He say he cried like a baby. I doubt super don was suitably impressed when Kav broke down and cried and cried and cried and cried. Not an image of strength.
I downloaded an audio book that I know I would never pick up and read if it were a book.. I wondered about the difference.. I love to read but need to feel it's worth my while as I... moreI downloaded an audio book that I know I would never pick up and read if it were a book.. I wondered about the difference.. I love to read but need to feel it's worth my while as I get so little reading time... I also like listening to books and have very fond memories of when my kids were little and I'd listen to books while doing housework and chores.. But these days again with so little time I find I sit down to listen and fall asleep.. I miss large chunks of the story as I am often multi tasking.. so I think it has to be something I don't have to pay too much attention to... less
For one thing if you underestimate and perform well people are always very happy and pleased with you.For the other thing if you overestimate yourself you look like a know-it-all b... moreFor one thing if you underestimate and perform well people are always very happy and pleased with you.For the other thing if you overestimate yourself you look like a know-it-all braggart arrogant fool.Which is better? Pleasing or displeasing folks?
Did he work his way through college and pay for it himself? Did he win scholarships? Did his parents foot the bill? He seems to come from a life of privilege. His attitude reeks of it.
She was questioning the calendar. Was she focusing on the July 1 entry about the party at Timmies and Skis (bruskis..beers) and the names of a few there, 3 of which were already di... moreShe was questioning the calendar. Was she focusing on the July 1 entry about the party at Timmies and Skis (bruskis..beers) and the names of a few there, 3 of which were already disclosed by Dr. Ford? Might that be when Dr. Ford was attacked by Kav? Why was the female questioner pulled otherwise?
Is that a pretty fair summation of ONE* aspect of the controversy over confirming Brett Kavanaughty for Supreme Court Justice?*I acknowledge that it's neither the entire iss... more Is that a pretty fair summation of ONE* aspect of the controversy over confirming Brett Kavanaughty for Supreme Court Justice?*I acknowledge that it's neither the entire issue nor the most important issue.
"Went to Timmie's for SKIS". What are skis? BRUSKIES. BEER. For decades he has a calendar documenting such minutae. Why? Cuz his dad did. Used it as a diary of his life. So K... more"Went to Timmie's for SKIS". What are skis? BRUSKIES. BEER. For decades he has a calendar documenting such minutae. Why? Cuz his dad did. Used it as a diary of his life. So Kav did likewide. It may come to haunt him. The FBI will pore over it in detail. One garthering on July 1 lists 3 of the people Dr. Ford said were there. She said someone else was there as well but she doesn't remember whom.
Some people are able to drink very little amounts of alcohol before it makes them drink drunk, while others can consume massive amounts of alcohol without even getting drunk. The f... moreSome people are able to drink very little amounts of alcohol before it makes them drink drunk, while others can consume massive amounts of alcohol without even getting drunk. The fact that a person drinks a lot of alcohol does not always equate drunkenness.
The MESSAGE was to perform due diligence. That would have been effected by an FBI investigation into Dr. Ford's allegations.The Dems were asking then demanding it. Dr. Ford request... moreThe MESSAGE was to perform due diligence. That would have been effected by an FBI investigation into Dr. Ford's allegations.The Dems were asking then demanding it. Dr. Ford requested it. The trumpicans ignored it and were going to barrel right through everything without it. Then the messenger changed. The message remained the same. Guess what? What the Dems demanded and Dr. Ford requested is going to be done. Shame on the trumpican Senate majority! They won't even pretend they are being fair. Well this is a goodly comeuppance I think. Whatever comes from it will have been worth it. All the stones will be turned over and if there are NO creepy crawly critters that slither out from under then we will know once and for all. But if there are? Well then. Different ballgame entirely. Kav will be at bat. Will he homer or strike out? "We'll see what happens"! :) less
One of the few Republicans left with a spine and a sense of ethic put the brakes on the runaway train and stopped it DEAD in its tracks. Jeff Flake has a lot of power over the trum... moreOne of the few Republicans left with a spine and a sense of ethic put the brakes on the runaway train and stopped it DEAD in its tracks. Jeff Flake has a lot of power over the trumpicans. So do Senators Collins and Murkowski. They are getting done what Dr. Ford and Dems has requested then demanded. What took so long? It was the messenger that mattered not the message. Sheesh.
Her tack seemed pointless and bordered on the irrelevant. She never asked any questions that could enlighten us materially. It was almost all about geography! Seriously! I'm sure s... moreHer tack seemed pointless and bordered on the irrelevant. She never asked any questions that could enlighten us materially. It was almost all about geography! Seriously! I'm sure she was used to have FACTS available from which she could work. The trumpicans made sure she had nothing. No FBI interviews. So I give her credit for trying. Bet she never does that again! :)