Her ongoing anger about and refusal to let go of her 2016 defeat as well as her contempt for voters, especially in the heartland, will play right into their hands. Want President T... moreHer ongoing anger about and refusal to let go of her 2016 defeat as well as her contempt for voters, especially in the heartland, will play right into their hands. Want President Trump to be re-elected? Hillary can make it happen!
He says that to denigrate the press so that no matter what TRUTHS they report about him his devoted worshippers are programmed to not believe it. That is his only goal. His only mo... moreHe says that to denigrate the press so that no matter what TRUTHS they report about him his devoted worshippers are programmed to not believe it. That is his only goal. His only motive. He consistently undermines the credibility/worth of his "enemies" so they will be reduced to liars and he will be absolved of anything he is accused of because he will have brainwashed the people that it be so. Isn't he a swell fella? Everybody says so. Everybody. Just ask him.
Because they have a brilliant actor/comedian who super dons better than super don. He outdons the don. In fact everyone says Alec Baldwin makes a better don than don does. How does... moreBecause they have a brilliant actor/comedian who super dons better than super don. He outdons the don. In fact everyone says Alec Baldwin makes a better don than don does. How does he do it? I don't know but the writers sure help.
How much truth can we take before we break? Lies are told by liars to save their a**es but don't lies also save us from having to face the ugly truth of the reality of the corrupti... moreHow much truth can we take before we break? Lies are told by liars to save their a**es but don't lies also save us from having to face the ugly truth of the reality of the corruption and hate that goes on all the time everywhere 24/7? Are lies a balm or crutch to get us through things that would otherwise destroy us? How powerful is knowledge and how destructive can truth be if that is all you get 24/7?
Say ya got this POL who is real full of himself. Say he intimidates everyone around him to do his bidding because he is a fearsome SOB and tough and mean and evil and heartless? If... moreSay ya got this POL who is real full of himself. Say he intimidates everyone around him to do his bidding because he is a fearsome SOB and tough and mean and evil and heartless? If he wants to be president forever he can be if Congress complies. If he wants to change the requirements to be prez he can. He can order the powers that be to change it to make it any US citizen is eligible. Needn't be "natural" born. Needn't even be 35. Why not 21? With a whinya** spineless Congress and a whinya** spineless Senate as long as this super guy keeps the MAJORITY he can foreverly get what he wants when he wants with no limitations. Who is gonna stop him? See how nifty the future will be? If the Founding Fathers wanted the Constitution to stay as written when they wrote it they would have put in a clause forbidding any changes to it. They did not do that. Ya know why? Because they trusted that moral logical honest men would be the ones to run the country futurely and beyond. They could not possibly foresee... less
Don't celebrities have "stage names" which are different from their given legal names? So your last name is Jerk and you want to run for public office. Why not just call yourself J... moreDon't celebrities have "stage names" which are different from their given legal names? So your last name is Jerk and you want to run for public office. Why not just call yourself Jerry Winters and let Jerry Jerk be whom you are privately legally? That wouldn't be illegal would it? Just wonderin'!
Politicians and folks in entertainment and athletes SEEK FAME FORTUNE CELEBRITY. What goes with that territory is well-known. If you can't take the heat stay the he** outta t... morePoliticians and folks in entertainment and athletes SEEK FAME FORTUNE CELEBRITY. What goes with that territory is well-known. If you can't take the heat stay the he** outta the kitchen. DUH! They go to great lengths to get famous and then they bit** and moan and groan and kvetch about it forever after saying they have no privacy. Seriously stupid. If you want privacy you do not seek fame. How dumb do you have to be to not understand that?
Why provide the opposition with ammunition to embarrass humiliate ridicule you? Think of all the bumper stickers? NIX ON NIXON. DUMP TRUMP. Conversely I LIKE IKE worked... moreWhy provide the opposition with ammunition to embarrass humiliate ridicule you? Think of all the bumper stickers? NIX ON NIXON. DUMP TRUMP. Conversely I LIKE IKE worked real well. I dunno. Different strokes and all. What would YOU do if you were a Nixon a Trump a Sniff?
Whether you do it temporarily or foreverly is it always justified because money is the only thing, the everything, the one thing that will never fail to serve you well? Everything/... moreWhether you do it temporarily or foreverly is it always justified because money is the only thing, the everything, the one thing that will never fail to serve you well? Everything/everyone else is expendable?
Even if proven that a missing Saudi journalist was killed the US would be punishing itself if it stopped military sales to Saudi Arabia. Doth thou agree with the he who sez so? Why?
