He was an aide to the Judiciary Committee investigating Brett Kavanaugh for sexual misconduct. Now how dumb is this? The trumpican judiciary committee members aren't even sma... moreHe was an aide to the Judiciary Committee investigating Brett Kavanaugh for sexual misconduct. Now how dumb is this? The trumpican judiciary committee members aren't even smart enough to vet their own aides? They think they can run a country when they can't even do the simplest thing like not hiring sexual perverts? Really folks. This is the best they can do and they have the NERVE to think they have the right stuff to question Dr. Ford? They don't even have the right stuff to hire people who don't embarrass them. Sheesh. less
He has early onset dementia, Alzheimer's, as does his teenage pal drunkaholic Mark Judge. No memory at all of what transpired when they were teens. Plausible deniabilty? Really? In... moreHe has early onset dementia, Alzheimer's, as does his teenage pal drunkaholic Mark Judge. No memory at all of what transpired when they were teens. Plausible deniabilty? Really? Innocent as charged? Really? As the lies are uncovered and the witnesses who experienced what really happened speak up and out we will find the truth. I look forward to it. You too?
So why did super don get shipped off to military school when he was 13? Was he a handful? Incorrigible? Needing to get straightened out and ship shape? What would cause YOU to send... moreSo why did super don get shipped off to military school when he was 13? Was he a handful? Incorrigible? Needing to get straightened out and ship shape? What would cause YOU to send your 13-year-old child to military school?
Want an example? You're in a store and witness someone putting something into a purse or bag with the obvious intention of walking out with it and not paying for it. Stealing. Do y... moreWant an example? You're in a store and witness someone putting something into a purse or bag with the obvious intention of walking out with it and not paying for it. Stealing. Do you just watch it happen or do you tell a clerk and point the person out? Why?
A real man would stand up and speak out and if he did what he was accused of doing would apologize. How many of the accused have ever done that? It is scripted. The reaction. There... moreA real man would stand up and speak out and if he did what he was accused of doing would apologize. How many of the accused have ever done that? It is scripted. The reaction. There must be a handbook somewhere. A bible for sexual perverts that they all commit to memory because they all sound alike when they're accused.
The super don era does not value intelligence, education or civil discourse. How long before we completely forget what it was like in the "olden days" bdjt?
How far back do investigations go? Anyone know? If Kav was already investigated multiple times by the powers that be how do they explain this version of Kav...the real Kav with big... moreHow far back do investigations go? Anyone know? If Kav was already investigated multiple times by the powers that be how do they explain this version of Kav...the real Kav with big warts... and not the surface guy everyone thinks is impeccably fine? Incompetence in all things including investigations. So what good are they anyway?
Justice Samuel Chase was impeached. He was accused of basing court decisions on political bias and misconduct. Don't all Justices base court decisions on political bias? He was acq... moreJustice Samuel Chase was impeached. He was accused of basing court decisions on political bias and misconduct. Don't all Justices base court decisions on political bias? He was acquitted and returned to the bench in 1805. Dog & Pony show don'tcha know? :( Dog & Pony show.
A sexual abuser rarely does it only once. Rarely is there an isolated incident. So now a Deborah Ramiez has come forward and also an ex-girlfrind of Mark Judge has come forward and... moreA sexual abuser rarely does it only once. Rarely is there an isolated incident. So now a Deborah Ramiez has come forward and also an ex-girlfrind of Mark Judge has come forward and both are telling their stories. Exactly what trumpicans feared wold happen. Their hands were caught in the cookie jar. The good old boy "boys will be boys" were caught. The trumpican dame who asked "doesn't every 17 year old do that"? (attempt a rape or rape) are all spotlighted. It will certainly get uglier and whom do we despise more? Kav for lying or the trumpican Senators who knew he was lying and knew about more accusations and tried to speed things up? A cesspool in which they all live and swim and tread water. The stench is getting worse. What do YOU want to have happen? Why? less
They are of legal age.Observing them when they are out walking around the garden or something or entering their homes is fine isn't it?Or is this creepy? Clearly spying on them nud... moreThey are of legal age.Observing them when they are out walking around the garden or something or entering their homes is fine isn't it?Or is this creepy? Clearly spying on them nude, or taking photos is wrong but this is legit okay right?
We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes.Then one fowl is goose, but two are called geese,Yet the ... moreWHY ENGLISH IS SO HARD
We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes,But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes.Then one fowl is goose, but two are called geese,Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.
You may find a lone mouse or a whole lot of mice,But the plural of house is houses, not hice.If the plural of man is always called men,Why shouldn’t the plural of pan be called pen?
The cow in the plural may be cows or kine,But the plural of vow is vows, not vine.And I speak of a foot, and you show me your feet,But I give you a boot — would a pair be called beet?
If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,Why shouldn’t the plural of booth be called beeth?Then one may be that, and three may be those,Yet the plural of hat would never be hose.We speak of a brother and also of brethren,But though we say mother, we never say methren.So our English, I think you will agree,Is the trickiest language you ever did see. less
In my website I wrote a post about Love:What is Love? My mother always said jokingly: "Love is a funny feeling in the area of the belly." &n... moreIn my website I wrote a post about Love:What is Love? My mother always said jokingly: "Love is a funny feeling in the area of the belly." But obviously there is more to it... There are two symbols of love widely used over the world: The red rose and the red heart. Religions in the world elevate Love to be the essence of being. The feeling of being loved or to love someone is so strong that it can be borderline hate. Love is the mightiest of all emotions...Hate cannot forgive, but love can. Love goes beyond the grave. I read so many times that pets, like a dog, love you unconditionally, they would not leave you even if you are starving and have no food for your pet. I watched a story on television once, that a dog did not leave the grave of his master and did not accept food from anybody - he just sat there with sad eyes until he died. We humans have the ability to reason, and it is expected from us that we use it if necessary and act differently.... less
I do.They'd be adults now. It'd be cool to be able to say you were one of the singers on that album. I like their contribution to that album. Very effective.:)
It doesn't matter if the woman is a distinguished college professor. All the women know what it's like for men to just assume they don't know what's going on. Just as in the ... moreIt doesn't matter if the woman is a distinguished college professor. All the women know what it's like for men to just assume they don't know what's going on. Just as in the olden days when the men talked about important things in one room as the stench of their cigars permeated the air while the women were in another room relegated I expect to talking about children and fashion and wondrous recipes! Sheesh. Just when you think you've left that behind it rears up in the now from the mouth of someone who SHOULD KNOW BETTER. Sigh. less
"I don't want to talk about that". He said allegedly to the guy who trying to mould him into being a perfect teller of his tale. Well he won't get away with it at the hearing. The ... more"I don't want to talk about that". He said allegedly to the guy who trying to mould him into being a perfect teller of his tale. Well he won't get away with it at the hearing. The trumpicans will be real sweet and complientary and very kiss-a**y but the Dems won't. So is he gonna have a hissy fit and a meltdown when he is asked questions "he doesn't want to talk about"? I guess we're gonna see which he shows up? The smooth-as-silk one who has memorized all possible answers to all possible questions or the guy who "doesn't want to talk about it" for whatever reasons? Place yer bets. less
Is THAT impeachable or do we have to live with him on SCOTUS until he dies knowing he is and always will be a sorry-a**ed drunk 17-year-old who tried to rape a 15 year old girl?&nb... moreIs THAT impeachable or do we have to live with him on SCOTUS until he dies knowing he is and always will be a sorry-a**ed drunk 17-year-old who tried to rape a 15 year old girl? There will always be an asterisk by Clarence Thomas referring to his integrity/honesty/character. All suspect forevermore. What's bigger than an asterisk?