Why do you think the asker gives a rat's a** that you don't know and you don't care and it depends? Unless you flesh out in detail what "it depends" on that response is useless too... moreWhy do you think the asker gives a rat's a** that you don't know and you don't care and it depends? Unless you flesh out in detail what "it depends" on that response is useless too.How much time do you waste providing non-answers to question askers? Your goal is to do what? Kill time in front of others?
If they can't answer the dam* question why do they waste time showing up? What's it to them to ask what's it to me since why would that make any difference to anyone when they answ... moreIf they can't answer the dam* question why do they waste time showing up? What's it to them to ask what's it to me since why would that make any difference to anyone when they answer the question? I don't get why people waste so much time not answering the questions asked but respond to them anyway. What's up with that anyway?
Wired a**-backwards? Living in a world where wrong is a delight and right they must smite 24/7.Not abcdBut dcba because they like it that way so what's it to you what they do? Eith... moreWired a**-backwards? Living in a world where wrong is a delight and right they must smite 24/7.Not abcdBut dcba because they like it that way so what's it to you what they do? Either climb aboard or step aside. Decide. Abide. Collide. Deride. Hide. Lied. Wide. Backwards it will be. The motormouth has spoke. Journey back to yesterday. Everything you want is there.Regression is the goal. Becoming less than is the way to go. Achieving less expecting less demanding less fighting less accepting less. Less is more. Ya didn't know? Nothing is everything you could ever want. Quitcherbit**in. All is PERFECT. The motormouth tells you so. Jesus loves you this I know cause the Bible tells you so. Little ones to him belong they are weak and He is strong. Yes Jesus loves you Yes Jesus loves you Yes Jesus loves you the Bible tells you so.Question is does Jesus love motormouth and his cabal et al? Why? less
There is something particularly GALLING and EVIL when a five-time fake bonespur draft dodger is the one heading the smearing of a PATRIOTIC MILITARY HERO.I dunno bout chew bu... moreThere is something particularly GALLING and EVIL when a five-time fake bonespur draft dodger is the one heading the smearing of a PATRIOTIC MILITARY HERO.I dunno bout chew but I think those who get on that bandwagon are going to he**. They will not pas go nor will they collect $200. Straight to he** with motormouth and his evil crew. Different strokes.
He himself is the only shame involved in this process. He himself is the only one to blame for being the cause of having to nullify him and get rid of him. He alone is the cause an... moreHe himself is the only shame involved in this process. He himself is the only one to blame for being the cause of having to nullify him and get rid of him. He alone is the cause and sadly the effect of his evil corrupt criminal treasonous traitorous actions. He himself alone is the cancer. He himself alone is the poison. He himself alone is the disease the infection the tragedy. He himself alone. On his own.
Those with PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS.Right back to square one before the AHCA FORBID doing so.Aren'tcha all proud as punch with this turn of events? Of course you are. Why wooden shoe be?
Allegedly Jason Chaffetz whined about the impossibility of having Congress read the EIGHT-PAGE IMPEACHMENT RESOLUTION IN TWO DAYS! ALLEGEDLY that is what this stupid dumb said.How ... moreAllegedly Jason Chaffetz whined about the impossibility of having Congress read the EIGHT-PAGE IMPEACHMENT RESOLUTION IN TWO DAYS! ALLEGEDLY that is what this stupid dumb said.How long does it take YOU to read EIGHT PAGES?
Becanse he cannot read a teleprompter without screwing it up very badly. I wonder how he will screw up what he will purportedly read? Or will he be a dummy sitting there mouthing w... moreBecanse he cannot read a teleprompter without screwing it up very badly. I wonder how he will screw up what he will purportedly read? Or will he be a dummy sitting there mouthing words that someone else is actually saying? A dummy independent of the ventriloquist? A first outside of the horror movies where dummies come to life and do evil things? I dunno. Stay tuned.
