Muslims and illegal Latinos are not the only people who are afraid of a Trump administration. There must be others too. Do you know any other groups from other countries?
And she blamed James Comey, not herself - to wit:"Clinton herself has blamed FBI Director James Comey for re-launching an investigation into her emails only to clear her days befor... moreAnd she blamed James Comey, not herself - to wit:"Clinton herself has blamed FBI Director James Comey for re-launching an investigation into her emails only to clear her days before the vote; while operatives across the spectrum, including former President Bill Clinton in the campaign’s closing days, argued that she failed to adequately reach working class white voters that had been drifting away from the Democratic Party."Read the rest here -'ve heard people ask what principles she had other than thinking it was her turn? less
Hello:What he did, was put torture on the shelf leaving it there for someone to come along and pick right up where the Bush administration left off. Guess what? Congrat... moreHello:What he did, was put torture on the shelf leaving it there for someone to come along and pick right up where the Bush administration left off. Guess what? Congrats, America, we're BACK in the torture business. Think I'm being REACTIONARY??? Pete Hoekstra, who is being considered as CIA director, has said he thinks Congress and the administration could work it out. Trump’s newly named national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn, has been noncommittal about his personal beliefs but said he thinks the president should be able to threaten torture and war crimes as a negotiating stance.I still find it stunning that we talk about it matter-of-factly as if this were an argument about whether to fund a highway bill rather than the grotesquely sadistic practice it is.excon less
Hello:What MOST surprises me, is that the people who VOTED for him, are the FIRST ones to tell me that he's really just an ordinary president, and I should RELAX... But, he's... moreHello:What MOST surprises me, is that the people who VOTED for him, are the FIRST ones to tell me that he's really just an ordinary president, and I should RELAX... But, he's NOT..He's ALREADY making moves.. 1. Sheriff Clark, a contender for Homeland Security Director, TWEETED the protesting MUST BE QUELLED. 2. When Trump moves to CREATE his Muslim database, (or any number of things he said he'd do), civil disobedience will accelerate.3. At some point, Trump WILL move to QUELL the demonstrations.4. Rather than QUELL the demonstrations, they will accelerate further.5. Civil society breaks down. 6. (a) Marshal law is implemented.. OR (b) Trump is impeached.excon less
Hello:But, right wingers, like Romney, Cruz and Rubio, said the same things. But, when Trump called them, not ONLY were they not busy, they're at Trump Tower kissing his ring... moreHello:But, right wingers, like Romney, Cruz and Rubio, said the same things. But, when Trump called them, not ONLY were they not busy, they're at Trump Tower kissing his ring...I COULDN'T do that. I just COULDN'T.. Could you??excon