Extremes are at each end with everything else in-between. Now reading about each extreme would never have been as informative/illustrative as was actually seeing and hearing each o... moreExtremes are at each end with everything else in-between. Now reading about each extreme would never have been as informative/illustrative as was actually seeing and hearing each one. Dr. Ford admitted she didn't want to be there and was terrified. Yet her comportment/demeanor was quiet and respectful and she seemed to want to be as helpful as possible. Kav, on the other hand, came out swinging and just escalated that into an arena of a Clinton conspiracy! He was enraged furious belligerent loud...at times almost shouting. His emotions were out of control. He cried and made funny weird faces all throughout. He drank water. His fury was palpable. He was respectful of all the trumpicans but very rude to all the Dems. He had to apologize to one of them after a break for being out of line. He asked Senator Clobershure if she had ever blacked out. Her father is an alcoholic so it was more than obnoxiously rude of him but he didn't care. His rabid rampant ferocious obsessive partisanship was all out there. He le... less
Maybe his drinking is what turned girls off Kav. He said he never had sex during high school or college and "many years after". Maybe it's because girls didn't find him appealing? ... moreMaybe his drinking is what turned girls off Kav. He said he never had sex during high school or college and "many years after". Maybe it's because girls didn't find him appealing? Do you find drunks alluring appealing sexy?
I know the percent of alcohol in beer is much lower than the percent of alcohol in hard liquor. But you can certainly drink enough beer to get potted. Are beer-based drunks nicer t... moreI know the percent of alcohol in beer is much lower than the percent of alcohol in hard liquor. But you can certainly drink enough beer to get potted. Are beer-based drunks nicer than liquor-based drunks?
Why does alcohol affect people so differently? Some people dare not touch a drop because they don't know when to stop, when they've had enough, so they have to never drink at all e... moreWhy does alcohol affect people so differently? Some people dare not touch a drop because they don't know when to stop, when they've had enough, so they have to never drink at all ever. Others can have drinks and never go beyond their limit. What is "their limit"? They never go beyond the ability to control themselves. They don't throw up. They don't pass out. They don't get mean. It's so weird.
In Junior College there were campus Fraternities and Sororities and we had parties without "adult" supervision. I don't remember EVER seeking anyone drunk as a skunk. Tipsy sure. B... moreIn Junior College there were campus Fraternities and Sororities and we had parties without "adult" supervision. I don't remember EVER seeking anyone drunk as a skunk. Tipsy sure. But nothing threatening or frightening. Of course that was many many many decades ago and social mores were quite different.
Death threats so vicious she and her family had to move and HAVE A SECURITY TEAM with them at all times. There are millions of Dr. Ford's out there who will never utter a single wo... moreDeath threats so vicious she and her family had to move and HAVE A SECURITY TEAM with them at all times. There are millions of Dr. Ford's out there who will never utter a single word about it. But there are also women out there who are now coming forward and feel empowered to state their truth because of Dr. Ford. As for the death threats Kav and his family have received I don't get why. Do you?
How will an extreme right-wing "justice" vote on family planning or birth control? You know how they will vote. So why do we pretend otherwise? SCOTUS is a stacked deck . A S... moreHow will an extreme right-wing "justice" vote on family planning or birth control? You know how they will vote. So why do we pretend otherwise? SCOTUS is a stacked deck . A SURE THING. A GIVEN. There is no justice available there..only pretense. Right now it is 4/4. With anything super don picks it will get progressively more extreme right-wing Conservative. BRINGING RELIGION into the mix. That's just the way it is.
There is the adversity that is thrust upon you through no fault of your own. Maybe you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Then there is the kind that you bring upon yoursel... moreThere is the adversity that is thrust upon you through no fault of your own. Maybe you were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Then there is the kind that you bring upon yourself by your actions. I expect we've all experienced both kinds to one degree or another.
He was crying and kept trying to control himself but he kept losing it. He badgered hammered almost yelled at the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee and was so outrgeously out of... moreHe was crying and kept trying to control himself but he kept losing it. He badgered hammered almost yelled at the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee and was so outrgeously out of line that he apologized to Senator Clobershire after a break for what he said to her. He was confrontational belligerent hostile and very Republican. He is already a judge and has been one for 12 years. He apparently hid this side of him very well earlier because after that display of temper I cannot see why anyone would trust him to be impartial fair just. Was the real him he hid effectively as an adult? less
The super don has been attacking insulting maligning vilifying the FBI for a very long time doing his best to gut its effective. Yesterday he made a formal request that the FBI inv... moreThe super don has been attacking insulting maligning vilifying the FBI for a very long time doing his best to gut its effective. Yesterday he made a formal request that the FBI investigate KAV and any witnesses. Isn't it wunnerful wunnerful wunnerful?
Senator Flake, Senator Murkowski, Senator Collins and a few others actually support having a pause in the march to making Kav a Justice. A one-week pause during which the FBI will ... moreSenator Flake, Senator Murkowski, Senator Collins and a few others actually support having a pause in the march to making Kav a Justice. A one-week pause during which the FBI will investigate the players in the sex scandal enveloping Kavanaugh. Through bi-partisan cooperation the Senate will now do what all the Democratic Senators kept asking them to do during the so-called hearing...have the FBI investigate witnesses. Something most of them said would never happen and yet...it is happening. So JUSTICE does come in tiny increments if you have a few people who are bothered by injustice and stand their ground and insist on seeking it. I am amazed at what happened yesterday. I am very pleased. Lindsay Graham did a quick turnabout from hysterical angry man to docile acceptance He was smiling nd kinda laughing and said someone was gonna hafta explain it to trump and he guessed it would be him. Really he did. What a transformation overnight. Unfrigginbelievable in fact! And super don has requested that the FBI i... less