Something funny would be nice. Right now it says, "You've reached my voicemail. Para espanol, oprima dos. For instructions in English, please stay on the line."&n... moreSomething funny would be nice. Right now it says, "You've reached my voicemail. Para espanol, oprima dos. For instructions in English, please stay on the line." Kinda cute but it's getting old.
- - still my favorite animal since third grade when I first saw a picture of one in school and I got to write a report on them. They remain my favorite animal.:)
- - April 16, 1947; Texas City, Texas, USA - - I only heard about it by chance "relatively" recently and now have read several books about it - - to me, the event i... more - - April 16, 1947; Texas City, Texas, USA - - I only heard about it by chance "relatively" recently and now have read several books about it - - to me, the event is almost unbelievable in its scope
How about a single individual? Is one easier than the other? I have to edit. I should have included this is relative to people you first meet. I beg yo... moreHow about a single individual? Is one easier than the other? I have to edit. I should have included this is relative to people you first meet. I beg your forgiveness.
Is it just a normal cyclical occurrence or could climate change have something to do with it? Fewer ants fewer flies, fewer mosquitoes, fewer mosquito bites. A stark contrast betwe... moreIs it just a normal cyclical occurrence or could climate change have something to do with it? Fewer ants fewer flies, fewer mosquitoes, fewer mosquito bites. A stark contrast between this year and two years ago in my experience! What about you? Any difference(s)?
He was almost shouting most of the time. He was consistently ANGRY. He cried much of the time from the FURY of his anger I guess and also screwed up his face a lot. He focused for ... moreHe was almost shouting most of the time. He was consistently ANGRY. He cried much of the time from the FURY of his anger I guess and also screwed up his face a lot. He focused for awhile on how much he loves beer and even asked those who questioned him if they loved beer and if not what they llked to drink. He went on a riff about his love of beer then and now. It was a tour de force performance and I'm sure all beer manufacturers thank him for it. He was hostile belligerent and seemed to be out of control a good deal of the time. It was not an even-tempered person who appeared. Kav indulged himself in partisan political conspiracy theories and said that it was a calculated political hit by the Democrats and it was revenge on behalf of the Clintons? WHAT? SAY WHAT? He was aggressive all the way through. Not what I think of when I think of a judge. If you saw his performance do you think he has the right stuff to be elevated to the Supreme Court for life? But then the rules we used to go by are gone. We have a si... less
That would explain his very very big head. You need a supersized head to accommodate a supersized brain. Does supersizing a brain supersize the intellect?
He was very angry, loud, belligerent and rude during his time on the hot seat. He kept interrupting the Democratic Senators during questioning and was dismissive and shockingly out... moreHe was very angry, loud, belligerent and rude during his time on the hot seat. He kept interrupting the Democratic Senators during questioning and was dismissive and shockingly out of control. He drank lots of water. He screwed his face up a lot and did a number with his tongue constantly which was very weird. From beginning to end he did not look like a judge. He cried a lot and also keep trying not to cry which was shockingly weak and unnerving. SIGH. Anyone see it and admire him for it?
My mother received a voice mail that instructed her to call back and type in a PIN to get a prescription, but when she called she got a message that she dialed a non working number.
"Drive" ~ my favorite song by The Cars~ beautiful, fascinating video - - the very beautiful woman is cast perfectly~ this is the second time I've asked a question relat... more"Drive" ~ my favorite song by The Cars~ beautiful, fascinating video - - the very beautiful woman is cast perfectly~ this is the second time I've asked a question related to this song/video
I don't know how many female trumpican Senators there are but I do know of two...Senators Collins of Maine and Murkowski of Alaska. The scairdy cat trumpican men on the Judic... moreI don't know how many female trumpican Senators there are but I do know of two...Senators Collins of Maine and Murkowski of Alaska. The scairdy cat trumpican men on the Judiciary Committee (11 white men) hired a female lawyer who specializes in PROSECUTING SEX CRIMES to ask their questions. A total stranger. If they could do that they could have empowered the female trumpican Senators to stand in for them and ask the questions. They are hiding behind a strange woman's skirts. Why not keep it in the family and hide behind the skirts of the women with whom they "serve" in the Senate? less
No longer confident he seems to be on edge and furtive. Certainly no macho dude or charismatic hunk. Just an ordinary average middle-aged man who'd rather be elsewhere. I gue... moreNo longer confident he seems to be on edge and furtive. Certainly no macho dude or charismatic hunk. Just an ordinary average middle-aged man who'd rather be elsewhere. I guess we'll find out more about the whom he is today today won't we?