One theory is that good-looking people tend to be treated better than those who are average. Makes sense. I'm sure guys would rather date Melania Trump than Eleanor Roosevelt... moreOne theory is that good-looking people tend to be treated better than those who are average. Makes sense. I'm sure guys would rather date Melania Trump than Eleanor Roosevelt. And gals would rather date JFK than they would LBJ. I'm just sayin'. So good-looking people see the world as a very JUST place. Of course how others treat you helps shape whom you become. Republican women ARE prettier than their Democratic counterparts because they attract rich men and they can keep up keeping up their beauty. They don't have to worry about earning a living or being talented or essential to a company. They don't have to worry about paying bills or putting their kids through college or being down to their last $5 before payday which is a week away and the car breaks down. I've been there. Lots of folks have. One of the bigly perks of being wealthy for the guys is getting the hot babes. Even if you're old and fat and not appealing yourself! Wealthy women are more pampered. Being pampered helps a... less
What are the odds that they too have had experiences in the past involving unwanted sexual abuse that they have told no one about? Unless they're all extremely homely t... moreWhat are the odds that they too have had experiences in the past involving unwanted sexual abuse that they have told no one about? Unless they're all extremely homely that no guy(boy, teen or man) at any time ever tried anything on them because they had zero appeal... which is unlikely.
Dr. Ford said Kav was very drunk when he attempted to rape her. Also allegedly Mark Judge was very drunk too. Being drunk happened regularly with them apparently. Fair territory to... moreDr. Ford said Kav was very drunk when he attempted to rape her. Also allegedly Mark Judge was very drunk too. Being drunk happened regularly with them apparently. Fair territory to explore isn't it considering it was during those halcyon days of youthfulness "exuberance" that the alleged attempted rape occurred? It matters not how he has comported himself as an adult. It matters very much whom he was and what he did when he was 17.
One trumpican female asks "what 17-year-old boy hasn't done that?" pertaining to attempted rape? Another trumpican female who was named(Lourdes Castillo de la Pene)&nbs... moreOne trumpican female asks "what 17-year-old boy hasn't done that?" pertaining to attempted rape? Another trumpican female who was named(Lourdes Castillo de la Pene) said she would still support Kavanaugh even if the allegations prove to be true. He** with supporters like that how can he lose? These women are beyond understanding. Why they are so wired is unknowable. But they exist and they are apparently in the many rather than the few vis a vis trumpican females so there ya go. They stand by their men and their sons and their brothers and their uncles and their heroes and defend/excuse/accept all without condemnation or criticism. Why? Because of course men know best right? Anything goes! Nice isn't it? less
Lourdes Castillo de la Pene said she would back Kavanaugh even if the allegations proved to be true. Would you? To all the guys out there. At 17 did you attempt to rape a 15-year-o... moreLourdes Castillo de la Pene said she would back Kavanaugh even if the allegations proved to be true. Would you? To all the guys out there. At 17 did you attempt to rape a 15-year-old girl? Some Republican women seem to think you are all alike and after all "boys will be boys" right? This is what women who come forward face from their own gender. Their own sex being first on the bandwagon to deprecate denigrate make light of and normalize extremely disgusting behavior. Ah yes. Women don't need enemies beyond their own gender do they? Sadly. less
Are you a docile lamb with a sponge brain that is dry and brittle and waits for others to moisten it? What they say you believe. Period. End of story. Seems very trusting to ... moreAre you a docile lamb with a sponge brain that is dry and brittle and waits for others to moisten it? What they say you believe. Period. End of story. Seems very trusting to me as well as lazy. Why think when others are more than happy to do it for you? :(
Of course super don has carved out the PEACE prize for himself. But I betcha he'd like to be awarded all of them. A few folks have in fact been awarded Nobel prizes in more than on... moreOf course super don has carved out the PEACE prize for himself. But I betcha he'd like to be awarded all of them. A few folks have in fact been awarded Nobel prizes in more than one category. But all of the categories? I bet super don will find a way to be the first to achieve that distinction. Once he sets his mind on getting something there is no stopping him. Bide your time. He'll get around to it. Right now he's got other things occupying his mind.
