Decades ago before the internet was invented I remember getting to work at 7am California time so I could visually "chat" with a business counterpart in England before she le... moreDecades ago before the internet was invented I remember getting to work at 7am California time so I could visually "chat" with a business counterpart in England before she left work for the day. That was so wondrous to me. Being able to "talk" to her so many thousands of miles away at the beginning of my day and the end of hers. It seemed magical! Now of course we have the internet which is even more magical! What's ahead for us? More magic? Any idea what it might be and when we might have it to use? less
What did Clinton in was not the act itself but lying about it. Had he just told the truth and apologized there would have been no impeachment, correct?
Do mosquitoes and ants and flies and roaches et al contribute anything we NEED? I know worms are used for bait or used to be. As these insects and bugs disappear what are we expect next?
I think it is not a good thing to have booze at work and imbibe during working hours. But what's to stop Congressmen or Senators or Judges from keeping bottles of the stuff in thei... moreI think it is not a good thing to have booze at work and imbibe during working hours. But what's to stop Congressmen or Senators or Judges from keeping bottles of the stuff in their offices and taking a drink whenever they wish? Which makes me wonder how many pols are sober during their day at work and how many are potted like plants and their colleagues just live with it?
Do you know what the favorite booze of other judges might be? What their high school and college lives were like? What was written on their yearbooks, to what clubs they belonged a... moreDo you know what the favorite booze of other judges might be? What their high school and college lives were like? What was written on their yearbooks, to what clubs they belonged and if they kept calendars? We know a lot about the current proposed candidate. More to come. What other Justice's appointment were fraught with so much scandal excluding Clarence Thomas?
Many people grew up in families and environments where there was no love and as adults they have never learned how to love themselves.What are some of the ways we could help to bre... moreMany people grew up in families and environments where there was no love and as adults they have never learned how to love themselves.What are some of the ways we could help to break the generational cycles of abuse and create a more loving society?
4.1 million child maltreatment referral reports received.
Child abuse reports involved 7.4 million children.
3.5 million children received prevention & post-response services.
143,866 children received foster care services.
74.8% of victims are neglected.
18.2% of victims are physically abused.
8.5% of victims are sexually abused.
6.9% of victims are psychologically maltreated.
Highest rate of child abuse in children under age one (24.8% per 1,000).1
Over one-quarter (28.5%) of victims are younger than 3 years.1
Annual estimate: 1,750 children died from abuse and neglect in 2016.1,
Almost five children die every ... less
I am but I'll have to wait till tomorrow to watch it because I can't stay up past !:00 PM these days ( so I'll record it). Actually my PVR will remember to do that for me.&nb... moreI am but I'll have to wait till tomorrow to watch it because I can't stay up past !:00 PM these days ( so I'll record it). Actually my PVR will remember to do that for me. I was thinking how TV technology has changed since the first season of SNL - if I recall my remote control was bigger then a PC key booed and it had a cable on it that had to hook up to big convert box. TV have come a long way too. Cheers and happy weekend!
My same old same old love story is - Country girl meets county boy and start dating. Then country girl see's Punk rock boy and say's ye ha and leaves co... moreMy same old same old love story is - Country girl meets county boy and start dating. Then country girl see's Punk rock boy and say's ye ha and leaves country boy with a achy breaky heart. Cheers and happy weekend!
What if all "subjects of interest" refuse to testify? What happens then? Does the FBI fold its tent and go back to its cage/kennel and the trumpicans can take a victory lap and tel... moreWhat if all "subjects of interest" refuse to testify? What happens then? Does the FBI fold its tent and go back to its cage/kennel and the trumpicans can take a victory lap and tell how hard they tried? Seriously folks? After we see what happens we'll know if this was just a planned dog&pony show to placate those who WANT THE TRUTH. Won't we? Yep we will.
Let Kav LIE about the meaning of the allusions to sex in his yearbook and try to deny it UNDER OATH to the FBI. Will he be so cavalier and contemptuous and condescending and crazy ... moreLet Kav LIE about the meaning of the allusions to sex in his yearbook and try to deny it UNDER OATH to the FBI. Will he be so cavalier and contemptuous and condescending and crazy to try that? UNDER OATH? He isn't that smart though he thinks he is.
