Among the following which is most important to you?Having access to adequate medical careGoing to a super don rally and cheering like he**Confirming the most right-wing conservativ... moreAmong the following which is most important to you?Having access to adequate medical careGoing to a super don rally and cheering like he**Confirming the most right-wing conservative Justice to SCOTUS whether he is a big fat liar or notGiving the super wealthy ANOTHER tax cut as super don said he is consideringHaving super don pardon Michel Cohen and Paul Manafort to save his a**Winning the lotterySo y'all on your list of important things how do you prioritize the above six choices?
To refresh your memoryBillie Burke was Glinda the Good Witch in Wizard of OzShe was also the ditzy wife of Cosmo Topper in the Topper seriesShe was also married to showman Florenz ... moreTo refresh your memoryBillie Burke was Glinda the Good Witch in Wizard of OzShe was also the ditzy wife of Cosmo Topper in the Topper seriesShe was also married to showman Florenz Zigfield Jr. for almost two decades until he died
*"being so close or intimate as to prevent proper functioning"That is definition number 3 under the word "incestuous" in the dictionary which means it has nothing whatsoever to do ... more*"being so close or intimate as to prevent proper functioning"That is definition number 3 under the word "incestuous" in the dictionary which means it has nothing whatsoever to do with physical impropriety due to familial ties. Nothing at all to do with sex.
They pretend to like what you like to fit in. They either have no core beliefs/views/morals or pretend they do for personal gain. Ever pretend to be someone you aren't? For how long and why?
Do you have such nonsensical rules where you live....Power is going to local governments heads...we are all being slowly brainwashed with local government becoming more and more li... moreDo you have such nonsensical rules where you live....Power is going to local governments heads...we are all being slowly brainwashed with local government becoming more and more like the Gastapo it feels....
A review on the radio this morning, of the day's papers, touched on the tale of a woman who smashed her children's iPhones, with the result that their family became much happier, m... moreA review on the radio this morning, of the day's papers, touched on the tale of a woman who smashed her children's iPhones, with the result that their family became much happier, more cohesive and communicative.It also produced two other, conflicting third-party results; one promoting wanton waste, both sharing a theme of utter childishness and stupidity. One of these results was a (sadly predictable?) barrage of insults and abuse on social media. The other was confessions of similar actions, with some owners admitting to throwing their instruments under vehicle wheels (did they clear up the mess?) or into canals (more litter - a few prosecutions would not come amiss).By all means get rid of the device you felt apparently necessary to own in the first place, but wouldn't it far more constructive to sell it, or at least give it away, than wantonly destroy a costly, perfectly serviceable, instrument someone else could use, and perhaps use rather more sensibly?For the record, I have a basic port... less
It is massive collusion and conspiracy to gather together all these people and force them to lie about the pure and innocent super don who did nothing wrong. That is what his TV mo... moreIt is massive collusion and conspiracy to gather together all these people and force them to lie about the pure and innocent super don who did nothing wrong. That is what his TV mouthpiece insists is true and of course all right-thinking honorable people agree with he. Oy vey and SIGH. VYE OY VYE OH VYE? What did that sweet honorable innocent precious priceless super don ever do to anyone? Nothing that's what but they are all getting paid off by a super rich someone. Why? Jealous envy of course. Why else? less
Do they or don't they have THE RIGHT STUFF to do the right thing at the right time? Forget the sexual allegation vis a vis Kav. HE LIED more than once to Congress during conf... moreDo they or don't they have THE RIGHT STUFF to do the right thing at the right time? Forget the sexual allegation vis a vis Kav. HE LIED more than once to Congress during confirmations. Are we so jaded and corrupt that we embrace a potential justice of the Supreme Court who can't tell the truth even when he is UNDER OATH?
Inauguration crowd size. Rally crowd size. His net worth. His body parts The number of friends he has. His talents/abilities/acumen/intelligence. Everything is bigger than it reall... moreInauguration crowd size. Rally crowd size. His net worth. His body parts The number of friends he has. His talents/abilities/acumen/intelligence. Everything is bigger than it really is according to he because he thinks bigger is better. EXCEPT when it comes to the number of deaths caused directly or INDIRECTLY by a terrible response from da gubment to a hurricane affecting people of color whom he didn't even know are CITIZENS. Something is definitely VERY VERY WRONG. A screw is loose. A part is missing. There is a hitch or glitch in his gitalong for sure. While Florence was approaching in real time he was still obsessing about Puerto Rico and Maria and the governor of San Juan and once again making it all about him and how grand a job he did. Go figger. SIGH. OY VEY whaddya say hey hey hey? less
On the SCOTUS two of the nine(assuming KAV is confirmed) are macho dude sexual perverts (say it's tru just for the halibut). Something of which to be enormously proud isn't it? Eve... moreOn the SCOTUS two of the nine(assuming KAV is confirmed) are macho dude sexual perverts (say it's tru just for the halibut). Something of which to be enormously proud isn't it? Even sex perverts can aspire to high positions. The American people don't care. Different strokes for different folks. As long as the Justice is a conservative and rules that way anything goes. Can we make it 3 or 4 sex perverts perhaps during the reign of super don? I mean one of the Justices, a LIBERAL, is 85. How long can she survive?. Super don can relate to sexual abuse/perversion in men because he is one of them and certainly would have no problemo with it. They're his kinda guys aren't they? SIGH. :(:(: less
It was an ENORMOUSLY HUGE plane that took one flight and then retired. Is the super don presidency his Spruce Goose? This flight it not going well at all. Will it be retired too?
Does Eric the dimwit not REALIZE his brother-in-law Jared, his sister Ivanka (who converted when she married Jared) and their children are JEWISH? And this guy is running a company... moreDoes Eric the dimwit not REALIZE his brother-in-law Jared, his sister Ivanka (who converted when she married Jared) and their children are JEWISH? And this guy is running a company? OY VEY! Unfrigginbelievable folks. How stupid dumb super don's kids are. Eric, donjohnjr, Ivanka (for not speaking up about what she knows is right)! Dumb begets dumb. It's all in the DNA. I don't know much about Ivanna. She appears to be one smart dame but on the other hand how smart could she be marrying super don and staying with him for so long? Right? less
For instance, I am planning to wax my car, I have no carport nor other shaded area at my home, and according to the instructions, I should not do it in direct sunlight nor w... more For instance, I am planning to wax my car, I have no carport nor other shaded area at my home, and according to the instructions, I should not do it in direct sunlight nor when the temperature is over 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Today's forecast shows it will be 68 low and 79 high. I will have to alter my plan in order to avoid damaging the car's finish. ~
"Geez I didn't know it was a crime to kill him" Geez I didn't know that breaking and entering and stealing was against the law". "Geez I didn't know I didn't know I didn't kn... more"Geez I didn't know it was a crime to kill him" Geez I didn't know that breaking and entering and stealing was against the law". "Geez I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know". Woe woe woe woe woe woe? Who believes any of that?