Our's son fiancee has a brother who is an air traffic controller in Mexico. He had to land 75 planes within a 5-hour span or 15 planes per hour. I can't even imagine how stressful ... moreOur's son fiancee has a brother who is an air traffic controller in Mexico. He had to land 75 planes within a 5-hour span or 15 planes per hour. I can't even imagine how stressful that would be. All those lives are in the hands of the air traffic controller.
Logically gold begets gold and trash begets trash. But life is not always logical. There are exceptions. Did YOU ever turn trash to gold or vicey versey?
Is the truth, validity, quality of the result entirely dependent on how you reach it? Of course it is. It is just logical and not magic or fake. You cannot escape it. Can you?
Some folks seem to have faulty synapses and are unable to think logically. There's a short there somewhere. In the olden days we'd say they have a "screw loose" but that's no... more Some folks seem to have faulty synapses and are unable to think logically. There's a short there somewhere. In the olden days we'd say they have a "screw loose" but that's not PC and far be from me to insult anyway because of their synapses. They don't know they don't have good wiring. Can faulty brain wiring be corrected or is what you are at birth what you will always be only more so?
How much of YOU is in control of what you believe? Are you a strong and independent thinker or do you rely on the existing dogma/script given you by others and you commit to that w... moreHow much of YOU is in control of what you believe? Are you a strong and independent thinker or do you rely on the existing dogma/script given you by others and you commit to that without ever thinking twice about it? Are you an energetic independent or lazy predictable "thinker"? Do you think/believe what everyone else does in your group or are you a maverick who goes off on a different path to investigate what's there because you want to know if it could be better than what you've been told?
We keep getting jerked around. What's going on? Why is predicting weather so hard? I've read that the European Model of predicting hurricanes is superior to that of the United Stat... moreWe keep getting jerked around. What's going on? Why is predicting weather so hard? I've read that the European Model of predicting hurricanes is superior to that of the United States. If true why is that? Are they just smarter than we are? Sheesh.
If you play golf do you booze it up on the links? If you plan tennis I should think taking a drink would make you stink and sink to the ground. Soccer, football, baseball, whatever... moreIf you play golf do you booze it up on the links? If you plan tennis I should think taking a drink would make you stink and sink to the ground. Soccer, football, baseball, whatever. Is being drunk a little bit or a lot normal for "athletes"? Just a wonderin'.
Sure thousands upon thousands of #METOO people inundated their representatives with their own previously hidden sexually abusive histories...many of whom had never said a word to A... moreSure thousands upon thousands of #METOO people inundated their representatives with their own previously hidden sexually abusive histories...many of whom had never said a word to ANYONE through the decades of their lives. Dr. Ford's brave action encouraged them to share their experiences. As if any of them mattered. You can see how little the powers that be cared a bit about any of it. They gave "lip service" to it so they would appear to be caring. What bullsh**! The fix was always in and while Senator Murkowski of Alaska stepped up and did the right thing Senator Collins embarrassed herself with her lengthy suckuppy a**kissing and Jeff Flake just flaked out. I think he was not as tortured as he pretended to be. He just wanted cover for what turned out to be the inevitable. Shame on him. Joe Manchin, a Dem in a red state, caved and voted yes to save his re-election. After all a job is a job and who the he** cares about right and wrong and principle.. Heidi Heitkamp couldn't bring herself to vote yes and s... less
It should be obvious. It's because truth keeps getting in the way of what they want to do so it's always gonna be a casualty because it is inconvenient and counterproductive.... more It should be obvious. It's because truth keeps getting in the way of what they want to do so it's always gonna be a casualty because it is inconvenient and counterproductive. This is the world in which we live. Oaths are taken but are just props and photo ops. They are not enforced or taken seriously. They are just window-dressing and toothless. Usta be lying under oath was a FELONY! Now it gets cheered and supported and defended and memorialized. SIGH. It is what it is folks. You gonna change it? How? less
Would she give up her Christianly duty of obeying her husband just to run a country and be self-determined? How could she be a "good" Christian then if she went against the teachin... moreWould she give up her Christianly duty of obeying her husband just to run a country and be self-determined? How could she be a "good" Christian then if she went against the teachings of the Bible? A dilemma.
Intellectually, creatively, emotionally, spiritually? Are temperaments equally calm or hysterical? Some say and I expect they believe there is no difference between genders. ... moreIntellectually, creatively, emotionally, spiritually? Are temperaments equally calm or hysterical? Some say and I expect they believe there is no difference between genders. That women are equal to men. For example a woman president can do an equally good or equally lousy job at it. Others hate the idea of a woman running things. Just as some hated the idea of an African American running things. I see no way out of gender bias unless people change and they haven't for a bazillion years. Slow or just not interested? less
Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who loves you more than you love him/her, or with someone you love more than he/she loves you? Why or why not?~