Money for themselves and their oligrach obscenely wealthy pals on the backs of the poor and the ill and the powerless. All of them are scum. Dum de dum dum. SIGH. Any hope they wil... moreMoney for themselves and their oligrach obscenely wealthy pals on the backs of the poor and the ill and the powerless. All of them are scum. Dum de dum dum. SIGH. Any hope they will all be done in and banned and deported to an island just for them? What could it hurt to hope, right?
Well ya see North Carolina has toxic coal ash dumps, animal waste lagoons (hog manure pits) and nuclear plants. The humongous rains from Florence breached the Duke Nuclear Plant. A... moreWell ya see North Carolina has toxic coal ash dumps, animal waste lagoons (hog manure pits) and nuclear plants. The humongous rains from Florence breached the Duke Nuclear Plant. All of this on the watch of super don who has made it a priority to GUT THE EPA. His timing is impeccable. FLAWLESS. Just as he diverted Millions of dollars from FEMA to build more cages and kennels for kids just before Florence hit. Just in time. But the EPA was gutted long ago. Anything to save a dime including deaths resulting from being a cheapskate and an anti-human profiteer! What a legacy for super don. Who will be able to match his achievements? Hopefully no one. :( less
Apologies if you feel this should be in adult mug but I thought about it and thought, no, this is about human behaviour and feelings...I ask as I have a friend who, well you know..... moreApologies if you feel this should be in adult mug but I thought about it and thought, no, this is about human behaviour and feelings...I ask as I have a friend who, well you know.. He is now undergoing treatment for mouth cancer... and of course even though we have only been friends for years now, I do feel still some connection and feel concern about his welfare.
Is anyone in the GOP not a sexual harasser?Garrett Ventry, 29, a communications aide to Senate Judiciary committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, was "one of several temporary staff brou... moreIs anyone in the GOP not a sexual harasser?Garrett Ventry, 29, a communications aide to Senate Judiciary committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, was "one of several temporary staff brought on to assist in the committee’s consideration of the Supreme Court nomination," a Senate Judiciary Committee spokesperson told Reuters.Ventry was previously fired from the office of North Carolina House Majority Leader John Bell because a female employee of the North Carolina GOP General Assembly accused him of sexual harassment, according to NBC. less
What will you do if you have outlived your spouse and have no children?Or if your children are so overworked with their families and work that they don't have enough time to care f... moreWhat will you do if you have outlived your spouse and have no children?Or if your children are so overworked with their families and work that they don't have enough time to care for you?Or if your kids are disabled?Or if your kids are ice addicts or otherwise unfit as carers?
Harry Potter was on tv this evening... HP always reminds me of my middle child, who was very young at the time, had Dyslexia, and had never read a book. I remember his teacher who ... moreHarry Potter was on tv this evening... HP always reminds me of my middle child, who was very young at the time, had Dyslexia, and had never read a book. I remember his teacher who was fond of him and encouraged him and inspired him to read Harry Potter, which had only just come out, (as the book). So that was the first time I saw him read something for himself and love it..
