Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
(This is being asked especially for those science professor types who cannot seem to envision realms of knowledge that are not immediately obvious or apparent to them.)
Thirty minutes ago, I was searching for pictures of a series of album covers that I planned to use on an upcoming question I will be posting. The connection between the various artists is that the particular song title is similar, a fact that I did not realize until I began doing this. Originally, I thought one or two artists shared the same title, I came to find out there were at least half a dozen of them so far, but I got sidetracked in reading about the backgrounds of individual artists and of how certain bands or musical acts got started. Of keen interest we’re the British artists whom I used to think were American.
The posting of the question will have to be delayed even further, because now it’s time for me to get out of the house and go exercise.
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