He isn't handsome or witty or kind or especially intelligent. Yet they are so madly in love with him they see only perfection there wherever he goes. No warts. No zits. No pimples.... moreHe isn't handsome or witty or kind or especially intelligent. Yet they are so madly in love with him they see only perfection there wherever he goes. No warts. No zits. No pimples. No pock marks. No Eczema. No wrinkles. No bulges. No sags. No rashes. No negatives. All positives. They belong to him now and forever more. His ego needs that, demands that, survives because of it. They feed off and exist as one. They are the wind beneath his sails. He is the cherry on their cake! Symbiotic connection. Would die if separated forever? less
Jam Kav through and take a chance (Russian Roulette?) that they will NOT discover Kav was guilty as charged and impeach him. Which makes more sense to you? Why?If Kav is conf... moreJam Kav through and take a chance (Russian Roulette?) that they will NOT discover Kav was guilty as charged and impeach him. Which makes more sense to you? Why?If Kav is confirmed and takes a seat for the first Monday in October you don't really think investigations and charges and accusations and witnesses won't keep piling up for him do you? Do you really think all these victims and witnesses will quietly fold up their tents and move on? You think Michael Avenatti will do that for his client? You think these women who have already been threatened and vilified won't continue on until a conclusion is finally reached? If you do that would be very gullible of you . less
(Handwritten)I.would.like.to.see.if.your.office.is.still.in.charge.of.my.case.from.2011.or.if.it.was.already.transferred.to.headquarters.Thank.you.in.advance. I didn't think ... more(Handwritten)I.would.like.to.see.if.your.office.is.still.in.charge.of.my.case.from.2011.or.if.it.was.already.transferred.to.headquarters.Thank.you.in.advance. I didn't think it was funny at all. The doctors say I'll need at least three more days of evaluation before I can be released. ~
He says he can't have had sexual relations with some women because they aren't pretty enough for himHe is known to appoint people to jobs because he "likes the way they look" He is... moreHe says he can't have had sexual relations with some women because they aren't pretty enough for himHe is known to appoint people to jobs because he "likes the way they look" He is always casting partsHe made fun of and mimicked a journalist who had a medical condition causing him to shakeHe insulted the wife of Ted cruz based on her looksHe has often attacked Rosie O'Donnell and I believe at least once referred to her as a "fat pig". Right?When asked a few years ago what he saw when he looked into the mirror he said "a 35-year-old man" or something close to thatHe told several mistresses they were beautiful and said they reminded him of his daughter..I know. Creepy as he** right? He hosted a beauty pageant so he can ogle girls who are often partially undressed as he barges into their dressing rooms less
*The propositon that would split California into 3 parts.California would consist of Salinas, Santa Barbara and Los AngelesNorthern California would be San Jose north to the border... more*The propositon that would split California into 3 parts.California would consist of Salinas, Santa Barbara and Los AngelesNorthern California would be San Jose north to the border of OregonSouthern California would be Fresno south to the border with MexicoThe state Supreme Court said questions were raised regarding the proposition's validity. Now at somefuture time if the state Supreme Court decides that it is valid it could appear once again on a ballot.For Californians. Would you vote for separation or remaining intact? Why?For residents of others states, though you would not be impacted, what would you like to have happen and why?. less
TRUMP 2020 -" A BIG FAT CON JOB"Now how perfect is that? I expect super duper don used those words in reference to something else but little did he know he set the stage for his gr... moreTRUMP 2020 -" A BIG FAT CON JOB"Now how perfect is that? I expect super duper don used those words in reference to something else but little did he know he set the stage for his grand run in 2020 sloganwise and elsewise. Even Dems might want that on a bumper sticker on their bumpers. Something they could all get on board with about super don! Right?!
Lotsa homework to do. We vote by mail and the first day you can do that is October 8. October 22 is the last day you can register to vote in California and of course November 6 is ... moreLotsa homework to do. We vote by mail and the first day you can do that is October 8. October 22 is the last day you can register to vote in California and of course November 6 is Election Day.How much time and effort do you put into researching propositions and candidates? Do you always vote in Primaries as well as General Elections? Are you a good citizen? Do you think voting and being a good citizen are in any way related?
Amazing how desperate these 11 white men are. So desperate they don't mind hiding behind a woman's skirts to avoid having to do their jobs. Oh they justify it and defend and make i... moreAmazing how desperate these 11 white men are. So desperate they don't mind hiding behind a woman's skirts to avoid having to do their jobs. Oh they justify it and defend and make it seem as if it will be helpful to the cause of justice. Bullsh**. They are chickens. Afraid of their own shadows. Unable to do the job for which they are paid handsomely. So they will just silently sit on their a**es collecting their paychecks while a stranger who will be paid for her services PLUS EXPENSES will do the questioning. How quaint is that? Going from wanting women to be barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen who don't have the vote to choosing a woman to "man up" and do their job for them? They should be humiliated embarrassed ashamed but of course trumpicans are never any of those things. They think that and apologizing shows weakness. Actually what they've done shows how very weak they are. SIGH. Let the games begin. less
He said he was going for the laughter, the humor. Bullsh**! He lied. He wasn't expecting the laughter or so he said. Then he tried to make it work for him. He always fails at that.... moreHe said he was going for the laughter, the humor. Bullsh**! He lied. He wasn't expecting the laughter or so he said. Then he tried to make it work for him. He always fails at that. He is an inept impotent incompetent bungler who is so full of himself he will never see himself as others do for what he is. An evil puppet clown. Which means we will always get the sameoldsameoldsameold crap from him until someone with a hook yanks him off stage as they used to do during Vaudeville days when an act was bombing! He bombs daily figuratively. How soon before it is literal? less
We should know exactly whom we are but it seems we don't. What does it take to remove blinders and look into the mirror and see what is really there and not what we wish were there?
Are you aware that there were more films taken of JFK's murder than Abraham Zapruder's famous movie? I didn't. I just finished reading a book about Orville Nix's movie. Fascinating... moreAre you aware that there were more films taken of JFK's murder than Abraham Zapruder's famous movie? I didn't. I just finished reading a book about Orville Nix's movie. Fascinating. After seeing so often Zapruder's film, it was interesting to see Nix's film - - taken from the other side of the street, across from Zapruder's point of view.I will not post the film here on answerMug. Too disturbing. The film is easily found on Youtube.
So the longer we go and the more Kav goes on TV and says what he says the more people are going to come out to refute anything that isn't true. Good luck Kav. You are your own wors... moreSo the longer we go and the more Kav goes on TV and says what he says the more people are going to come out to refute anything that isn't true. Good luck Kav. You are your own worst enemy just like the super don . Shut up and do yourself a favor. Except it's already too late for you. The interview with you wife the other night? Better if it never happened.
I think these 11 wimpy trumpican Juciary Committee cowardly senators should pay her costs out of their own salaries! Why in the he** should we still pay them for not doing their jo... moreI think these 11 wimpy trumpican Juciary Committee cowardly senators should pay her costs out of their own salaries! Why in the he** should we still pay them for not doing their job while we have to also pay for this se crimes PROSECUTOR to fly in from Arizona, stay a coupla days, grill Dr. Ford, fly back and pay her wages too? We are getting screwed once again financially by these trumpican chicken men. Aren't they SPESHUL?