I think a person's track record should always be admitted to get the whole truth about whom he/she is and what he/she did in the past. Not allowing it makes no sense to me. If it m... moreI think a person's track record should always be admitted to get the whole truth about whom he/she is and what he/she did in the past. Not allowing it makes no sense to me. If it makes sense to thee please tell me why?
Justice Kennedy retired June 27, 2018. The mid-term election will be held November 6, 2018. Less than five months. McConnell and his gang of bums had no problemo preventing P... moreJustice Kennedy retired June 27, 2018. The mid-term election will be held November 6, 2018. Less than five months. McConnell and his gang of bums had no problemo preventing President Obama from his right to appoint a Justice to fill the vacant seat of Scalia for A YEAR but they do have a problem waiting less than five months for the people to vote in whom they want to represent them now this time. That was the "REASON" McConnell gave for the refusal to allow President Obama to appoint a Justice. He wanted "the people" to have a say in the matter and so was obstinate obdurate hostile belligerent dogmatic bullying autocratic dictatorial and got away with it. No problemo! A tiny little ineffective impotent old man who did a political thing and thought he was ever so smart in doing it. He represents the very worst in corrupt politicians. I guess the corrupt do take pride in their activities don't they? He should get some kind of award/reward for OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE. Let's see, what would be appropriate? less
McConnell excused it by his usual bullsh** lies to get his way. How many months from the time Scalia died till super don was inaugurated? McConnell and the gang willfully OBSTRUCTE... moreMcConnell excused it by his usual bullsh** lies to get his way. How many months from the time Scalia died till super don was inaugurated? McConnell and the gang willfully OBSTRUCTED the right of the president to appoint a justice saying it had to wait till after the election so "the people" could choose whom they wanted to make that decision. Now they are RUSHING to fill the seat that Justice Kennedy vacated only a short time ago. Frantic. Obsessed. It must be NOW and not after the election. Why is that? It is not a logical reversal. Could it possibly be plain old typical standard normal ordinary ugly partisanship and nothing more? A pox on all of them for being so unpatriotic and blatently hostile. Shameful robots doing shameful things for shameful reasons. Who did the programming? A pox on his/her house too! :( less
He is so stubborn and thick-headed which is only eclipsed by his abject ignorance I wonder how they tricked him into reversing himself and backtracking? Of course he can always do ... moreHe is so stubborn and thick-headed which is only eclipsed by his abject ignorance I wonder how they tricked him into reversing himself and backtracking? Of course he can always do it anyway. He likes to do what he wants to do. He doesn't like anyone to stop him. He agrees on one thing and then flips and does the opposite. So we shall see what he does eventually. A child that must be watched 24/7 by many. Untrainable.
They invest a zillion hours coaching Kav about how to answer the questions he will be asked. Why does he need coaching to tell the truth? Then a super idiot says (a REPUBLICAN Sena... moreThey invest a zillion hours coaching Kav about how to answer the questions he will be asked. Why does he need coaching to tell the truth? Then a super idiot says (a REPUBLICAN Senator) Dr. Ford is "mixed up". Then the bigly teeny tiny infinitely small White House brain trust comes up with a desperation move and says she "misidentified" her attacker. What other blithering idiotic straws will they grab at to save the nomination of a quite possibly GUILTY nominee? We can't know where the truth is now .We will only know if due process is followed completely. No short cuts. But we know the Republican-majority Senate will not allow that. The reason people cheat and lie is because they that's the only way they can win. SIGH. Dog and Pony show to come or will it all fizzle out because Dr. Ford already knows the outcome? less
Any of you gals or guys out there who were sexually abused/assaulted ever MISIENTIFY who the pervert was? Any of the children molested by priests or women sexually abused by men or... moreAny of you gals or guys out there who were sexually abused/assaulted ever MISIENTIFY who the pervert was? Any of the children molested by priests or women sexually abused by men or men sexually abused by anyone ever MISIDENTIFY the perps? It is a desperate attempt to make a possibly GUILTY man innocent of all charges. One stupid dumb Senator said Dr. Ford is "mixed up". Really? And you know this how? It is a circus. A travesty. A Kangaroo Court. A Photo Op. It will not be fair because the goal is not to find the truth but to save the a** of their SCOTUS justice. For shame. less
I came back to edit. There is a question mark after the first sentence. Your mind can see it. I just wasn't able to have it print on your screens. ;) ;)
Neither was I.And that's why we'll never get millions of dollars in research grants.https://www.newsweek.com/octopus-ecstasy-social-behavior-evolution-1130482