Could it possibly be that over 70% of those applications were submitted by AFRICAN AMERICANS? If you CAN'T win honest you win dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Ain't ... moreCould it possibly be that over 70% of those applications were submitted by AFRICAN AMERICANS? If you CAN'T win honest you win dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Ain't it great? How many other trumpican states play dirty?
The super dope is completely out of touch with reality. He thinks the world begins and ends with his supporters. Wrong. It ends there. Poor them for choosing wrong. Poor him for be... moreThe super dope is completely out of touch with reality. He thinks the world begins and ends with his supporters. Wrong. It ends there. Poor them for choosing wrong. Poor him for being in over his head and drowning though he is unaware that he is even wet.
They have adoring worshippers who follow their every word deed move. They also have folks who detest them for the same reasons. They have nothing else going for them but cele... moreThey have adoring worshippers who follow their every word deed move. They also have folks who detest them for the same reasons. They have nothing else going for them but celebrity. Weird ain't it and they're rich because they have no special ability to do anything, create anything, invent anything, make life better for others. Go figger! How nothings can become somethings could happen only in Amurrica. So Kim's hubby Kanye and super don are tight. How swell is that? Impressive ain't it?
The super don lacks the experience, education, intelligence, temperament, honesty, caring, fairness, humility to be anything other than what he is. A TV celerity.
The shameful shamful so-called FBI investigation fooled no one. I think she just has had it with that administration and the super don and she's getting out before the house of car... moreThe shameful shamful so-called FBI investigation fooled no one. I think she just has had it with that administration and the super don and she's getting out before the house of cards all fall down! She sez she won't be running in 2020 (pertaining to the presidency of course). She sez she'll be working for "that guy" meaning super don. She didn't even call him by name. He is "that guy". Don't bet your house on it that she won't run. Why show your hand before you have to? I think she outsmarted "that guy". Not too hard to do of course. less
Wonder if his siblings thought he is/was a great brother or his parents thought he was a great so? We know HE THINKS HE IS GREAT and his supporters think the same thing.
All despot dictators have defective genes. They are not whole or healthy. They are depraved and very ill. Are they doomed to be what they are? Are we doomed to be their targe... moreAll despot dictators have defective genes. They are not whole or healthy. They are depraved and very ill. Are they doomed to be what they are? Are we doomed to be their targets? Is doom predetermined?
The press is not the enemy of the people. It strives to investigate and reveal the truth. The current government is the enemy of the people because it lies 24/7 to hide the truth, ... moreThe press is not the enemy of the people. It strives to investigate and reveal the truth. The current government is the enemy of the people because it lies 24/7 to hide the truth, distort the truth, destroy the truth. And it is working. A more insidious nefarious evil enemy we shall never have. This is the worst. We are the mercy of a hateful government. Mercy is not in its vocabulary. Are we doomed?
(I should be eating more vegetables, but all that meat gets in the way. It's not my fault; the people who run slaughterhouses refuse to put out more veggies.) ~
The warts would be indelibly set and not removable by any means including surgery. Once you had the wart you'd live with it until you died. These warts would be on the face, neck, ... moreThe warts would be indelibly set and not removable by any means including surgery. Once you had the wart you'd live with it until you died. These warts would be on the face, neck, arms, body, legs. At death some folks would have very few and some would be unrcognizable as human beings because their warts would have warts would have warts. A WHAT IF that is gruesome and awful to be sure. But WHAT IF?Of course there is a caveat to this WHAT IF. Because saying unkind things about cruel inhuman indecent selfish greedy heartless treasonous traitorous deceitful people would not count. For example you could say all the unkind things you wanted to say about Hitler and no warts. Or Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein or Ted Bundy or Putin or Kim Jung Un or Duterte or Assad or the Saudis who murdered the journalist and dismembered him or those responsible for 9/11 or all the murderers responsible for the deaths of innocent people or all the rapists and pedophiles and self-centered conceited SOB's who get off on saying ha... less
The painting changes as we do/say whatever we do/say throughout our lives and at the end when we die we transform to conform with what the picture shows. In the case of Dorian Grey... moreThe painting changes as we do/say whatever we do/say throughout our lives and at the end when we die we transform to conform with what the picture shows. In the case of Dorian Grey it was monstrous.I believe he was very egotistical and made a pact with the devil to never age. So an oil painting of him at his handsomest is what changed over time. He remained the same. His bargain with the devil I think who probably took his soul (if he had one) as payment. Every ugly evil thing he did was reflecting in his face in the painting. Twisted and horrible and evil.A kinda scary fantasy morality tale. Creative, inventive, imaginative and one of the most frightening movies I've ever seen. Could it happen in some universe or on another plane in another dimension? Rod Serling would know. I don't. less
Perhaps we share likes in things like food or music or entertainment or literature or rainbows and unicorns and other dimensions. If we just get so deeply stuck in just those two t... morePerhaps we share likes in things like food or music or entertainment or literature or rainbows and unicorns and other dimensions. If we just get so deeply stuck in just those two things...politics and religion.. isn't that kinda silly? Willy nilly hilly billy silly? Does your curious nature stop at the boundaries of your politics/religion? No wish to venture further to see what's out there in the great elsewhere that you might like/adore/love? Scared?