If "they" and Kav were CERTAIN of his innocence in all things to which he has already testified they would have DEMANDED that the FBI investigate the allegations IMMEDIATELY. Why d... moreIf "they" and Kav were CERTAIN of his innocence in all things to which he has already testified they would have DEMANDED that the FBI investigate the allegations IMMEDIATELY. Why didn't they? Well one can assume they fear what is still buried and yet to be uncovered. "We'll see what happens". Let's wait and not anticipate an exigency that may never be realized or materialize. Shall we?
We know he is biased by his writings on the subject years ago. Put him in the catbird seat and that gives super don all he needs to skate. How perfecter could it be than that?
That was when Mitch McConnell REFUSED to bring a vote to the floor for the Obama nominee to fill the slot left vacant by the death of Scalia. So for an ENTIRE YEAR the seat was lef... moreThat was when Mitch McConnell REFUSED to bring a vote to the floor for the Obama nominee to fill the slot left vacant by the death of Scalia. So for an ENTIRE YEAR the seat was left vacant IN DEFIANCE of the Constitutional right of the president to fill the vacancy. But Graham doesn't seem to think that was a bad thing to do at all at all at all. However he did think having the FBI investigate the allegations again Kav and delay the vote by one week is reprehensible and an evil scheme by Dems to steal the seat. Graham has sincerely and seriously LOST IT! Yesterday he was pit bull YELLING in the Senate with accusations that would curl yer hair and now? What a swell guy!. He doesn't have the decency to be embarrassed by his over-the-top performance nor did he apologize for his outrageous rant. As I said irony we live with daily. Also lies and deceit and screaming and yelling and attacking and pounding and shouting. How fun! :( less
So many angrified males (all trumpican Senators) in that room getting riled up by another angrified male. Lots of testosterone floating around and it was indeed a spectacle than wh... moreSo many angrified males (all trumpican Senators) in that room getting riled up by another angrified male. Lots of testosterone floating around and it was indeed a spectacle than which there has never been any noner or whichier anywhere assuredly. It occurred during a so-called hearing in front of Senators. It was THEATER OF THE ABSURD. It was not dignified (Dr. Ford was very dignified) nor decent nor in keeping with the seriousness of the situation. It was a bunch of boys standing in a circle watching a fight yelling "fight fight fight fight fight". Grade school schoolyard "boys will be boys" bullsh ** went on the entire time. Lindsay Graham went out of his way to embarrass himself and the very next day smiled ever so sweetly and said "someone has to explain this to trump and I guess it will be me" or words to that effect. The "this" to which he referred was having the FBI investigate the allegations. He turned so docile. The super don capitulated. They are a bunch of geesy gooses. They certainly aren't me... less
Cosby is in jail. The #METOO movement gets stronger every day. More and more WOMEN are stepping up and getting into politics. Men used to rule the world. We're gonna take tur... moreCosby is in jail. The #METOO movement gets stronger every day. More and more WOMEN are stepping up and getting into politics. Men used to rule the world. We're gonna take turns, right? Fair is fair, correct? Women might take over and see if they can do a better job. What could it hurt?
Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of women told their stories to politicians via showing up at their offices, making phone calls, tweeting, texting, emailing. Several pinned ... moreThousands upon thousands upon thousands of women told their stories to politicians via showing up at their offices, making phone calls, tweeting, texting, emailing. Several pinned Jeff Flake in an elevator and demanded he look at them and listen to them. They are tired of being pushed aside, set aside, ignored. Watch out. Once the tide turns y'all better learn how to swim or get out of the way. Jeff Flake didn't like being confronted like that. Who does? But he did the right thing. He didn't run away from it like all the other chickenny spineless white males have done in D.C.. Once upon a time in another land maybe that was how all men reacted. Listened and learned and cared enough to do the right thing. Maybe. less