How would they like a super don grabbing the women they love by the crotch as he bragged about on that Access Hollywood tape? How do they shut that TRUTH out and pretend it isn't t... moreHow would they like a super don grabbing the women they love by the crotch as he bragged about on that Access Hollywood tape? How do they shut that TRUTH out and pretend it isn't there when it's there every second super don takes a breath? I don't get it and I never will. Do you?
Everyone knew he was a skunk and a DEVOUT misogynist yet they voted for him despite that? So what happened? He is the same exact rotten guy he always was and they knew ... moreEveryone knew he was a skunk and a DEVOUT misogynist yet they voted for him despite that? So what happened? He is the same exact rotten guy he always was and they knew it then. Did they get religion or something? Puzzling bunch.
Poor baby. He's got many irons in so many fires spanning DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES they are lining up to charge him with what investigations have uncovered. The FRAUDULENT su... morePoor baby. He's got many irons in so many fires spanning DECADES AND DECADES AND DECADES they are lining up to charge him with what investigations have uncovered. The FRAUDULENT super don university was a small potatoes SCAM so finally the floodgates are opening all at once but it's gotta be prioritized. So the IRS gets first crack at phony companies set up to launder money. Where is Mueller in that line? State Attorney Generals can also go after him for anything he scammed within their state. I don't know how many are in line but it's pretty sure it's pretty certainly DOZENS. Who has first priority over him? Who chooses who goes first? This should be really big news but he is screwing up everything he touches so it's all lousy and all hitting the news media at once and they can only report so much. While they're listening to his tirades and rants and attacks about Kickapoo Joy Juice they can't also be talking about the fraud he and his daddy dearest and the rest of the family including his kids have gotte... less
I've lost track of the names but I believe this one is MICHAEL. Televangelists inform us that GOD'S anger at us is shown by bad weather. Let's see other times it was anger at the L... moreI've lost track of the names but I believe this one is MICHAEL. Televangelists inform us that GOD'S anger at us is shown by bad weather. Let's see other times it was anger at the LGBTQ folks. Then at same-sex marriage. Maybe because of those who prefer using birth control over having a zillion kids and going on welfare because they cannot afford them or a zillion abortions. Well what in the he** did we do NOW? Whom can we blame THIS TIME? Immigrants? Kennel cage kids? Women? People of color? Democrats? Anti-super don folks? It's gotta be something REAL BIG. Sigh. Oh. I know. It's because Kickapoo Joy Juice wasn't confirmed immediately. Right? So GOD is sending Michael. To teach us a lesson? GOD is a male right? Michael is a male right? Apparently super don is right once again. Young men are in peril. GOD favors young men apparently. less
Are there members of YOUR family who are devoted to super don and the donnagans while some despise them? If so do you think once super don gets the hook and is pulled off the stage... moreAre there members of YOUR family who are devoted to super don and the donnagans while some despise them? If so do you think once super don gets the hook and is pulled off the stage and out of sight and sound the rifts will heal or is this particular divide unhealable and permanent?
The super don INSULTED the appearance of Ted Cruz's wife and implied his dad had something to do with an infamous murder. Guess whose butt Cruz be kissin" right this very minit? Ye... moreThe super don INSULTED the appearance of Ted Cruz's wife and implied his dad had something to do with an infamous murder. Guess whose butt Cruz be kissin" right this very minit? Yep. The corpulent butt of super don. Would you sink that low? How low would YOU go to win an election?
Yep. You guessed it. They whirl. Also energetically dancing and engage in VOCIFEROUS CHANTING AND SHOUTING In fact rather like Kickapoo Joy Juice did during his confirmation ... moreYep. You guessed it. They whirl. Also energetically dancing and engage in VOCIFEROUS CHANTING AND SHOUTING In fact rather like Kickapoo Joy Juice did during his confirmation performance when he was ecstatic and verbally whirling and chanting and shouting! Could it be that Kickapoo is a Muslim too? A whirling dervish just like super don? Two of a kind? Two peas in a pod? Anything is possible folks. We have already witnessed that. Anything is possible.
A whirling dervish ain't got nuthin' on the rotund reprobate super don the human top! When you spin ya gotta learn how to SPOT so you don't get dizzy. Ballerinas do it. Maybe the s... moreA whirling dervish ain't got nuthin' on the rotund reprobate super don the human top! When you spin ya gotta learn how to SPOT so you don't get dizzy. Ballerinas do it. Maybe the super don took ballet back in the day and that's where he learned.
