Mine?I love leather but I do not believe in slaughtering animals for their fur. I am anti fur coat. But pro leather. So what's the difference between me and fur lovers? NONE. Embar... moreMine?I love leather but I do not believe in slaughtering animals for their fur. I am anti fur coat. But pro leather. So what's the difference between me and fur lovers? NONE. Embarrassing but true. There ya go! Where does your hypocrisy shine most brightly?
I am making many more spelling errors than I used to even though I read and re-read my words before I post them. But more often than not when I go back to reply to a response I hav... moreI am making many more spelling errors than I used to even though I read and re-read my words before I post them. But more often than not when I go back to reply to a response I have to make yet another correction. Can dyslexia occur when you are way old? What else could it be but that?
He will always serve as the dictionary definition of WORST WORSE WORSER WORSTEST.No redeeming value virtue. Only as an example of the lowest of the lowliest..the devil's spawn and ... moreHe will always serve as the dictionary definition of WORST WORSE WORSER WORSTEST.No redeeming value virtue. Only as an example of the lowest of the lowliest..the devil's spawn and promulgator of all things negative harmful selfish treasonous. Disloyal to his core. Hateful in every pore. An example of nevermore nevermore nevermore. I pray to GOD.
A world where money is derided and ridiculed and having it works against you.A world where being selfish cruel uncaring is not an option.A world where hate is incarcerated in dunge... moreA world where money is derided and ridiculed and having it works against you.A world where being selfish cruel uncaring is not an option.A world where hate is incarcerated in dungeonsA world where telling lies will get you sent away to a special island where liars live. Like lepers. Isolated.
They sell their countries to the highest biddert. They sell power and influence and pressure and threats and intimidation and subjugation. For oil which is money. For money which i... moreThey sell their countries to the highest biddert. They sell power and influence and pressure and threats and intimidation and subjugation. For oil which is money. For money which is the holy grail. You can't have too much of it.So far as I know babies don't hoor themselves.Why are there so many different kinds of hoors? Body mind soul emotion spirit? You can buy anything if ya got enough MONEY. Money is the root of all evil? No. LOVE OF MONEY. LUSTING AFTER MONEY. DREAMING ABOUT GETTING MORE MONEY.KILLING FOR MORE MONEY. LYING FOR MORE MONEY. No such thing as having too much money."You can't be rich enough or thin enough". Allegedly said by some skinny scrawny very rich high society dame long ago. She looked anorexic. I don't remember her name but beautiful she was not. What she was? VERY RICH AND VERY THIN. less
The Zuck insists it's all about free speech. I say bullsh** to that it's all about greedy SOB money money money money money hungry. No noble motive can be imputed to anyone who con... moreThe Zuck insists it's all about free speech. I say bullsh** to that it's all about greedy SOB money money money money money hungry. No noble motive can be imputed to anyone who condones LYING as a Constitution right and expect to be taken seriously. It's all about the money honey. Follow the money. You can never have too much and whatever ya gotta do to get more ya do. Period. End of story. Case closed. Which brings up another question which I shall toot sweet forthwidth.
Now of course being a Californian I know he hates us with every ounce of his obese body weight and is out to "get" us. He delights in the fires. Perhaps one day we will know if he ... moreNow of course being a Californian I know he hates us with every ounce of his obese body weight and is out to "get" us. He delights in the fires. Perhaps one day we will know if he or his adoring worshippers have had anything to do with it. I know he does not grieve for at all. If he wins the fight on "rolling back" environmental standards and emissions for autos my lungs will be crapped up again with smog. Futurely. Maybe I won't live long enough to experience that. So why do I despise detest him for everything he does/says I haven't been harmed one bit by that halfwit nitwit twit....thus far. So what is it about him that is so despicable? LYING is number one. Being STUPID DUMB is number two. Being a TRAITOR is number three. My top three. Do you have a top three? less
I told you about the deal on OPRAH magazine. 12 issues for $8! Here's the next hook I'm bitingTIME magazine53 issues for $15!So that's 28.3 cents per issueOf course I can't not sub... moreI told you about the deal on OPRAH magazine. 12 issues for $8! Here's the next hook I'm bitingTIME magazine53 issues for $15!So that's 28.3 cents per issueOf course I can't not subscribe. Surely I'm not the only one who is offered such a deal. Whassup?
"Reporter visit Trump's Doral and finds a Sh*thole". What reporter? Aldous J. Pennyfarthing. Ever hear of him? He wrote "Dear F*cking Lunatic" purportedly 101 Obscenely rude letter... more"Reporter visit Trump's Doral and finds a Sh*thole". What reporter? Aldous J. Pennyfarthing. Ever hear of him? He wrote "Dear F*cking Lunatic" purportedly 101 Obscenely rude letters to Donald and also "1001 reason Donald is the worst president ever".Now I never read any other thing by this brilliant author/reporter/numorist/opinionist but it's funny as he** just reading about it's existence don'tcha think? The "expose" on Doral goes into detail which you do not want to read if you have a sensitive tummyu. For you steel-strong guts folks as I said it's kinda funny.I think the donald won't find it to be so but then I doubt he has a funny bone in his entire body.Tally ho! Zounds the hounds. Tea and crumpets anyone? A tip of the hat to those who can find anything funny haha about the donald. less
Very few are are understandable even by proper Engrish speaking people, How do you lot in America get on with your southern drawl and other quaint language adaptations we often her... moreVery few are are understandable even by proper Engrish speaking people, How do you lot in America get on with your southern drawl and other quaint language adaptations we often here on your films and news broadcasts....Does anyone have to same problem with our London speaking nice accents :) Hehe
It’s also one of the most obvious clues that trips them up, because chlorine bleach is seldom used in those settings in normal, non-criminal circumstances, and because it doe... moreIt’s also one of the most obvious clues that trips them up, because chlorine bleach is seldom used in those settings in normal, non-criminal circumstances, and because it does not clean up nor hide the substances that investigators look for when scouring the scene. Lastly, the amounts of bleach used at a scene is also ridiculously overkill. (Sorry for the pun.)For instance (and assuming that you are not a criminal), when was the last time you used chlorine bleach to clean anything in your car?
