitch, the pitch... moreSlogans schtick pitches. Schlock smears scandals. Lies denies insults. Attacks. Hooks lines and sinkers. Pizazz flash thunder lightning! What can't you resist? The pitch, the pitcher, what's being pitched? Why?What wrapping do you find irresistible? Truth or lies? Is that wise?
What do they teach their kids about right and wrong and what they expect from them?Is it the same or very different? I know what used to be considered good proper normal. Today I'm... moreWhat do they teach their kids about right and wrong and what they expect from them?Is it the same or very different? I know what used to be considered good proper normal. Today I'm not so sure. Are you?
These days in California we have been informed that shutting off electricity may become a way of life to comat future fires. It will come at any moment "they" deem it necessary. A ... moreThese days in California we have been informed that shutting off electricity may become a way of life to comat future fires. It will come at any moment "they" deem it necessary. A certain uncertainty? WHAT?
A chicken in every potHell no I won't goDon't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your countrymake america great againlock her upsend her backbuild the wal... moreA chicken in every potHell no I won't goDon't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your countrymake america great againlock her upsend her backbuild the walleveryone says soi don't lietrust in mei believe himwe are friendsi trust himhe's the besthe's the worstdon't believe what you see or hear. That is not what is happening.only i can fix itmy generalsmy way or the highwaynever criticize menever disagree with menever tell on menever disobey mealways protect mealways support mealways believe mei am an extremely stable geniusi am profoundly wise less
How?Make America Great Again is an empty slogan unless it is detailed specifically HOW to do it.Step by step we need to know what is involved in becoming "great" again? What do we ... moreHow?Make America Great Again is an empty slogan unless it is detailed specifically HOW to do it.Step by step we need to know what is involved in becoming "great" again? What do we have way back when that made us GREAT so we know what we have to do to make america GREAT again? Gotta flesh it out or it is meaningless.Can you provide a list of steps that have been accomplished thus far to make us the great nation you think we are? You can't? WHY is that?
Today telling lies is a way of life. The lie ier yar the more better yar in the eyes of the liar lovers. People have to EARN respect. How? LYING of course. They are not automatical... moreToday telling lies is a way of life. The lie ier yar the more better yar in the eyes of the liar lovers. People have to EARN respect. How? LYING of course. They are not automatically due respect no matter how old. Promising anything is what people do to hook you. Breaking the promises is part of that and those who promise take great delight in conning scamming hooking saps. Those who were promised to don't give a rat's a** that those promises are broken. They don't give a rat's a** about anything having to do with content truth right. Their entire devotion is given away on the cheap every day to con artists and scammers and charlatans and crooks before whom they bow and scrape and prostate themselves. Why? I dunno. DO YOU? less
Vis a vis the college admissions scandal.One actress (Felicity Huffman) admitted it, apologized and spent some days in jail. Ten or twelve days I think. She paid a fine and has to ... moreVis a vis the college admissions scandal.One actress (Felicity Huffman) admitted it, apologized and spent some days in jail. Ten or twelve days I think. She paid a fine and has to do some community service and is on probation for a certain amount of time. Her crime? She paid $15,000 to someone to correct her daughter's test scores.Another actress (Lorie Laughlin) and her husband insist they are innocent. Their crime? They paid $500,000 to get both of their daughters into USC by faking photos of them playing a sport they never played.Which of them do you admire? The admitter or the denier? Why? less
A donald trump and other elites of his ilk who lied their way out of serving their country when they were called upon to do so orAny of the millions of young men who fought to prot... moreA donald trump and other elites of his ilk who lied their way out of serving their country when they were called upon to do so orAny of the millions of young men who fought to protect it? Some died some were maimed for life and some got PTSD which hobbles them for life? Terrible price to pay because you love your country. Definitely. However everyone is going to die. What is more noble than giving your life to protect the lives of others? Certainly lying your way out of serving your country is not a way to do so. I dunno. Sure we love our kids and want them to live. At what cost? What price? less
How would you react to having any one of them vilified insulted smeared denigrated? Especially if the smearer were a 5-time fake bone spur draft dodger?Would you roll over and acce... moreHow would you react to having any one of them vilified insulted smeared denigrated? Especially if the smearer were a 5-time fake bone spur draft dodger?Would you roll over and accept the smearer's attacks insults lies? Or would you attack the smearer?You have that chance. Whatcha gonna do? Accept any version of anyone the procine swine dictates because he can do no wrong? Even when he desecrates what we used to hold dear? Have you ever asked yourself WHY you would go to the dark side and embrace it?
Allegedly the autopsy reveals that the marks around his neck are more consistent with being choked to death (murdered) than simply hanging himself. Makes sense. Pedophiles don't do... moreAllegedly the autopsy reveals that the marks around his neck are more consistent with being choked to death (murdered) than simply hanging himself. Makes sense. Pedophiles don't do well in prison. Some of his vics were in their early teens. I wonder if anyone mourns his death and if so what does that person/those people have in their background to care about a horrendous monstrous pedophile?
Well because.It is obvious that people are loving the corrupt leaders of the world and defending them and protecting them and supporting them. Yes they still attend their places of... moreWell because.It is obvious that people are loving the corrupt leaders of the world and defending them and protecting them and supporting them. Yes they still attend their places of worship but with hate in their hearts for "the other" how serious are they about it? They go through the motions but their passion lies not in serving GOD but in servicing despot dictators. You can't serve two masters. You cannot worship the devil and any GOD simultaneously. It's one or the other and it is apparent to me which y'all have chosen.I ask why would you support a devil-based satan-based evil-based anything or anyone? What do you say? less
Maybe the wholesale homo sap support of immorality corruption avarice is just the natural progression in homo sap evolution. How else to explain the current situation in the world?... moreMaybe the wholesale homo sap support of immorality corruption avarice is just the natural progression in homo sap evolution. How else to explain the current situation in the world? It ain't just America folks. It's EVERYWHERE. How do you explain the disdain contempt derision millions of homo saps show for integrity morality truth justice fairness honor? I think those of us who are appalled and disgusted just don't get it. Either we climb aboard and join them or get out of the way because that is the new homo sap species. Adjust or admit defeat. It is a hopeless battle.SIGH. less
An Answermug friend who lives in the northern part of the state had no power from 7:15pm Saturday till it was turned back on at 3:15 pm WEDNESDAY! A way of life now I guess for som... moreAn Answermug friend who lives in the northern part of the state had no power from 7:15pm Saturday till it was turned back on at 3:15 pm WEDNESDAY! A way of life now I guess for some Californians. There's gotta be a smarter way and what good doesm shutting off the power do anyway?
For the last forty minutes, I am the ONLY person to post.I'm the Early-Hours of Halloween King (with all due respect to Halloweenie)
:)Happy Halloween everyone!