Too much super don is not good except for the trumpican donnagans. Take it/him very small doses very infrequently so you don't expire from an overdose. Now of course Fox News can c... moreToo much super don is not good except for the trumpican donnagans. Take it/him very small doses very infrequently so you don't expire from an overdose. Now of course Fox News can cover it/him 24/7 in glowing terms as they always dependably do. That's the only station the super don trumpican donnagans watch anyway. The rest of us who watch other channels will be relieved of headaches/indigestion/heartburn. Why not try it? Of course the super don will be irate and attack and double down and make everyone sorry but if all we ever have to endure is of him is 60 seconds on the hour maxing out at 5 minutes in any 24-hour day we can take it. We're tough. We're strong. We're resilient. We're indomitable indestructible. We shall overcome. Right? Koombya? less
What's the difference between keeping dogs in cages/kennels and keeping immigrant children stolen from their parents in cages/kennels? Dogs, kids...both are animals right? What mak... moreWhat's the difference between keeping dogs in cages/kennels and keeping immigrant children stolen from their parents in cages/kennels? Dogs, kids...both are animals right? What makes sense for one group obviously makes sense for the other group or super don and the donnagans wouldn't keep building more cages and more kennels to house more kids that are still be stolen currently will be stolen futurely. Ah. What joy awaits. Our hearts are full our plates never are empty. Forge ahead. Whadda we got ta lose? Why fix what ain't broke? less
I often see bifurcated conversations. They are at two different levels. One level is coming from fact truth reality and the other level is coming from political spin fantasy. Are t... moreI often see bifurcated conversations. They are at two different levels. One level is coming from fact truth reality and the other level is coming from political spin fantasy. Are they really "communicating" when their realities are so different or do they just think they are? Each side is so very sincere. Each side truly believes in the validity of what he/she is saying. Each side wants to "show the RIGHT way". It can be very amusing but it is also often very sad. That's the world we live in today. We make noise at one another but how often do we really COMMUNICATE? less
Years ago there was a TV show titled "Joan of Arcadia". In each episode God showed up as a different human being so you never knew in advance what configuration He'd take. It was a... moreYears ago there was a TV show titled "Joan of Arcadia". In each episode God showed up as a different human being so you never knew in advance what configuration He'd take. It was a very nifty show and I 'm not sure how long it lasted but I watched every episode. I think this one is a keeper too. SIGH. I hope it last and has legs and gets a huge audience. Fingers crossed.
America is such a young country relative to other countries so I doubt it will be the American ba*tard. Who was the first ba*tard ruler? Despot dictator? Murderer? Ghengis Khan? Is... moreAmerica is such a young country relative to other countries so I doubt it will be the American ba*tard. Who was the first ba*tard ruler? Despot dictator? Murderer? Ghengis Khan? Is a ba*tard ruler in China or Russia or the middle-east more likely to rule the world than an American since they have had so much more practice through thousands and thousands and thousands of years? Inquiring minds wanna know these things.
You inventory would consist ofPatienceLoveKindnessCaringTruthComprehensionConsiderationAppreciationIn fact you sell anything anyone lacks. So your inventory is limitless. Would you... moreYou inventory would consist ofPatienceLoveKindnessCaringTruthComprehensionConsiderationAppreciationIn fact you sell anything anyone lacks. So your inventory is limitless. Would you make things available at prices people could afford or would you charge outrageous amounts because you could? That would not be very loving or kind or caring or considerate would it?
With regard to patience I never had very much of it and as I get older I have less and less and less. So I try to avoid situations that and people who try my patience. BUT I'... moreWith regard to patience I never had very much of it and as I get older I have less and less and less. So I try to avoid situations that and people who try my patience. BUT I'd rather have more so going to a PATIENCE store would be my cuppa tea. Wonder if I could afford the price?
Where does your endless well of PATIENCE come from? No matter the blather or gibberish you encounter you stick to the facts and keep trying to get others to simply comprehend and c... moreWhere does your endless well of PATIENCE come from? No matter the blather or gibberish you encounter you stick to the facts and keep trying to get others to simply comprehend and consider. When they don't you keep trying in different ways to reach them. Sheesh! It's an amazing feat and I congratulate all of you for having "the right stuff". I guess you were born with it, right? I mean you can't buy it at a store can you? I just thought of another quesiton. SIGH.
The 3 guests discussing the evils of nationalism with the actress who protrays the Secretary of State were three actual former secretaries of state, Colin Powell, Madelyn Albright ... moreThe 3 guests discussing the evils of nationalism with the actress who protrays the Secretary of State were three actual former secretaries of state, Colin Powell, Madelyn Albright and Hilary Clinton. Imagine that? Wonder if super don and kickapoo joy juice watched it? If so betcha super don will betweeting his stubby fingers ranting and raving.