If he going to tell the truth which only he knows what in the he** are all these frantic preparers instructing him to do? He is cramming for the final exam. Is it because he didn't... moreIf he going to tell the truth which only he knows what in the he** are all these frantic preparers instructing him to do? He is cramming for the final exam. Is it because he didn't learn the material during the regular class year and now has to be INSTRUCTED as to how to answer which specific questions. Isn't that really telling? How little faith they have in the guy on his own to just tell the truth? Admitting he can't do it on his own without hours and hours of folks templating everything? How embarrassing for him. less
In contrast to his predecessor, not even {his} biggest supporters would have called him especially intelligent or knowledgeable about the world. But what marked {him} as a failure ... moreIn contrast to his predecessor, not even {his} biggest supporters would have called him especially intelligent or knowledgeable about the world. But what marked {him} as a failure is the abiding sense that he was simply out of his depth in the White House. He loved playing poker and womanizing, but was less interested in running the country. His cabinet and official appointments included a large coterie of old pals including several of his relatives. Many of these people made personal fortunes from taking bribes and astonished congressmen and worldly Washington journalists alike by their ignorance of the responsibilities of the offices they held. The most egregious scandal of {his} administration involved the corrupt sale of licences to drill for oil on public lands.
---"Everything old is new again" ... la la lala la less
Presume the Accuser is innocent of lying and making it up. Presumption must be accorded to both sides, right? You cannot presume a one-sided anything. Well people do of course but ... morePresume the Accuser is innocent of lying and making it up. Presumption must be accorded to both sides, right? You cannot presume a one-sided anything. Well people do of course but shouldn't they not do so?
*We don't KNOW that she is a vic. That is what we are going to find out hopefully.He SAID on that Access Hollywood tape "you can grab e'm by the ______and they let you". Proud as p... more*We don't KNOW that she is a vic. That is what we are going to find out hopefully.He SAID on that Access Hollywood tape "you can grab e'm by the ______and they let you". Proud as punch was he about his method of sexually assaulting women. Yet because he does not recognize irony or propreity he lectures an alleged victim about the timing doing two things. Showing he abject stupidity about the subject and calling attention to the fact that he is one of them. If Kav is which is yet to be proven. But he is accused of it and so a logical president with an unsavory track record of sexual abuse would just stifle it and stay out of it. No tweets. No photo ops. No nuthin'. But he isn't very smart so of course he will do the dumbest thing possible. Here we go. Buck up and buckle up. less
The majority of rapes/sexual assaults go unreported. And for super don with his seedy record of assaults on women to make any comment at all is absurd!
For impatient types it's easer to be patient with those who are sweet and charming that it is to be patient with those who consistently and purposely annoying. Are you patient unde... moreFor impatient types it's easer to be patient with those who are sweet and charming that it is to be patient with those who consistently and purposely annoying. Are you patient under all conditions/situtions/scenarios? Ever blow up because your patience was so sorely tested? Is patience LEARNED behavior that can be improved? Is patience something you either have or you don't and there's no middle there? Is patience overrated or underappreciated?
MuellerPutinManafortCohenStormy DanielsKim Jung UnTaking a kneeKennel and cage kidsBorder WallPuerto Rico recoveryKavanaugh confirmationRallies rallies everywhere but not a drop to... moreMuellerPutinManafortCohenStormy DanielsKim Jung UnTaking a kneeKennel and cage kidsBorder WallPuerto Rico recoveryKavanaugh confirmationRallies rallies everywhere but not a drop to drinkMelania once she gets the courageMiddle east PeaceRudyGKellyAnne CJared KIvanka TKBogus elections thanks to Russian interventionsAnonymous op edBob Woodward's BookOmarosa's bookCohen's, Omarosa's and all the unknown tapes others have we haven't seen yet McGahn 30 hours spent with MuellerFiring Jeff SessionsConspiracyCollusionMoney-LaunderingTax returns Dirt Putin has on super donDirt National Enquirer guy has on super donDirt The Apprentice producer has on super don and locked away that Tom Arnold is going afterHarm done financially to US citizens by super don trade warsAnother possible super big tax cut for the very wealthyEndless tweets that get him in deeper troubleFomenting chaos wherever he goes because he likes to see how folks handle itCheeseburgers in bed and beautiful chocolate cake and two scoops of ice cream as o... less
Here's the backstory to the question.We're in the cookie/cracker aisle. There is a package of imported ginger thins from Sweden. 5oz pack $1.88. RIGHT NEXT TO IT is the exact same ... moreHere's the backstory to the question.We're in the cookie/cracker aisle. There is a package of imported ginger thins from Sweden. 5oz pack $1.88. RIGHT NEXT TO IT is the exact same ginger thins in plainer packaging. 10oz for $1.48. No joke. Now the 5oz size packaging is snazzier and more eye-appealing. I checked the ingredients and they were identical. Same manufacturer except the snazzier pack said Swedish thins and in smaller letters appeared "ginger". The larger package said Ginger Thins. Could it have been an error or are they testing you to see if you automatically reach for the fancier package without comparing the labels or prices? I didn't ask an employee about it. But from time to time I see stuff like that going on. One week a certain brand of soup is priced $1.00 higher than another flavor. The next week they switch prices. Now what is that about? We're being tested to see how much we are willing to pay for certain flavors? I love to go shopping. I read all the labels. I pay attention. Take... less
The braggier you are the less folks believe you. Those who merit cheers are those who let their achievements speak for themselves. Where there is dead silence you get the self-aggr... moreThe braggier you are the less folks believe you. Those who merit cheers are those who let their achievements speak for themselves. Where there is dead silence you get the self-aggrandizing cheerleader. Sigh. Why do you think the "mute" button was invented? Or earplugs? Or an "on-off" switch? Exactly!
