I almost did that yesterday I started signing a check with my user name and got as far as the first 2 letters then I looked at it and thought - na that's not ... moreI almost did that yesterday I started signing a check with my user name and got as far as the first 2 letters then I looked at it and thought - na that's not right. It was at my bank so I just had to cross it out and initial it but I still felt silly. Cheers!
There was a child hanging by their arms on the outside a 5 story balcony and well other people were standing around saying oh no somebody call 911 a guy ran ov... moreThere was a child hanging by their arms on the outside a 5 story balcony and well other people were standing around saying oh no somebody call 911 a guy ran over and started climbing up to save the child. He climbed up and pulled the child onto the balcony in less then a minute. Then I hope he was the kind of hero that didn't stop there instead he gave the kid a lecture about playing safe. Anyway why I posted this in human behavior is because people and the press starting calling him the Spider Man of Paris - spider powers had nothing to do with it - it was a person who was physically fit so if they had to put a name to his heroism it should of been Fitness Man. Then maybe kids wouldn't think they have to be bite by a radioactive spider to be a hero they just have to stay physically fit so they can get the job done.. The hero was an illegal immigrant but after what he did the French President granted him citizenship and search and rescue offered him a job.... less
I've said I used to be rubbish at taking any criticism; to the point where on the level 3 of my current course, I said to the tutor, and 'don't give it back to me to correct' - I w... moreI've said I used to be rubbish at taking any criticism; to the point where on the level 3 of my current course, I said to the tutor, and 'don't give it back to me to correct' - I would not have been able to cope with even minor corrections and indeed when, on the first assignment, she said, you must not use *I* - I argued back that as it was a humanities subject, I should be allowed to use first person, and anyway I was reflecting the question format. I can now take constructive criticism really well, it took training but as part of my latest assignment I need to sift through a whole batch of comments from my peers and tutor on what I should have done and what I got wrong and what I could do better.. And it doesn't bother me in the least - indeed I welcome it...So, what have you become better at? PS, I should be going through one of the books I read and finding stuff to reference, so I am procrastinating; clearly I haven't got better there! less
I am pretty good with my instincts and can usually read people pretty well, but even I make the odd mistake. Like there was this guy I once refused to meet - because he had display... moreI am pretty good with my instincts and can usually read people pretty well, but even I make the odd mistake. Like there was this guy I once refused to meet - because he had displayed anger and frustration in conversation - so simply for my own safety I didn't meet him.. We did communicate after that and we met twice. He wasn't at all an unsafe person and was actually quite nice, one of the most intelligent people I know...
But I much prefer to mess about on here... answering questions... thinking of music that could go with certain comments....I have to clean the bathroom, hoover, wash the floor, get... moreBut I much prefer to mess about on here... answering questions... thinking of music that could go with certain comments....I have to clean the bathroom, hoover, wash the floor, get the washing in, sort the week's laundry, make the bed, clean the cat fountain, review my video exam and critique it, (if there's anything worse than watching yourself on video I don't know what it is!! ) and maybe do some more gardening as I have a couple more plants to move/plant... Oh and I have a new computer, but I haven't even opened it cos that would mean sorting out a whole shed-load of files and backing stuff up and transferring stuff.... and not to mention cooking the evening meal and walking the dog...Oh my now you can see why I'd rather be here! less