In addition to believing in certain things and agreeing on a lot of things what other dynamic is at work underlying all of it that causes palship, friendship, friendly acquaintance... moreIn addition to believing in certain things and agreeing on a lot of things what other dynamic is at work underlying all of it that causes palship, friendship, friendly acquaintanceship? Is there an "understanding" that occurs on other levels beyond "agreement"? If so which and why is that?
It doesn't matter if such person hasn't touched a drop of booze in decades. What matters is what he/she attests to as having happened or NOT HAPPENED years before when he/she was&n... moreIt doesn't matter if such person hasn't touched a drop of booze in decades. What matters is what he/she attests to as having happened or NOT HAPPENED years before when he/she was drunk-as-skunk kid ON PURPOSE? Especially if that sober-as-a-judge today iteration of that person is testifying or "recalling" on behalf of a friend? Seriously folks how gullible are you that any such "memories" are true?
Black dude cop murders white dame in her own apartment. Whom do you support and why?Black dame cop murders white dude in his own apartment Whom do you support and why?You are told ... moreBlack dude cop murders white dame in her own apartment. Whom do you support and why?Black dame cop murders white dude in his own apartment Whom do you support and why?You are told that the cop THOUGHT he/she was entering his/her own apartment and thought the murder victim was an intruder. Do you buy that? Seriously? How much did you pay?In America if you're white you get away with a lot more badness than if you aren't. Color is really important here vis a vis getting nailed or walking. Is it equally important in other elsewheres? Is color where it's at for everything everywhere every time? If so ain't THAT a crime or is it sublime and finely divine? Inquiring minds wanna know. less
I love Bananarama!Besides enjoying their music/voices, I really like them because they always seem to have a sense of "fun" and they seem not to take themselves overly seriously. E... moreI love Bananarama!Besides enjoying their music/voices, I really like them because they always seem to have a sense of "fun" and they seem not to take themselves overly seriously. Excellent!:)
Please, friends, don't laugh about this topic. I post this because I am interested. I found out that my personality correspondences astonishingly with all the traits assigned to th... morePlease, friends, don't laugh about this topic. I post this because I am interested. I found out that my personality correspondences astonishingly with all the traits assigned to the Sun Sign "Scorpio", the fixed element is water. This is for fun only. Whether you believe in astrology or are interested, I can recommend a book I have in front of me, which I use for this topic. The title is: The Astrology Bible by Judy Hall. Whoever is interested, the following page of my website tells you everything about my character - well - the stars know ! less
About his time as a teenage alcoholic. He said that if he took a first drink he'd keep drinking until he was blotto. So when he says he never saw Kav "act like that" vis a vis tryi... moreAbout his time as a teenage alcoholic. He said that if he took a first drink he'd keep drinking until he was blotto. So when he says he never saw Kav "act like that" vis a vis trying to rape a student how would he know if he were BLOTTO? Uh-oh? How much credibility does he have now retroactively to then when he admits he was in alcoholic stupors?
Woulja? Shouldja? Couldja?Ted Cruz tops the heap of creeps cuz that's what that dude done did. He is scared to death of his competition. Some Dem nicknamed BETO is wiping the floor... moreWoulja? Shouldja? Couldja?Ted Cruz tops the heap of creeps cuz that's what that dude done did. He is scared to death of his competition. Some Dem nicknamed BETO is wiping the floor with him. Poor Ted. No one loves him. He is in a desperate situation to keep his job so desperate times require desperate actions. Your pols in action. Only in America do pols sink this low.
Republicans BUY tax cuts for the wealthy. They BUY right-wing extremism. They buy closing down everything that benefits we the people. They tolerate racism. They buy Bigotry. They ... moreRepublicans BUY tax cuts for the wealthy. They BUY right-wing extremism. They buy closing down everything that benefits we the people. They tolerate racism. They buy Bigotry. They buy that women have no rights over their own bodies. They leave on the shelf the followingTweetsSexually perverted activitiesLies'InsultsBullyingGreedConsistent conceited obsessive self-interest self-aggradizement and self ish.Trade WarsIsolationismSucking up to thugs dictators despots bad guysAbandoning our allies, the good guys less
What happens to the money paid for the property and also to the money in the bank accounts he turned over as well? Is there a line-item budget that reads "windfall from crooks"?
Have you ever considered getting a divorce? Ever had a battle so bad that one of you left to go elsewhere? Or is your marriage generally a peaceful place to be with both partners c... moreHave you ever considered getting a divorce? Ever had a battle so bad that one of you left to go elsewhere? Or is your marriage generally a peaceful place to be with both partners co-equals who like each first and foremost all the time and will forever love each other for the long run even when you disagree? Do you look forward to being at home alone or do you like it better when you're spouse is there with you even if you are doing different things in different rooms? Do you light up when you see your spouse? Do you still get a "tingle" when you see him/her even after all the years you've been together? Is he/she still the only one you want to grow old with? Do you hold hands when you go out and about? I hope your marriage isn't a war zone. No one deserves to live that kind of life. less
George Clooney has been involved with humanitarian relief effots and charities for decades. He has done a lot using his celebrity to call attention to the plight of the disad... moreGeorge Clooney has been involved with humanitarian relief effots and charities for decades. He has done a lot using his celebrity to call attention to the plight of the disadvantaged. Anyway his dad Nick said that kids usually want to grow up to be like a parent. He said he wanted to grow up to be just like his son! Now if that isn't about the nicest thing a parent could say about his/her child I don't know what is!
Are they so intent on making a cross-purpose point they don't take the time or the care to read what's there and just extrapolate and assume and come to the wrong conclusions? I do... moreAre they so intent on making a cross-purpose point they don't take the time or the care to read what's there and just extrapolate and assume and come to the wrong conclusions? I don't get it.
Some recoveries happen ASAP immediately STAT. Why is that? Other recoveries never happen at all or if they do they are complete and NEVER get back to what normal used to be. ... moreSome recoveries happen ASAP immediately STAT. Why is that? Other recoveries never happen at all or if they do they are complete and NEVER get back to what normal used to be. Why is that? What is the underlining driver here that determines where success takes hold and failure is certain?
Whether murdered/killed by cop or neighbor or road rage or "disgruntled" employee or competitor or political/religious enemy or relative or stranger or acquaintance at work at home... moreWhether murdered/killed by cop or neighbor or road rage or "disgruntled" employee or competitor or political/religious enemy or relative or stranger or acquaintance at work at home in a theater at an outdoor event. We can't run we can't hide we are all targets for death at our hands. Very competent and independent. That is what NATIONALISM is all about. You don't need no one for nothing! Ya got it all covered very nicely "in the family". SIGH. American Exceptionalism! There ya have it! :(
Why would you have to fight hard and work hard at it? Shouldn't it be natural and effortless? You love and respect each other presumably. If that's true why would differences of op... moreWhy would you have to fight hard and work hard at it? Shouldn't it be natural and effortless? You love and respect each other presumably. If that's true why would differences of opinion or disagreements cause you to have to "fight hard" and "work hard" at it? I know there is SOMETHING here that others experience which I clearly haven't which is why I don't understand it. What is that something?
If you despise dislike hate those who are partisan doesn't that make YOU partisan too? Why not live and let live? You like mashed potatoes. I prefer baked. So what? We're both part... moreIf you despise dislike hate those who are partisan doesn't that make YOU partisan too? Why not live and let live? You like mashed potatoes. I prefer baked. So what? We're both partisan. So what? What's the big deal?