Those who smoke at any age never look cool. Why would anyone think otherwise? I thought kids were supposed to be smarter than their parents. Apparently those who e-cigarette aren't... moreThose who smoke at any age never look cool. Why would anyone think otherwise? I thought kids were supposed to be smarter than their parents. Apparently those who e-cigarette aren't. There goes another old wive's tale shot to he**! :(
How could he win by doing that? It would PROVE he did it to silence them because they could testify against him. You aren't supposed to pardon anyone who can testify against you. I... moreHow could he win by doing that? It would PROVE he did it to silence them because they could testify against him. You aren't supposed to pardon anyone who can testify against you. It is not the honorable thing to do. Oh. Wait. I forgot about whom I was speaking. Honorable is never a consideration. Strike that. Fuggeddaboutit! So super don was always gonna be boxed in vis a vis pardoning canaries who could sing about him. SIGH. That's not fair is it? What's the point of being president if you can't always have your way and protect your a**? less
General Ike knew what it was like. Other presidents like JFK knew what war was like first-hand up close and personal. People who go to military school fool themselves if they think... moreGeneral Ike knew what it was like. Other presidents like JFK knew what war was like first-hand up close and personal. People who go to military school fool themselves if they think that counts for anything. Those who make excuses to stay out(bones spurs?) and not serve should have no say in anything to do militarily. They shirked their duty to their country. Of what value are they to it?
Wackadoodles on the right. Wackadoodles on the left. Any wackadoodles in the middle or is wackadoodle only for extremist NUTJOBS? What is wrong with them? What is wrong with those ... moreWackadoodles on the right. Wackadoodles on the left. Any wackadoodles in the middle or is wackadoodle only for extremist NUTJOBS? What is wrong with them? What is wrong with those who issue death threats to people with whom they disagree? How many wackadoodle crazy insane nutjobs are out there weaponized and ready and waiting to do damage/harm/destroy whatever and whomever they dislike? Today's America folks. Like or lump it. :(
Examples of what not to do what not to say what not to think what not to believe or examples of the brightest experiences ever imagined? Our Camelot? Or our Waterloo? What think you?
I'd welcome multiple investigations and testimony and want it done in public view and hearing so everyone would be able to watch/hear what was going down and going on. I wouldn't w... moreI'd welcome multiple investigations and testimony and want it done in public view and hearing so everyone would be able to watch/hear what was going down and going on. I wouldn't want a taint/shadow of suspicion to haunt me the rest of my life. Clarence Thomas has always been tainted..suspected of doing exactly what Dr. Hill said he did. Living with the spectacle of that phony fake bogus trial hanging around his neck. His albatross until he dies and maybe hopefully beyond. Dr. Hill was vilified. Dr. Ford is "enjoying" the same treatment. Men like those Senators serving on the kangaroo court fear intelligent strong capable accomplished women and so they arrange things to serve them and not to serve truth. less
If they trusted him and believed completely in his innocence they would welcome an FBI background check. They would welcome having all relevant parties be interviewed. They w... moreIf they trusted him and believed completely in his innocence they would welcome an FBI background check. They would welcome having all relevant parties be interviewed. They would take as much time as needed to make sure truth prevailed. Are they doing that? Will they do that? Do they dare chance that he might be lying?. Again?