Scott Wagner, GOP candidate for governor of Pennsylvania said that to the current governor Democrat Tom Wolf.Now the superb choice of words indicates a very highly developed intell... moreScott Wagner, GOP candidate for governor of Pennsylvania said that to the current governor Democrat Tom Wolf.Now the superb choice of words indicates a very highly developed intellect. Does the trumpican party have a lock on all the "stable genii"? Ya gotchure super don and Kickapoo Joy Juice et al etcetera and so forth. What a great legacy to leave behind. Stable genii! My oh my. Stable genii! SIGH.
Currently there are 1465 kids there but it will now be able to hold 3800 kids! Isn't that superspiffynifty? Just imagine how lucky those kids are camping out in the desert? M... moreCurrently there are 1465 kids there but it will now be able to hold 3800 kids! Isn't that superspiffynifty? Just imagine how lucky those kids are camping out in the desert? Most kids' parents have to PAY to send their kids to camp. These kids get to go and live there for FREE. Lucky aren't they?
They're doing it today. Brainless heartless is all the requirement one needs apparently to do this as one's "life's work". How do these people sleep at night? Look at themselves in... moreThey're doing it today. Brainless heartless is all the requirement one needs apparently to do this as one's "life's work". How do these people sleep at night? Look at themselves in the mirror? Are they all childless and more than that do they despise children?
Isn't every outsider who agrees and "outside agitator"? I've never gotten paid. Am I getting stiffed? Are you paid to disagree? How much how often and for how long?
Just in case you don't keep up to speed the Archbiship of the church in Washington, D.C., Donald Wuerl submitted his resignation to the Pope which the Pope accepted. For doing what... moreJust in case you don't keep up to speed the Archbiship of the church in Washington, D.C., Donald Wuerl submitted his resignation to the Pope which the Pope accepted. For doing what all of them do have done are doing and will continue to do forever after unto eternity and beyond infinity. Cover up the sexual assaults perpetrated by priests on children that goes on and on and on in the Catholic Church. It would be great if that soap opera were discontinued but it seems unlikely. New installments all the time. Never gonna run out of more examples. Endless. Where is God when you need Him most? less
Over-the-top overly dramatic hyperbolic. Like a Kickapoo Joy Juice confirmation hearing on steroids! It gets your attention for sure. The quality of that attention? To those who lo... moreOver-the-top overly dramatic hyperbolic. Like a Kickapoo Joy Juice confirmation hearing on steroids! It gets your attention for sure. The quality of that attention? To those who love to be the center of attention 24/7 it does not matter. Look at me look at me look at me. That's the name of that tune.
What we used to aspire to and revere are now objects of ridicule, disdain, hatred. Some get wealthier and wealthier and become less human in the process. A furious focused de... moreWhat we used to aspire to and revere are now objects of ridicule, disdain, hatred. Some get wealthier and wealthier and become less human in the process. A furious focused determined lust for wealth driven by hate is how we operate. Is that not a sad ending to a species that held so much promise once upon a time? SIGH.
TRUMP 2024 TRUMP 2028 TRUMP 2032 TRUMP 2036 TRUMP 2040 HOW TRUMPISM OUTLASTS TRUMP. THE STRENGTH OF HIS SUPPORT.Lest you think I jest I don't. Forever super don from now till etern... moreTRUMP 2024 TRUMP 2028 TRUMP 2032 TRUMP 2036 TRUMP 2040 HOW TRUMPISM OUTLASTS TRUMP. THE STRENGTH OF HIS SUPPORT.Lest you think I jest I don't. Forever super don from now till eternity ends or infinity rolls up into a ball and goes to sleep. Once infected the world will forever be a super don clone playground. NO ESCAPE. NO EXIT.
Or are there times when you think "I shouldda said..." or "I shouldn't have said...."? How often do you rethink your words/deeds and are embarrassed or ashamed or disappointed in yourself?
The other day, somebody told me that some sects of Christians, namely the Jehovahs Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists and the Christadelphians, believe in a literal Armaged... moreThe other day, somebody told me that some sects of Christians, namely the Jehovahs Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists and the Christadelphians, believe in a literal Armageddon, or war to end all wars.
He said that these groups believe that global warming is proof that Armageddon will soon be upon us because the warming will cause massive droughts, floods, sea level rise, mass migrations, and consequent global strife and global wars.
He said they believe that global warming the means by which God will destroy the life on the planet, and thus prepare the way for the kingdom of God on Earth.I would like to know if the claim he made is true of Armageddon eschalology.If you believe in any of the above three faiths, what is your church's official view of global warming?If so, how does this affect your choices with regard to behaviors that increase emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases?I am not judging here. I only want to find out what the beliefs areand what effects such a belief might or cou... less