What makes you happy inside doing? I have a friend who gardens. She knows all the Latin names and all the proper times to plant anything that grows in her time zone.She plants... moreWhat makes you happy inside doing? I have a friend who gardens. She knows all the Latin names and all the proper times to plant anything that grows in her time zone.She plants her knees on the ground and sticks her hands in the dirt. Says dirt is life.And for an hour or two she goes somewhere else.What do you do takes you somewhere else?
Beause superduper don said he had no financial interest in Saudi Arabia or Russia for that matter.Fox also dumped him as its star attraction. His ratings are dropping and we all kn... moreBeause superduper don said he had no financial interest in Saudi Arabia or Russia for that matter.Fox also dumped him as its star attraction. His ratings are dropping and we all know ratings are the only thing that matters.The super don may well fail at convincing folks that the Saudis were INNOCENT of all charges. What will he do? No echo chamber to agree with him? A Congress that may well rise up against him? He has no use for speaking out against inhumane treatment of anyone. Surprisingly others seem to and that is the bridge too far. Will he back down as he sometimes does or will he double down? Will Lindsay Graham keep up the attack or will he fall back and be a good little boy? Tune in tomorrow. See what happens! What could it hurt? less
Got a letter saying that because I had not filed my taxes properly, I owed the IRS $2500.00 dollars. I said.. . umm..ok? A couple of days later, my daughter got one as well.
He ignores absolute proof and cleaves unto these tough strong men whom he adores apparently with all his heart and his soul and all his might and believes every word they tell him.... moreHe ignores absolute proof and cleaves unto these tough strong men whom he adores apparently with all his heart and his soul and all his might and believes every word they tell him. Or he knows they're baldfaced LIARS but he believes we the people are so vacant mentally we will believe anything he tells us to believe. Sadly some do. Sheesh.
Is Congress FINALLY gonna develop a spine and tell super don he is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY OUT OF LINE vis a vis his defense of Saudi Arabia? Is this the October Surprise..th... moreIs Congress FINALLY gonna develop a spine and tell super don he is WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY OUT OF LINE vis a vis his defense of Saudi Arabia? Is this the October Surprise..the straw that breaks the camel's back? The super don sides with his family's personal financial interests. You up with that, down with that, support that, get off on that?
I'm sure it's just a lover's spat.First super don referred to Stormy Daniels as HORSEFACE. So he is admitting he is in the habit of bedding animals or women who look like them. Dif... moreI'm sure it's just a lover's spat.First super don referred to Stormy Daniels as HORSEFACE. So he is admitting he is in the habit of bedding animals or women who look like them. Different strokes.Then Stormy came back at him with a coupla comments about his manhood if ya get my drift. She is releasing a book titled "Full Disclosure". Some of what she talks about is the configuration of super don's "private part". Of course it was not flattering. You could say that she "hit below the belt". You know how sensitive super don is about size. Crowds, his hands, his accomplishment, his wealth, his intelligence, his popularity his his his his his his his his "whatevers"? Well he ain't gonna like what she says about him. I wonder if he'd strip and go naked if what she said about him were untrue! Would you? Anyhoo that's where the little spat is at. I think super don is grievously outmatched. Let's see what he be doin' about ir! less
Y'all know that the tax breaks for the obscenely wealthy INCREASED THE DEFICIT. Well good old Mitch wants to CUT MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY to make up for it. Didn't I tell... moreY'all know that the tax breaks for the obscenely wealthy INCREASED THE DEFICIT. Well good old Mitch wants to CUT MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY to make up for it. Didn't I tell ya he's there for you? Whatta guy. So if he gets way won't you be thrilled as he **? I betcha ANOTHER TAX BREAK FOR THE O OBSCENELY WEALTHY will be borne from that savings. Anything to help us out. What a heart! :( Course none of you depend on Medicare or Social Security to survive. We all know that trumpicans nd Republicans (if there are any left) detest all social service programs. They're all fat cats living high on the hog and never worry about paying bills. They clip coupons. Not the kind normal people do to save money on the food they buy. They clip coupons to buy yachts and vacation homes and vulgar jewelry.. less
A lost friend, or a past lover you find yourself thinking about every now and again?In my case I remember her during long quiet drives. Or at night when it rains. Or every time I h... moreA lost friend, or a past lover you find yourself thinking about every now and again?In my case I remember her during long quiet drives. Or at night when it rains. Or every time I hear the word gypsy. She used to fly thru my window every morning and perch on my shoulder. Then one day, she didn't anymore.
You would load your pics onto them and they'd act like a framed photo that kept changing.. You don't see those any more.. and I wonder what happened to them.. why didn't they work ... moreYou would load your pics onto them and they'd act like a framed photo that kept changing.. You don't see those any more.. and I wonder what happened to them.. why didn't they work out>?
They were incompetent folks who did stupid things. How did Mack Sennett know way back then we'd have a Keystone Kops incompetent administration doing stupid things? A joke worlwide... moreThey were incompetent folks who did stupid things. How did Mack Sennett know way back then we'd have a Keystone Kops incompetent administration doing stupid things? A joke worlwide. A prediction come true. SIGH. When will THE BEAST appear or is he already here?