"Make America Great Again" is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on a society by a charlatan! Buy into it and get devoured by it as America gets broken down, torn down, shattered ... more"Make America Great Again" is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on a society by a charlatan! Buy into it and get devoured by it as America gets broken down, torn down, shattered by the enemy within and without. Tsk tsk tsk. We couldda been contenders. We coudda been somebody. Instead of bums which is what we are.
Excluders must believe/think/feel they are superior to those whom they exclude else why would they differentiate between who can join and who is unacceptable? Are you an excluder too?
The rich looked down upon the poor because they think the poor are beneath them socially. The poor never look up to the rich. Why would you look up to anyone who looks down on you?
Hmmm. All those thousands of years must be catching up to me. I know she was just here. She must have an account. You all know her, too. I read ... more Hmmm. All those thousands of years must be catching up to me. I know she was just here. She must have an account. You all know her, too. I read your conversations. I'm sure I did. "Humph," I say as I'm scratching my hat, "There is some magic going on here that has gone askew." Big Yawn... "I must need to go to bed." If you know the answer to this strange puzzle, please share the solution, when you can. Until then... "And to all a Good Night!" Sweet Dreams my friends and see you tomorrow, I hope! :) :) less
The music video for "Drive" by The CarsMy favorite The Cars tuneI'm sharing because I find the song beautiful and the music video is simply stunning and beautiful and rather unnerv... moreThe music video for "Drive" by The CarsMy favorite The Cars tuneI'm sharing because I find the song beautiful and the music video is simply stunning and beautiful and rather unnerving in the best possible ways. A grand little piece of artwork.
Recently while in line at Wal-Mart to lay for my items I couldn’t help a conversation between a younger couple who had an infant child. They were short on money and didn&rsqu... moreRecently while in line at Wal-Mart to lay for my items I couldn’t help a conversation between a younger couple who had an infant child. They were short on money and didn’t habe enough to pay for everything they needed. I gave the cashier and extra $40 after I paid and told her, “Use this money to help this young couple behind me pay for their necessities.“ They were only buying food, diapers, wipes, and formula. I didn’t want to give them money directly as I didn’t want to embarass them, nor did I want any recognition or attention. less
Pols don't have to be educated articulate intelligent ethical moral talented capable. They just have to have a heartbeat and they're embraced by the system! The really ... morePols don't have to be educated articulate intelligent ethical moral talented capable. They just have to have a heartbeat and they're embraced by the system! The really dumb ones like Devin Nunes are a joy to the puppetmasters who pull their strings. They don't come any dumber than him. Sigh. He will always have a job.
That was how one of them described it to me. After going to a sports event or movie or party they'd all end up at TOMMY'S. A local hangout. A tradition. Did you have any traditions... moreThat was how one of them described it to me. After going to a sports event or movie or party they'd all end up at TOMMY'S. A local hangout. A tradition. Did you have any traditions/hangouts as teens?
The attacks, vilification, attempts to destroy the character of those who speak up is endless and constant and disgusting. It's like reading about giving birth and actually g... moreThe attacks, vilification, attempts to destroy the character of those who speak up is endless and constant and disgusting. It's like reading about giving birth and actually giving. There is no comparison.
Yes. THAT Dr. Ford. Apparently the crazies out there who adore super don and adore whomever super don adores are out and about and in their element. Death threats. Isn't that sweet... moreYes. THAT Dr. Ford. Apparently the crazies out there who adore super don and adore whomever super don adores are out and about and in their element. Death threats. Isn't that sweet? I betcha super don loves reading that. People wonder why we stifle it. Say nothing. Well folks that's why. Some of you out there are crazy as loons and take it upon yourselves to attack intimidate threaten bully anyone who says anything you don't like. Congrats. You drove a woman and her family away from their home and forced them into hiding. You done real good. Proud of yourselves right? Just let super don know and I'm sure he will reward y'all bigly. Sigh. :( less
I read a report that states for older folks who have never had a heart attack or stroke, taking low-dose aspirin may do more harm than good. It could cause internal bleeding. Jim h... moreI read a report that states for older folks who have never had a heart attack or stroke, taking low-dose aspirin may do more harm than good. It could cause internal bleeding. Jim has been taking one daily for years. Effective yesterday when I read that report he has stopped. Did your doctor suggest taking it? Maybe you should check back with him/her and ask about the newest findings. It could save you from experiencing some problems futurely.
The McMartin pre-school in Manhattan Beach, California was the center of a terrible scandal. Allegedly there were Satanic practices going on and all the children being sexually abu... moreThe McMartin pre-school in Manhattan Beach, California was the center of a terrible scandal. Allegedly there were Satanic practices going on and all the children being sexually abused. Those were the allegations. The charge was in 1983. The Pre-trial was from 1984-197 and the Trial went from 1987 to 1990. All charges were dropped. There were no convictions. Apparently the hysteria of the times caused it. All due to "suggestibility and false memories". Pre-school children. What about adults? How suggestible are they when it comes to remembering something that happened them? less
How many teenagers get WASTED regularly. Drunk as skunks? Are there clubs that feature that? Getting together to see who can get drunker faster? Some sort of accomplishment o... moreHow many teenagers get WASTED regularly. Drunk as skunks? Are there clubs that feature that? Getting together to see who can get drunker faster? Some sort of accomplishment or achievement? What does that do to the brain permanently?