In the first scenario I am not the one who is the liar. "The other" person is that. No skin off my nose. I don't care.But if I am given credit for something I did not do I will not... moreIn the first scenario I am not the one who is the liar. "The other" person is that. No skin off my nose. I don't care.But if I am given credit for something I did not do I will not stay silent and accept what I did not earn.Now is that the way YOU roll too? If not why not?
The dumba** jacka** always takes every opportunity to stomp on folks when they are already down on the ground BLEEDING TO DEATH.I wish that GOD would take him home. Can't he use a ... moreThe dumba** jacka** always takes every opportunity to stomp on folks when they are already down on the ground BLEEDING TO DEATH.I wish that GOD would take him home. Can't he use a jacka** in Heaven as a perfect example of what NOT TO BE? Surely our penance enduring him is over? Surely GOD is a merciful GOD and will remove him from our sight and mind and hearing and lives SOON?
Do you have someone in your life who is your "Kevin"? No matter where you go he is right there on the same page going in the same direction with the same focus? No matter how obscu... moreDo you have someone in your life who is your "Kevin"? No matter where you go he is right there on the same page going in the same direction with the same focus? No matter how obscure abstract idiosyncratic he accompanies you?Lucky you. Are you someone's Kevin too?
Basically I just want to wave at everyone and want you to know that I am o.k. My husband's very good state of health went down during Christmas time 2018 and in February 2019 he lo... moreBasically I just want to wave at everyone and want you to know that I am o.k. My husband's very good state of health went down during Christmas time 2018 and in February 2019 he lost total kidney function because of a blood disorder he was diagnosed with in 2004. Next to getting hemodialysis 3 x per week for 4 hrs. each time he had several hospital stays and surgeries, including an heart valve replacement and a stroke followed. Afterwards he was in Stroke Rehab and then he received Physical Therapy in our trailer and he exercises walks now with a rollator/walker. I had to drive him to all appointments and events after not really having driven our long heavy truck for 10 years. I was suddenly a driver, a nurse, a dietitian and doing any heavy chore in our household myself. My hubby is 86 and I will be 84 this month. He had lost so much weight that he still looks like a skeleton with skin. But since September I have another nice small car, our old dually chevy with a crew cab and an 8' bed, which stalled almost at... less
I am gregarious/extrovert/outgoing only on the internet where I have total control of everything except the response of others. Even that I can control by not reading them. In real... moreI am gregarious/extrovert/outgoing only on the internet where I have total control of everything except the response of others. Even that I can control by not reading them. In real life I can withdraw and try to be invisible. So a different part of me takes over when I cannot foresee or affect what might come at me.Are you the same you in every way everywhere all the time no matter what?
I used to be so sensitive and delicate and fragile. Now? Not so much. I actually didn't realize it until recently when I took stock of the me now and the me decades ago. I'm the sa... moreI used to be so sensitive and delicate and fragile. Now? Not so much. I actually didn't realize it until recently when I took stock of the me now and the me decades ago. I'm the same but very different. You know what they say..the more things change the more they stay the same. Well I'm living proof of that. What about you? Did you used to be very sensitive too and now you aren't remotely fearful that others can hurt you? I think it was gradual not overnight. Overnight I would have noticed.Things I'd take to heart that hurt years ago? Now I think "how interesting is that?" and then move on and let it go. Progress or merely survival of those who adapt as life changes? Are you tougher now too or just as fragile delicate sensitive as you were long ago? less
People PREFER CLEANER AND CHEAPER sources of energy.Why pay more for dirty when you can pay less for clean? Seriously folks. Wouldn't you be hurting yourself by insisting coal was ... morePeople PREFER CLEANER AND CHEAPER sources of energy.Why pay more for dirty when you can pay less for clean? Seriously folks. Wouldn't you be hurting yourself by insisting coal was the way to go?
The sourcing of energy has been shifting from coal to other for years. Did they really think motormouth was going to turn back to the way things were decades ago? Good grief were t... moreThe sourcing of energy has been shifting from coal to other for years. Did they really think motormouth was going to turn back to the way things were decades ago? Good grief were they not paying attention to their surroundings?Apparently the largest coal companyjust declared bankruptcy. Wonder if they blame motormouth for making a promise that wasn't his to make and he certainly could not keep? What were they thinking?
