“Here you are, Honey I’m just going to pop downstairs to the kitchen to make sure I turned off the stove and to clean up a little bit. I’ll be back l... more “Here you are, Honey I’m just going to pop downstairs to the kitchen to make sure I turned off the stove and to clean up a little bit. I’ll be back later!”~
*Not every child is or was brought up by biological parents, and not every pair of biological parents has only that one relationship or “coupling” under his or h... more
*Not every child is or was brought up by biological parents, and not every pair of biological parents has only that one relationship or “coupling” under his or her belt. For that reason, no assumption is made in asking this question that each and every one of us was raised by our biological parents, nor is there an assumption that everyone’s biological parents only had that one relationship either before, during, or after your conception.BACKGROUND. I am the product of my mother’s third of six pregnancies, which were themselves sired by at least four different men. My childhood was far from the nuclear family setting that may or may not exist in reality for others. My mother married and divorced twice, the first one I was much too young to know anything about, and the latter one just prior to my 15th birthday. Neither of her husbands were my biological father, a person to this day I have never known. One thing that always impresses me about my mother and stepfather was that no... less