I'm an adult with symptoms of PTSD and have had anxiety for years. I have had a chaotic, violent and abusive childhood even up to early adulthood. Belittling, cruelty, hitting, scr... moreI'm an adult with symptoms of PTSD and have had anxiety for years. I have had a chaotic, violent and abusive childhood even up to early adulthood. Belittling, cruelty, hitting, screaming and mocking were daily/weekly life. This was all done mainly by a manic and borderline psychotic mother who I've debated calling police on. I am living with my 'parents' still due to finances and my anxiety I've had the last several years; many days I feel I don't even deserve joy, love or I feel nonexistent. My father recently assaulted me after defending my mom and her harsh cruel words again.. he hit me several times, and I know I could have reported him, but didn't. I need a steady full time job to get out, and until I get that, do I even speak to him? It pains me even to say hi, knowing he could give a CRAP less about any thing I've gone through and gets away with his actions for years (alcoholic too). When I get out, I have no other person in my fam. who could financially help me in a bind if I needed.. do I stay in ... less
my father used to abuse me all the time , physically and mentally abuse me. he would hit me, thrash me until i bleed while my mother just looked on adn did nothinh. Then they would... moremy father used to abuse me all the time , physically and mentally abuse me. he would hit me, thrash me until i bleed while my mother just looked on adn did nothinh. Then they would pretend to be such innocent caring loving parents. My husbands parents are the same his father is a mean drunk who has tortured them all his life and his mother is a wicked old bitch who continues to torture is until this day if she cant use us for money and other benefits. But they all pretend to be all so holier than though, go to church and preach. they tell us that we will ho to hell for not doing what they say and for hurting them. I dont know how to explain their attitude. It is like they are amazing parents who have done the best they can , countless sacrifices, so selfless etc and they deserve to be treated like royalty for being parents when they are just basic dirty scums who hust fucked and unfortunately got kids and did not know what to do with them. they are hypocrites. less
I have two cousins, who are half my age, just entered college.. when they were growing up, I'd babysit them, play with them, laugh etc. They have EVERYthing and more, money wise, a... moreI have two cousins, who are half my age, just entered college.. when they were growing up, I'd babysit them, play with them, laugh etc. They have EVERYthing and more, money wise, and now are going to very good schools. Only thing is, in the last couple years, they've shown no interest to truly be with me/hang out... I have always had to make the effort. I thought, well, they are only 18, etc.. but, at 18 I was making contact with my other cousin when I wanted to see them...so , I wonder, do I go make the hours long visit to see them (they have not personally invited me.. ) at their schools, or kind of let it go.. ? Someone told me to back off, b/c why should I make the only effort to see/hang out.. but I still feel a sliver of guilt. I'm not sure why though.. they both do not ask me about my life or me ever. I just don't want to appear stand off ish either, or like I don't care at all, it's just I feel empty and not full of enthusiasm about visit- any ideas welcome.. less
Do you think it is okay for kids to greet adults by their first names? Or do you think they should greet them with Mr. Mrs. or Miss and their last names?
Well, usually I have my son, but occasionally I get 1 or 2 days to myself.Wow! I could get in shape or start a business or go on a date!!Nope!I'll probably just stay home and dance... moreWell, usually I have my son, but occasionally I get 1 or 2 days to myself.Wow! I could get in shape or start a business or go on a date!!Nope!I'll probably just stay home and dance to music videos until I pass out.What should I do?
We always talk about the towns, or the houses, or the schools we grew up in.What about the cars?My father had an Auto Body Shop. Now . . .srangely enough . . . you'd think we'd gro... moreWe always talk about the towns, or the houses, or the schools we grew up in.What about the cars?My father had an Auto Body Shop. Now . . .srangely enough . . . you'd think we'd grow up with the nicest car in the neighborhood. . .right?. . .no. We went thru a myriad of crashy cars that where always on the brink of being turned into classics, you just had to "wait and see". So we rode in them, hoping nobody from school saw us, until the next work of art prospect appeared on the yard.Then one day my mom had it, and made it known loud enough for the.whole neighborhood to hear, that she was done riding in garbagee cars.I remember when my my Dad drove up in the Gran Torino Station Wagon. It was awesome! The back door was super long and super heavy, and the space inside, gigantic. My brother, sister, and I would go in there and I swear we could run around, without even bumping into each other.The seats, the back seats, they folded forward! I thought that's how space crafts must be.It was red. less