much more than the salacious, sordid, tawdry, smut-filled exposés of drug-addicted, alcoholic, sex scandal ridden, criminally convicted, down and out loser has-beens. ... moremuch more than the salacious, sordid, tawdry, smut-filled exposés of drug-addicted, alcoholic, sex scandal ridden, criminally convicted, down and out loser has-beens. This is especially true of former child stars who are now adults and have had positive lives. Who are some of your favorite celebs who have favorable histories as opposed to ugly ones?~
Bonus Peeve #11. Failing to make a left turn or taking so long to do it that the light turns red10. Failing to make a right turn or taking forever to do it when it is legal t... moreBonus Peeve #11. Failing to make a left turn or taking so long to do it that the light turns red10. Failing to make a right turn or taking forever to do it when it is legal to do so and traffic conditions allow for it 9. Driving with a child or a dog on their laps8. Blocking a lane or road when they are looking for an address, picking up or dropping off, or even worse, stopping to talk to someone else7. Speeding to get to a red light or a stop sign6. Slowing down in front of me just because they see a police car, especially when the officer is on the side of the road and busy doing something else5. Being on their cell phones and not paying attention to traffic4. Playing their sound system much too loudly (please note that I didn’t say “playing their music”; usually not anything fit to be called music)3. Cutting me off2. Throwing trash out of their car windows1. Tailgating less
a supposed relief from the so-called “rigidness” of wearing a shirt tucked in. Some of you may have seen the advertising campaign for Untucked, a product line for... morea supposed relief from the so-called “rigidness” of wearing a shirt tucked in. Some of you may have seen the advertising campaign for Untucked, a product line for men. Bear in mind that I am not referring to casual shirts, athletic shirts, etc. A business setting, a formal event, a situation where that requires a more impressive demeanor than average, all may call for a shirt to be tucked in. If a man wants to display how laid back or relaxed or cool or hip or groovy or with-it he is, then an untucked shirt may be wholly appropriate, fine. Conversely, when the goal is presenting oneself in a tidy, gentlemanly, respectful manner, then tucking in the shirt is not the end of the world. What‘s your take on the issue?*Capitalization is for emphasis. ~ less
It’s strange, really. Lately when I try to apply the brakes, they are mushy and unresponsive. Since this problem began about ten days ago, I have slammed through variou... moreIt’s strange, really. Lately when I try to apply the brakes, they are mushy and unresponsive. Since this problem began about ten days ago, I have slammed through various stop signs, stop lights, and intersections, I have nearly rear-ended more than a few cars, I have scared pedestrians in crosswalks who thought I was go to bowl them over, when o try to park the car, I have plowed into things such as walls, fences, barriers, and shrubs as if I am driving a battering ram on crack. Looking back a couple weeks, everything was perfectly fine with the brakes. Well, that’s not entirely true. The brakes were squeaking all the time, and day after day it got increasingly worse, increasingly louder, increasingly annoying. It got so bad that I remedied it by spraying globs and globs of WD-40 directly into all of the working parts of the brakes. Every time the squeaking started again, more WD-40. You probably wouldn’t believe how much of it I slathered on there, it was Goo City. I gu... less
1. When Obama was president, things were more or less fine, minus frequent squabbling about polarization and gridlock in Washington. Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the wo... more1. When Obama was president, things were more or less fine, minus frequent squabbling about polarization and gridlock in Washington. Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the world has become a garish, nightmare-inducing cavalcade of terrible news, due primarily to the president’s general incompetence and tendency to make policy decisions based on volatile whims and reactionary impulses.2. Trump’s ascendance was the natural result of the most staggering economic inequality since the Great Depression coupled with increasingly blatant racist and xenophobic rhetoric from the right. less
They have no idea what we (not me personally) are going through with all these fires. And what do the prodons do? Tell us YOU DESERVE IT. Isn't that swell as he**? See how kind and... moreThey have no idea what we (not me personally) are going through with all these fires. And what do the prodons do? Tell us YOU DESERVE IT. Isn't that swell as he**? See how kind and caring they are about the tragediews befalling others. Any chance they can to stick it to us politically partisanwise they will and they do. A pox on all their houses. May they all know what it's like to be down and stomped on by your fellow AMERICAN citizens. My wish. Shame on all of you. Shame on you. Shame.
I believe it was Star Trek where we encountered an empath. She FELT every pain and every emotion of those who were suffering. That would be a wondrous thing to bestow upon the man ... moreI believe it was Star Trek where we encountered an empath. She FELT every pain and every emotion of those who were suffering. That would be a wondrous thing to bestow upon the man who would be king. Wooden it?
No because you have to HAVE a deep within in order to go there. He has nothing to go to WITHIN himself and so he relies on the kindness of strangers (Tennessee Williams anyone?). T... moreNo because you have to HAVE a deep within in order to go there. He has nothing to go to WITHIN himself and so he relies on the kindness of strangers (Tennessee Williams anyone?). That is the cause of his desperation. There is no there there for him on his own alone and he relies on those outside him to save him and service him and obey him and adore him. Take them away? He's got nuthin'. Which he knows which is why he is getting more and more desperate as time goes by.