*white male...mostly old and overweightThey also have the same brain (lame)The same lack of ethicsThe same disdain for truthThe same dysfunctional heart
It was shared by two people who were cited for their efforts to end the use of SEXUAL VIOLENCE as a weapon of war.Congo's Denis Mukwege and Iraq's Nadia Murad.Ironic isn't it? One ... moreIt was shared by two people who were cited for their efforts to end the use of SEXUAL VIOLENCE as a weapon of war.Congo's Denis Mukwege and Iraq's Nadia Murad.Ironic isn't it? One of the poster boys for sexual abuse, super don, thought he should get the Nobel Peace Prize for falling in love with a despot dictator human rights violator!. What was the Nobel Peace Prize awarded for this time? Fighting sexual abuse as a weapon war.There is a moral in there somewhere. Can you find it?
It's not trademarked, nor do I have a copyright on it, I didn't even initiate it, it's just that I encouraged its use to the point that others picked up on it too. Jes' sayin'.
*I know Senators are not impeached they are expelled but this is my question so I'm impeaching good old Mitch. 3 is a magic number. Three strikes and yer out! God in 3 persons, ble... more*I know Senators are not impeached they are expelled but this is my question so I'm impeaching good old Mitch. 3 is a magic number. Three strikes and yer out! God in 3 persons, blessed trinity. Father Son and Holy spirit. The third time's the charm. Three's a crowd. Triple Crown. Me myself and I.
They are all unheralded HEROES forcing us to punctuate properly and spell properly and use words properly no matter how many slings and arrows they are greeted with they carry on. ... moreThey are all unheralded HEROES forcing us to punctuate properly and spell properly and use words properly no matter how many slings and arrows they are greeted with they carry on. Through snow and sleet and hurricanes and tornadoes and Tsunamis and earthquakes and fires and floods and mudslides and extremes of heat and cold they carry on and carry on and carry on. There should be an award for their bravery in the face of constant condemnation. What award would be suitable?
Do you explore, experiment, investigate? I suppose you could accept what is and stay within that framework but where is adventure, excitement, ptential in THAT?
Are your complaints far more enthusiatic effusive and frequent than your compliments? Are you happier bin the throes of kvetching or the midst of applauding either literally or fig... moreAre your complaints far more enthusiatic effusive and frequent than your compliments? Are you happier bin the throes of kvetching or the midst of applauding either literally or figuratively? What makes you tick?
How many books do you read by authors you can't stand?How many restaurants do you patronize whose food you don't like?How many clothes do you wear that you dislike?How many "friend... moreHow many books do you read by authors you can't stand?How many restaurants do you patronize whose food you don't like?How many clothes do you wear that you dislike?How many "friends" do you spend time with whom you find great fault with?How is any of the above logical sensible reasonable?
There's the "daddy" myth I guess wherein a man is strong and takes care of others as we expect fathers to do. There's the "lady" myth wherein a woman is always a lady. I don't know... moreThere's the "daddy" myth I guess wherein a man is strong and takes care of others as we expect fathers to do. There's the "lady" myth wherein a woman is always a lady. I don't know if others share those stereotypical views. I mind it less seeing a drunk man than a drunk woman. I mind it less seeing a man who smokes than a woman who smokes. Where do we get these ideas of "proper"? Am I alone in these perceptions or do you share them too?
One time I was filling up my tub then I went to attend to something else and forgot about the water running and the tub over flowed. I was bailing the water out into the toilet whe... moreOne time I was filling up my tub then I went to attend to something else and forgot about the water running and the tub over flowed. I was bailing the water out into the toilet when the building manager let herself in to find out what was going on. The people below me were getting soaked.
https://www.westernjournal.com/ct/potential-10-years-anonymous-kavanaugh-accuser-grassley-contacts-doj-fbi/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=conservativebyte&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_co... morehttps://www.westernjournal.com/ct/potential-10-years-anonymous-kavanaugh-accuser-grassley-contacts-doj-fbi/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=conservativebyte&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=libertyalliance This is the guy who accused Kavanaugh and Mark Judge of raping another woman on a boat while drunk. If convicted he could face 10 yrs in prison.
I know someone who says he and this “woman” who met on a dating site are in love and they’ve never met in person and barely spoke to on the phone. They mostly tex... moreI know someone who says he and this “woman” who met on a dating site are in love and they’ve never met in person and barely spoke to on the phone. They mostly text. It seems ridiculous and foolish to me.
Cartoonist Charles Schulz created Pig-Pen for his cartoon strip PEANUTS. A perpetually dirty little boy with a cloud of dirt hanging over him. Meet the United States of America SCO... moreCartoonist Charles Schulz created Pig-Pen for his cartoon strip PEANUTS. A perpetually dirty little boy with a cloud of dirt hanging over him. Meet the United States of America SCOTUS version! Any day now Pig-Pen will be confirmed. Too bad Charles Schulz died so many years ago. Maybe he's looking from high above and KNOWS.
That jacka** man absolutely screwed Obama and we the people and the Constitution bigly for which he is very proud as is his crowd. That ilk always takes great pleasure in dirty tri... moreThat jacka** man absolutely screwed Obama and we the people and the Constitution bigly for which he is very proud as is his crowd. That ilk always takes great pleasure in dirty tricks. They get off on it. Well good for him. He will never ever be forgotten for that very clever move. The man who screwed the country single handedly. Good job Mitch.
Because when you think you're alone you think it was an anomaly. Very rare. An unfortunate isolated incident. When you know there are many others out there just like you then you k... moreBecause when you think you're alone you think it was an anomaly. Very rare. An unfortunate isolated incident. When you know there are many others out there just like you then you know it's a pattern of behavior. And that is infuriating!
I'll tell ya why. Every guy who has EVER BEEN ACCUSED by a woman of sexual abuse denies it and lies about it. Have women lied? Sure. But how many have lied versus how many have nev... moreI'll tell ya why. Every guy who has EVER BEEN ACCUSED by a woman of sexual abuse denies it and lies about it. Have women lied? Sure. But how many have lied versus how many have never ever even said a word about it to anyone? Men always lie all the time 100% when they are accused . What man has ever immediately admitted it and apologized for it? Zero that's how many. Poor little victims of women who dare to accuse them of things they thought they could keep secret by threatening them, bullying them, intimidating them, scaring them. Didn't work boys. What's your PLAN B? less
Or sexual abusers or liars or cheats or thieves or traitors? Right? How and why would it matter to YOU what they are, whom they are, why they are and how they got there? What skin ... moreOr sexual abusers or liars or cheats or thieves or traitors? Right? How and why would it matter to YOU what they are, whom they are, why they are and how they got there? What skin is it off your nose? What business is it of yours what kind of depravity consumes them? Sheesh. Big deal outta nuthin'!
Aren't you OWED that? If you do/say something wrong and are punished for it but no one tells you what it was you did/said that was unacceptable isn't that more than a bit ODD? If y... moreAren't you OWED that? If you do/say something wrong and are punished for it but no one tells you what it was you did/said that was unacceptable isn't that more than a bit ODD? If you don't KNOW the WHY precisely how will you KNOW what not to do/say futurely? Unless of course you are a mindreader. I am not. Know anyone who is?