Now that Kickapoo Joy Juice is on board the solid extreme right-wing conservative 5 will forever rule and be in charge. Unless, of course, Kickapoo Joy Juice is impeached/removed. ... moreNow that Kickapoo Joy Juice is on board the solid extreme right-wing conservative 5 will forever rule and be in charge. Unless, of course, Kickapoo Joy Juice is impeached/removed. The goal of super don and the donnagans would be an all ultra right-wing Conservative SCOTUS. They'd be so happy and thrilled and delighted and overjoyed and well ya know? They would have COMPLETE CONTROL of everything. All decisions would be a slam-dunk because we'd know in advance how they would rule. Comforting, no? Until that lucky day it will always be what all super donnagans pray for and hope for and wish for and live for! Aren't they cute? less
If you pay attention at all you will see/hear those who propagate promulgate HATE. That is a Satan spokesperson. There are many of them on TV and in government. They are doing a he... moreIf you pay attention at all you will see/hear those who propagate promulgate HATE. That is a Satan spokesperson. There are many of them on TV and in government. They are doing a he**uva job and convincing folks that hate is good and the more hate you feel the "better" it is for you and your family and your country. Satan has enormous power to cloud the mind and shackle the willing. Satan is winning. Wonder what God plans to do about it?
Did you see/hear that unbelievable 10-minute gibberish rant with super don and Kanye? It was something. Exactly what I cannot say but something it was. Did it ring your chimes, flo... moreDid you see/hear that unbelievable 10-minute gibberish rant with super don and Kanye? It was something. Exactly what I cannot say but something it was. Did it ring your chimes, float your boat? Why?
Currently an American Nazi party takes its rightful place among the groups that hate other people. It is alive and well possibly growing. So if Nazi is part of the name it is obvio... moreCurrently an American Nazi party takes its rightful place among the groups that hate other people. It is alive and well possibly growing. So if Nazi is part of the name it is obviously Hitler who is the hero boy of these folks. He was by any definition a crackpot. Why are these people convinced Hitler was a "good" man and deserving of being admired worshipped loved emulated? Hitler isn't the only one. We have them present-day as well. It's oddly weird and bizarrely true that people can be so far apart in likes and dislikes. Something for everyone. A buyer for anything you have to sell no matter how disgusting disreputable disturbing. An audience for everything you have to say no matter how hateful. What makes some people that way? less
You've undoubtedly read about it. He went into the Saudi embassy in Turkey for a meeting and never came out. It is rumored he is dead and was dismembered. Now it is thought t... moreYou've undoubtedly read about it. He went into the Saudi embassy in Turkey for a meeting and never came out. It is rumored he is dead and was dismembered. Now it is thought that the newest Crown Prince in Saudi Arabia (a good friend of Jared Kushner allegedly) arranged the hit because this journalist was a dissident. Here's what I don't get. Why would he(Kashoggi?) go anywhere near a Saudi anything no matter where it was located? What lured him there? What made him just saunter in casually alone (because we see tape of him doing just that)?How will the US deal with this? Is the "friendship" between Kushner and the hotheaded Saudi Prince (who is known to do hotheaded things..I think he had his brother murdered so he could take over but I'm not sure about that) so important that the US will turn a blind eye as it does so many times?What is the life of a journalist worth? One with a Green Card who is not an American citizen but works for an American company? Will this be pursued wherever the truth leads and w... less
The biggest hugest enormousest hangout in the world! From one end of the globe to the other. Australia to England to Canada to the East Coast, West Coast and everything in-between.... moreThe biggest hugest enormousest hangout in the world! From one end of the globe to the other. Australia to England to Canada to the East Coast, West Coast and everything in-between. On Answerbag I had a pal who used to live in Hawaii and moved to Japan. I don't know if any Answermug members live in Japan or China. A world tour every day from the comfort of our homes. What would have been unimaginable a century ago is ordinary today. I wonder. What's up ahead? What's next?
If someone grabs my purse I can always get home. It's like a security blanket. I usually keep them in my right-hand jeans pocket. Do you do that too? Where do you keep your keys wh... moreIf someone grabs my purse I can always get home. It's like a security blanket. I usually keep them in my right-hand jeans pocket. Do you do that too? Where do you keep your keys when you're out and about?