He is being honest. He is telling you he will always ignore your best interests and serve/protect his. He will always lie to you and deny anything and everythng that's true. If tha... moreHe is being honest. He is telling you he will always ignore your best interests and serve/protect his. He will always lie to you and deny anything and everythng that's true. If that isn't honesty what is? What more could you ask for in a prez than that?
I'm always shocked when I see scenes of women at boxing matches shouting and cheering and clapping and yelling for their favorite to "kill the bas**rd"! Women who smoke versus men ... moreI'm always shocked when I see scenes of women at boxing matches shouting and cheering and clapping and yelling for their favorite to "kill the bas**rd"! Women who smoke versus men who smoke. They're both insane but it looks worse on the woman. To me. It isn't so much that I expect "better" from women as that I expect them to comport themselves in a more gentle, kind, ladylike way. That does not including getting drunk as a skunk, smelling of cigarette smoke and having yellow teeth and stained fingers, or yelling for blood at a boxing match. Old fashioned right? Out of fashion? Do you expect anything from anyone at any time for any reason? less
Of course what trumpican female would dare utter a word about it? She'd be terrified horrified petrified and so she'd remain mute lest she be stoned or burned as a witch. SIGH.
*I think I'm a veteran having joined Answerbag in 2005 but what is a veteran to you? Are you one? Do you ever wonder about what happened to them and hope they're doing fine ?... more*I think I'm a veteran having joined Answerbag in 2005 but what is a veteran to you? Are you one? Do you ever wonder about what happened to them and hope they're doing fine ? When you're a newbie everything is so shiny and bright it can be overwhelming. Over time you get "educated" about how it works and why it works and get comfy. It's like moving to a new town or new school or new job. It takes awhile to learn the ropes and then if you like it you stay and if you don't you move on if you can. How often have you moved on from one internet social site to another? I'd still be on Answerbag if it were the same as it was originally. Do you miss any prior internet social sites? Why did you leave? less
What if telling the truth would land you in prison or be a reason for deporting you to a faraway elsewhere? Some folks would have no problem with it since they have vilified ... moreWhat if telling the truth would land you in prison or be a reason for deporting you to a faraway elsewhere? Some folks would have no problem with it since they have vilified it and despise it deeply. Others might find it difficult to remember and always get in trouble. First offense would be a huge fine. Second offense would be confiscation of all your worldly goods, removal of your citizenship, and being deported to a place where others just like you were sent. Tough love. No third time for anyone. How'dja like it? SIGH. less
When you speak you should speak the truth. Otherwise why not just stifle it? The world is already filled with liars and deniers. It doesn't need any more of them. Of course remaini... moreWhen you speak you should speak the truth. Otherwise why not just stifle it? The world is already filled with liars and deniers. It doesn't need any more of them. Of course remaining silent indicates agreement and isn't that a lie? A cowardly thing to do is to say nothing that will anger anyone. Just sit and listen and either agree or say nothing. You can't get in trouble that way. Right? SIGH.
I sonnehow lost nny ennails on aol, and i cant seen to get thenn back, i'll get sonne but hardly any, and ive already ennailed aol about it, any suggestions? it... more I sonnehow lost nny ennails on aol, and i cant seen to get thenn back, i'll get sonne but hardly any, and ive already ennailed aol about it, any suggestions? its really annoying cause i had sonne subscriptions i wanted and cant put on other ennails cause they wont send nne the links to click on.
It would be great! She'd never leave, she'd never ask me for anything, she'd never complain, she'd never sleep, she'd never even rest, all she'd do is make sandwiches ... more It would be great! She'd never leave, she'd never ask me for anything, she'd never complain, she'd never sleep, she'd never even rest, all she'd do is make sandwiches for me day and night!~
Just a moment ago, I watched my husband reading the paper and picking his nose.I waited, knowing what was coming.
He twirled it between his fingers, popped it in his mouth, and che... moreJust a moment ago, I watched my husband reading the paper and picking his nose.I waited, knowing what was coming.
He twirled it between his fingers, popped it in his mouth, and chewed.At which moment I asked, "What does it taste like?"He looked up, startled, then swallowed and burst into laughter, and so did I.Then he said, "like moist bread, except tasteless.""Why do you eat it?""Because it's the most convenient way to get rid of it," he answered.Hmm.I keep a tissue or hanky nearby.Others sprinkle it wherever they happen to be.Others pop it out the window at traffic lights.Presumably, many people save it for times when they visit the loo.Which must mean quite a lot of clogged and itchy noses out there in the lands of the polite.What do you do? less