All of your friends tried to warn you, but did you listen? No, you put mayo on the sandwich and Randy D left you. Next time, well, never mind. There probably won’t even be a ... moreAll of your friends tried to warn you, but did you listen? No, you put mayo on the sandwich and Randy D left you. Next time, well, never mind. There probably won’t even be a next time. Randy D doesn’t forgive this kind of thing easily. ~
I just learned this while listening to a report about the wildfires that are currently sweeping through many areas of my state, California. I do not know much about solar energy at... moreI just learned this while listening to a report about the wildfires that are currently sweeping through many areas of my state, California. I do not know much about solar energy at all, so learning this prompts me to ask this:What are some common misconceptions about solar energy?~
Too defining/insulting? How about ANIMATE being? Still too defining/insulting? Okey. ANIMATE/INANIMATE/ABSTRACT/THEORETICAL?That covers everything everywhere which may still hide i... moreToo defining/insulting? How about ANIMATE being? Still too defining/insulting? Okey. ANIMATE/INANIMATE/ABSTRACT/THEORETICAL?That covers everything everywhere which may still hide insult somewhere in there but less defined so is that okay?The more abstruse diaphanous the less likely an insult can be hiding.
As long as what he did wasn't to them they're good with it. No skin of their noses. Maybe they did what he did too and so they know they are in the same camp as he is. What's not t... moreAs long as what he did wasn't to them they're good with it. No skin of their noses. Maybe they did what he did too and so they know they are in the same camp as he is. What's not to love right? What's not to love. He IS them and they IS he.But any men whom he sexually abused who were not themselves sexual abusers might look at him with disfavor. Could there be any who still would support him even though even so no matter what he did to them that was disgusting? The reason for that would be....?
Renaming one another. Like for instance m2c is always investigating answers and questions so she might use the moniker SLEUTH. I'd like to rename Spunky to Sparkly but of course it... moreRenaming one another. Like for instance m2c is always investigating answers and questions so she might use the moniker SLEUTH. I'd like to rename Spunky to Sparkly but of course it would have to be with her permission. What do you think? Can we be trusted to do that? Set aside differences and just go for fun without being insulting or hurtful or PARTISAN? I'm listening.
If what is quoted is verbatim and you are not identified by moniker at all what is the problem with doing that? I'm interested because I just got nailed for using "Republican Answe... moreIf what is quoted is verbatim and you are not identified by moniker at all what is the problem with doing that? I'm interested because I just got nailed for using "Republican Answermugger". A sin of great proportion or paddidly? I don't know. That's why I ask. I mean the person SAID it so where's the BAD in quoting it and asking if others agree with it? I don't get it.
Create your own world of unreality and insist all who enter it accept it too and once inside you NEVER leave. No matter how delusional it is.That's what motormouth and his merry me... moreCreate your own world of unreality and insist all who enter it accept it too and once inside you NEVER leave. No matter how delusional it is.That's what motormouth and his merry men/women do daily. They never will dare to leave their world of delusion.If you ever saw the movie Shangri La remember what happened to the beautiful young girl who left there? That is what will happen to them too should they ever step foot outside their safe zone. So they don't.That's how it's done.They have their very own zone of delusion via FAUX NEWS. What more do they need to feel triumphant and victorious every minute of every day. less
My long-ago best friend's brother whom I never met committed suicide. He was a troubled genius she told me. Had problems with alsohol and drugs and finally ended his life.Geniuses ... moreMy long-ago best friend's brother whom I never met committed suicide. He was a troubled genius she told me. Had problems with alsohol and drugs and finally ended his life.Geniuses are not all alike. Some function at very high levels and live comparatively "normal" lives. Others are not so fortunate. I'm not sure why since I'm not among them but I suspect it gets very wearisome engaging with those who your intellectual inferiors who think they know everything when they know nothing. I don't know but unless they can find others on their level to interact with it would be a very lonely life.Genius ain't always what you'd think it is. Sometimes they have to pay a price for it. No one asks to be one you know. They are born not made and so they do the best they can and sometimes for them it becomes too hard a task and meaningless. SIGH. less
