It is said that he loved to play cards and did not want to stop to eat so he asked for bits of meat between two slices of bread so he could continue playing cards and eat without t... moreIt is said that he loved to play cards and did not want to stop to eat so he asked for bits of meat between two slices of bread so he could continue playing cards and eat without the need to use utensils or get his fingers greasy. Even so there must be a much better name. What would YOU name it?
I was invited to a Wild Game Supper last night. When I saw the club it was being held at, I was fearful all they would serve up would be roadkill. But, I was pleasantly... moreI was invited to a Wild Game Supper last night. When I saw the club it was being held at, I was fearful all they would serve up would be roadkill. But, I was pleasantly surprised. A chef from a posh restaurant in a posh town cooked the meals. Among other things, he made a wonderful venison stew, moose & venison spicy meatballs, moose and venison lasagna (my favorite dish), and wild turkey enchiladas. They then held a raffle and auction. I didn't win the Henry .45-70 Steel Wildlife Edition Rifle that I wanted. I thought I had managed to talk the two guys selling the tickets to rig it for me. After they got over their shock that I wanted a chance in the raffle, they told me I would look amazing holding it. I told them I knew that and they needed to make it happen! They said they would do what they could. But they didn't do nuthin'. :-( However, I did win a bottle of jailhouse toilet raisin wine. less