It is definitely a fool's errand. Of that I am certain.Expecting logical reasonable sensible? Seriously? In this day and age and place and time? You'd think I was on a drug or some... moreIt is definitely a fool's errand. Of that I am certain.Expecting logical reasonable sensible? Seriously? In this day and age and place and time? You'd think I was on a drug or something. Expecting that is definitely addlepated impossible fruitless hopeless. Yet I continue on expecting. Silly goose.
While he is engulfed overwhelmed surrounded by impeachment inquiry and removal does motormouth still have the authority to pardon whomever he wants whenever he wants whyever he wan... moreWhile he is engulfed overwhelmed surrounded by impeachment inquiry and removal does motormouth still have the authority to pardon whomever he wants whenever he wants whyever he wants? If so how does that make any sense at all?
As the sean of hannity goeth so goeth motormouth and all prodons. The sean of hannity speaketh and the motormouth and prodons taketh all his words to heart to "mind" to soul and sp... moreAs the sean of hannity goeth so goeth motormouth and all prodons. The sean of hannity speaketh and the motormouth and prodons taketh all his words to heart to "mind" to soul and spreadeth the word of the chief big bird.Are you a flocker a nester a sean of hannity admirer/devotee/acolyte/worshipper? Every word every noise every sound he spilleth forth is pure gold?
GOD also made others and they are different from you but they are just as valid in their views and thoughts as you are in yours. After all the maker was the same. So HE makes us in... moreGOD also made others and they are different from you but they are just as valid in their views and thoughts as you are in yours. After all the maker was the same. So HE makes us in a variety of sizes colors intellects emotions. Who is to say which of us is more loved or less loved? Perhaps the variety among us a test to see how we can accommodate to our differences? I don't know. All I know is that GOD gave me this brain to use as best I can so I do. I trust y'all do the same. Right?
What is true for the unique singular extraordinary one-of-a-kind will never be true of multiples. Why do people extrapolate anyway? What's the point purpose goal end? Are homo saps... moreWhat is true for the unique singular extraordinary one-of-a-kind will never be true of multiples. Why do people extrapolate anyway? What's the point purpose goal end? Are homo saps incapable of focuing on just one thing without deeming it what it isn't? I don't get it.
Whether he/she is FAKE or real a lawyer is an officer of the court and there are certain requirements attendant thereto none of which pertain to billybarr. He is a shameless gutles... moreWhether he/she is FAKE or real a lawyer is an officer of the court and there are certain requirements attendant thereto none of which pertain to billybarr. He is a shameless gutless spineless toady sycophant who has taken it upon himself to service motormouth any which way he wants. Upside downside backside upside. You name liddlebillybarr is there to service. Dam* legal dam* laws dam* right and wrong. Dam* liddlebillybarr and motormouth. When is the farce gonna end? Or is this the first perpetual motion anything anywhere? Endless stopless timeless truthless? less
Tracking women's periods? Bet it's a bunch of guys who get off on stuff like that. The same one who put cameras in dressing rooms so they can get off and seeing a woman naked right... moreTracking women's periods? Bet it's a bunch of guys who get off on stuff like that. The same one who put cameras in dressing rooms so they can get off and seeing a woman naked right? What woman would take part in such a weird bizarre odd icky yucky disgusting thing?.Do they also track the sexual couplings and how many of them lead to pregnancy?What other totally personal things can you think of that the gubment has no business invading that they invade?Unfriggin'believable bunch of crackpots running federal and at least one state gubment. Or do you approve?Imagine bazillions of spreadsheets with women's names tracking their periods? What else are they tracking that is none of their dam* business do you s'pose? Sheesh. GOP is sex-obsessed and gets off on tracking body fluids. What none-of-their business things do they track about men or is it just that women are the lucky ones? less
“what’s up” song reminded me of that night Cos some guy in the back seat of the car while we were driving there was playing that song on guitar and I was singing ... more“what’s up” song reminded me of that night Cos some guy in the back seat of the car while we were driving there was playing that song on guitar and I was singing it in the front. ... then we ended up in a scary biker rye bar and then... I forget where I was going with this post... that’s fine. Just answer whatever my original question was Cos I don’t feel like figuring out what I was asking.