He kises his own a** all the time and also the a**es of Putin and other strongarm strongmen butcher beheader dismemberer despot dictators corrupt criminal crooks. So that would be ... moreHe kises his own a** all the time and also the a**es of Putin and other strongarm strongmen butcher beheader dismemberer despot dictators corrupt criminal crooks. So that would be not attacking. Okay. I can see that would be. 50% kisses a**..his or someone else's and 50% attacks insults denigrates desecrates eviscerates excoriates his hated rivals enemies competitors disagreers. I guess that's about right.
If so how does that affect you spirits moods mental state? Are you depressed about it or okay with it? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. The minds of those who aren't the sm... moreIf so how does that affect you spirits moods mental state? Are you depressed about it or okay with it? Inquiring minds wanna know these things. The minds of those who aren't the smartest person they know. Like me.
Who chews gum? Who wants to look like a cow chewing its cud? This is the epitome of multi-tasking ability? Seriously?So this fantastic talent impresses you exactly why and how?What... moreWho chews gum? Who wants to look like a cow chewing its cud? This is the epitome of multi-tasking ability? Seriously?So this fantastic talent impresses you exactly why and how?What flavor gum? How often do and you switch it out so you can always savor the flavor or once in the mouth it never leaves it? EWEE!Those with dentures probably are out of luck. I don't wear them but I know some who did and they avoided gum like they avoid a dog frothing at the mouth that was rabid. Who does that? Who aspires to do that?Chewing tobacky? Anyone do that instead of chewing gum? And as for walking what about those who are confined to a wheelchair? Remember FDR? I doubt he chewed gum and I didn't see him walk after he contracted polio. I did see him standing up behind a podum but he was propped up there and you never saw him walk up to it or walk away from it.So you penalize people who cannot walk for whatever reason then?Walk and chew gum. How stupid dumb. Yet the beat goes on and you hear it all the time from the dimwits. less
The president is NOT ABOVE THE LAW. He gives written answers to Mueller because his lawyers don't dare allow him to testify under oath in person because he is a compulsive liar.Wri... moreThe president is NOT ABOVE THE LAW. He gives written answers to Mueller because his lawyers don't dare allow him to testify under oath in person because he is a compulsive liar.Written answers wuz swell as he** for him to give Muellerbut bad as he** for anyone else to do likewise? That is ILLOGICAL. For y'all who insist motormouth is not stupid dumb I give you this example. Now you may think that was a perfect reply for a profoundly wise extremely stable genius. How long ago were you tested to make sure YOU have no screws loose? less
Just think as he is roasting on a humongous spit because he is so supersized in He** how many awards Satan will bestow upon him?You'd think Satan would not roast someone who served... moreJust think as he is roasting on a humongous spit because he is so supersized in He** how many awards Satan will bestow upon him?You'd think Satan would not roast someone who served him so well but you'd think wrong.Anyway until that day motormouth will do his very uttest to be the first one to blow up a planet.
The Cabinet via the 25th AmendmentThe voters via a presidential electionThe Senate who advises and consents after the House has presented a bill of IMPEACHMENTThe Cabinet is too ch... moreThe Cabinet via the 25th AmendmentThe voters via a presidential electionThe Senate who advises and consents after the House has presented a bill of IMPEACHMENTThe Cabinet is too chickensh**The Senate is too chickensh**The voters could do it would do it IF AND ONLY IF it weren't already rigged against anything touching the balding thinning dyed orange corrupt criminal traitorous treasonous hairy head head of the motormouth.The motormouth BEGGED foreign nations to meddle in the election in 2016 and 2020 to make him prezThe GOP in every state does what it can to invalidate elections in any possible way including FRAUD. Every one of them is doing it because you see they all believe their only hope for salvation is saving the motormouth from removal?Dopes don't know their efforts will lead them into TEMPTATION and eventual DAMNATION and GOOD RIDDANCE! less
Building/creating would occur instanteously or as a fast a a wrecking ball can destroy a structure.Destroying on the other hand would take many many many generations.The builders/c... moreBuilding/creating would occur instanteously or as a fast a a wrecking ball can destroy a structure.Destroying on the other hand would take many many many generations.The builders/creators would always have a job. The destroyers might well die out from frustration that their only purpose in life would be to string it out lengthen it out stretch it out delay it?I know that realistically practically due to limitations of physics et al that could not occur.But WHAT IF?
The supporters of motormouth never know what to think from day to day or even moment to moment until he tells them. So they leave their minds in isolation suspended animation obliv... moreThe supporters of motormouth never know what to think from day to day or even moment to moment until he tells them. So they leave their minds in isolation suspended animation oblivion a vacuum until he has decided what shall be true that moment and then and only then do they learn what they will be allowed to think believe espouse promulgate propagate transmit. Howest thou now brown cow?. Have you come to the aid of your party? Are you a qwerty? A quick brown fox?
