Per an interview Mindy McGillivray gave to the Palm Beach Post. It is just beginning. The threats from Trump supporters against the accusers. Intimidation. Perfectly fine and... morePer an interview Mindy McGillivray gave to the Palm Beach Post. It is just beginning. The threats from Trump supporters against the accusers. Intimidation. Perfectly fine and divine isn't it? After all there is the First speech. And the second amendment...the right to be armed. Put the two together and what you have is Trump supporters just waiting for a chance to PROVE how devoted they are to DA MAN WHAT AM! Doesn't it comfort you to know that they are out there watching and waiting for more people to drive away from the USA? I wonder if they number in the hundreds, thousands or millions? Ever-vigilant to protect their guy from those who would take him down. Oh dear. What comes next? Is the sky falling yet? Are we there yet? less
No disrespect to Mr. Palmer, but I already thought he was dead.
I don't expect to make it that long, so it would offend me if people weren't surprised if I croaked.