Here's the challenge: It's one shot of hard liquor for each time you wrote Donald Trump's name on Answermug or for each time it appeared on a meme you posted on Answermug this year... moreHere's the challenge: It's one shot of hard liquor for each time you wrote Donald Trump's name on Answermug or for each time it appeared on a meme you posted on Answermug this year. (Yes, I counted my posts and included this one in that number.)My result:
Your BAC is Approximately:
0.56 %
It will take ~ 37 hours to get to 0% BAC.
You're probably not reading this because there's a good chance that you're unconscious or you have a toilet seat stuck around your neck.
The Donald once bragged "I could shoot a man on 5th Avenue and that would not matter to my supporters"Might start a war but so what? -Trump is always right.