They no longer have legs to stand uprignt on and so they devolving into a different species of bellycrawlers. All for one man? A man for all times all rimes all thymes all rhymes? ... moreThey no longer have legs to stand uprignt on and so they devolving into a different species of bellycrawlers. All for one man? A man for all times all rimes all thymes all rhymes? Sublime. Divine. Porcine swine.
New & improved? The wave of the future? How the big boys do it uh-huh uh-huh! Don't knock it till ya try it. What could it hurt? Everyone says so. That I can tell you.
The GOP sleuth finds the honest man and does what with him? MURDER him right? The GOP motormouh toady sycophant lemmings cannot tolerate any honesty anywhere there. Why? Because mo... moreThe GOP sleuth finds the honest man and does what with him? MURDER him right? The GOP motormouh toady sycophant lemmings cannot tolerate any honesty anywhere there. Why? Because motormouth will DESTROY he/she who dares tell the truth that's why and also destroy those who support those who tell the truth. DUH!
He lived from 404-323 BCE and he is the one who searched way back then for an HONEST MAN.So we have been liars for thousand of years. Good to know right?
TWITTER was born July 2006 parented by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Wilson. TWITTER has banned all political ads. No sucky yucky money-hungry greedy hoors at TWITTER... moreTWITTER was born July 2006 parented by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Wilson. TWITTER has banned all political ads. No sucky yucky money-hungry greedy hoors at TWITTER.Zuck lied and says it all about the FIRST AMENDMENT. My a**! It's all about the bajillions in revenue that the lying politcally partisanly skewed ads put in his bank account. Is he as greedy a money-hungry hoor as motormouth? I dunno.
I had a co-worker decades ago named Dorothy who asked me one day why I was always so open about everything? She said that it could make be a target for others to attack.I thought a... moreI had a co-worker decades ago named Dorothy who asked me one day why I was always so open about everything? She said that it could make be a target for others to attack.I thought about it for a second and said to her I didn't know how else to be and so whatever comes with that territory I accept. I"ve never changed and so far I've not regretted it. Maybe because I'm very small potatoes and not worth attacking. Maybe I'm just lucky. Or naive or both.But have you ever tried to be more open or more closed off and failed at it? less
I know I know I know. It's all about money. If you keep using what you have then you don't go out and buy new and so the manufacturer simply pulls the rug out from under you to FOR... moreI know I know I know. It's all about money. If you keep using what you have then you don't go out and buy new and so the manufacturer simply pulls the rug out from under you to FORCE YOU to do so.Over and over and over and over and over again.Now sometimes it's fine and dandy because the new is so much better than the old. I get that.Sometimes it sucks bigly. Remember NEW COKE?The new and shiny attract those who must be at the front of every new thing. It's a status symbol you see. Also the more expensive it is the better because you know they got the big bucks and can afford it. Color me unimpressed. It is the way of the world though. There are cell phones you can pay a bazillion bucks for and some that cost way less. less
The subject is OPERATING SYSTEMS.Some of you may know I moaned and groaned about the demise of XL and my reluctance to move on to 7.GUESS WHAT I JUST FOUND OUT? Others much smarter... moreThe subject is OPERATING SYSTEMS.Some of you may know I moaned and groaned about the demise of XL and my reluctance to move on to 7.GUESS WHAT I JUST FOUND OUT? Others much smarter than me FEEL THE EXACT SAME WAY.I was criticized for dragging my feet and refusing to find joy in the new and improved. As if it were a DEFECT in my intellect. Sheesh. Well folks it ain't. When something works perfectly for you why would you want to exchange it for something that doesn't? Who is that stupid?So what I/we faced with XL being forced to move to 7 we are now facing with 7 being forced to move to 10. I asked for anyone who LOVES 10 to count the ways and the only response I received was from a very smart pal who feels exactly as I page sentence word.//the same! Prefers XL..had to settle for 7...tried out and dislikes 10 BIGLY! So there! Put that in your pipe and smoke it! less
If a "very happy with what I have" and a "never satisfied" have a relationship how long will it last? Which of them is more ANNOYED with the other?Can you relate or do you not have... moreIf a "very happy with what I have" and a "never satisfied" have a relationship how long will it last? Which of them is more ANNOYED with the other?Can you relate or do you not have a clue what in the heck I'm talking about?