And where would it be located?As for me, this one will do. I like the 180 degree picture windows because it sits on a hill overlooking the North Sea. It has four bedroo... moreAnd where would it be located?As for me, this one will do. I like the 180 degree picture windows because it sits on a hill overlooking the North Sea. It has four bedrooms but we don't need that much space. Three would be plenty. I would prefer that it were a little higher on a cliff, right on the ocean surrounded by ancient forest inland. There should also be some tall leafy plants by the bedroom windows so I can listen to them blow in the wind as I'm going to sleep. No swimming pool but there must be a protected lagoon down at the water's edge where I can keep my boat and grow out all the lobsters and fish I catch. So, the coast guard shouldn't be too far off and neither should the grocery store and Home Depot. Is that too much to ask? less
My opinion is that animals and humans are just a different species in the same category..... Some animals show tears when they are sad ( like elephants and dogs...) and they are ab... moreMy opinion is that animals and humans are just a different species in the same category..... Some animals show tears when they are sad ( like elephants and dogs...) and they are able to grieve to their deaths. Pets are children in our modern society, with all the care a child gets... and so on. In the jurisdiction system animals are a thing - in order to make it easier in courts. For me it stands like this: They can give love and affection, which would be impossible without a soul. I know, I know.....the word soul is a religious word, but it fits! less
Now I have finally the explanation for my disliking avocados - haha..... I ate one little piece once 10 years ago, and that was enough...But I am aware of the high nutritional valu... moreNow I have finally the explanation for my disliking avocados - haha..... I ate one little piece once 10 years ago, and that was enough...But I am aware of the high nutritional value of Avocado.
A. TildesB. GrammarC. SandwichesD. Two or more of the aboveE. None of the above/other answerF. I neither know nor care, but he sure is hotG. I neither know nor care, but she s... moreA. TildesB. GrammarC. SandwichesD. Two or more of the aboveE. None of the above/other answerF. I neither know nor care, but he sure is hotG. I neither know nor care, but she sure is hot~
Or would they stifle it because it would make super don very angry? SIGH. Unless they speak up we shall never know. What are the odds of it having happened though? Especially... more Or would they stifle it because it would make super don very angry? SIGH. Unless they speak up we shall never know. What are the odds of it having happened though? Especially for Melania who wasn't a trump like Ivanka was? Wonder if she was does she feel guilty for staying SILENT ? Or did no one ever dare to insult her like that? Wonder how super don treated her early on? Like a gentleman or like he treated many other women ?
The principles of government outlined in that book are Political expediency is placed above morality and the use of craft and deceit to maintain authority are outlined. It is ... moreThe principles of government outlined in that book are Political expediency is placed above morality and the use of craft and deceit to maintain authority are outlined. It is rife with cunning, deception, dishonesty, manipulation. Sound familiar? I thought so. So as I said if he ever read any book at any time on his own it was this. Although he says he went to college so maybe it was assigned to him to read. Or maybe someone touted him on it. Or the title caught his eye. Who knows? But of course he thinks of himself as king not a lowly prince. SIGH. What do you think of him as pray tell? less
A couple of the current trumpicans on the Judiciary Committee(who were Republicans at the time) were there grilling Dr. Hill decades ago and are still there and dying to have Dr. F... moreA couple of the current trumpicans on the Judiciary Committee(who were Republicans at the time) were there grilling Dr. Hill decades ago and are still there and dying to have Dr. Ford grilled as well. Well done of course. By a surrogate. Because that's what do. Grill and burn to a crisp if they can.
Why do they believe Ford against Kavanaugh but not the accusation against Ellison? It is recent, has a doctor's verification of abuse and a possible video. And there is more than o... moreWhy do they believe Ford against Kavanaugh but not the accusation against Ellison? It is recent, has a doctor's verification of abuse and a possible video. And there is more than one woman alleging abuse.
All trumpicans are TERRIFIED of truth. They not only avoid it they slaughter it whenever they can. They wouldn't care if Kav ACTUALLY raped anyone let alone attempted to do s... moreAll trumpicans are TERRIFIED of truth. They not only avoid it they slaughter it whenever they can. They wouldn't care if Kav ACTUALLY raped anyone let alone attempted to do so. That isn't what matters to them. What does matter? Overturning Roe vs Wade at any cost and they know FER SHURE they can depend on Kav for that. Also protecting super don no matter how guilty he is or what he did and they know Kav will do that too since he already wrote about how a sitting prez must not be troubled by state or federal CRIMINAL investigations. He is a double whammy hammy jammy klammy slammy shammy. That's it. The bottom line. The depths of depravity. SIGH. The dregs. less