Declared bankruptcy six times and his daddy dearest bailed him outHad to go a foreign bank (Deutsche Bank) to get bank loans. Domestic banks found him to be a bad risk because he'd... moreDeclared bankruptcy six times and his daddy dearest bailed him outHad to go a foreign bank (Deutsche Bank) to get bank loans. Domestic banks found him to be a bad risk because he'd stiff those he owed. Deadbeat Cheapskates are known for that.He and his daddy dearest were sued for discrimination in housing by refusing to rent/sell to African Americans. He lost.He was ridiculed derided and used as a punch line for many years by those who knew him. Tried so hard to be accepted by the elites but didn't/doesn't have the right stuff to qualify. He will always be a third-rate rejectHe sued and was sued a bazillion times and was involved in scandals. Notoriously full of himself he kept promoting himself even when folks knew he was using a phony name to plant stories about himselfThis is a success? In what universe? Sheesh. less
I think it is very stupid to keep talking and making things worse for yourself. A less stupid person would remain silent and quiet and not give the opposition ammunition with which... moreI think it is very stupid to keep talking and making things worse for yourself. A less stupid person would remain silent and quiet and not give the opposition ammunition with which to attack him.Silence would have protected him from a multiplicity of misfortunes including investigation for conspiracy collusion treason. Silence and quiet and no backdoor conniving and no front and center bragging and demanding and insisting and threatening and intimidating and strongarming and extorting and quid pro quoing.All he had to do was shut up. But he cannot do that and so where he is today is ENTIRELY his own doing. Does he stop? No he keeps talking and making things worse for himself every day. Now that is not a thing an INTELLIGENT person would do. It is a thing a very stupid person does. Like trying to mug someone in front of the police station or leaving your wallet behind a place you robbed or sticking up an undercover cop. There are many stupid dumbs out and about and motormouth is among them. In my opinion. I have ... less
Do you think motormouth knows what love is? Do you think other than himself he loves anyone? I know he loves power and money and big strong hunky despot dictators. We can tell by h... moreDo you think motormouth knows what love is? Do you think other than himself he loves anyone? I know he loves power and money and big strong hunky despot dictators. We can tell by how he speaks so lustingly about them. However that kind of love isn't really love is it?
Invent an operation that can remove a cold hateful hostile negative evil harmful vicious vindictive greedy treasonous traitorous demanding self-absorbed genetic anomaly personality... moreInvent an operation that can remove a cold hateful hostile negative evil harmful vicious vindictive greedy treasonous traitorous demanding self-absorbed genetic anomaly personality and replace it with a transplant of someone kind caring honorable honest truthful. Who better than motormouth to be awarded a first crack at it? Test case. First round of trials. Sink and drown or swim/float.Certainly there is no otherw ay to change him from what he is to that. But cutting out the entire persona making sure there are no rogue cells that escape and then replacing it with someone we could respect admire support believe in rather than the rotter he is currently? That would be the cat's pajamas wooden it? less
If you're an anti or pro I already know what you think feel believe about motormouth. The country is polarizd. The pros think he has done ONLY GOOD and the antis believe he done do... moreIf you're an anti or pro I already know what you think feel believe about motormouth. The country is polarizd. The pros think he has done ONLY GOOD and the antis believe he done done only EVIL. What I don't know is if there exist anywhere any middlers and if so can you list what you think are the GOOD and also list what you think are the EVIL? Get a different perspective beyond Devil/Saint which he ain't or izzy? I dunno. That's why I'm asking. If I knew the answer I would have to ask the question!
I wish I were MORE patientI wish I were less annoyed at illogical thinkingI've tried to become more patient. Hopeless. FailureI don't know how to try to not be annoyed when folks t... moreI wish I were MORE patientI wish I were less annoyed at illogical thinkingI've tried to become more patient. Hopeless. FailureI don't know how to try to not be annoyed when folks talk gibberish nonsense thinking it's profoundly brilliant