You can't make this stuff up.
The scammy shammy bogus "investigation" was a con from the git-go which was OBVIOUS. Anyone with a partial brain knew it. It was just another fake phony LIAR'S dog & pony sho... moreThe scammy shammy bogus "investigation" was a con from the git-go which was OBVIOUS. Anyone with a partial brain knew it. It was just another fake phony LIAR'S dog & pony show to benefit the Kickapoo Joy Juice. He would have not survived a real FBI investigation That's why he was protected from it. That's why the over 40 witnesses who wanted to testify were never contacted. That's why Dr. Ford was never investigated by the FBI. Anyone who thought otherwise is either 2 years old or has the brain of a two-year-old. Not a very bright 2-year-old. No disrespect to two-year-olds. We KNEW it would be rigged. Why the he** did they even bother? Beats me! :( less
Did anyone anywhere hear the FAT LADY SING? Kickapoo Joy Juice is still in the crosshairs and maybe somewhere sometime justice will be served. Until then I'm guessing Kickapo... moreDid anyone anywhere hear the FAT LADY SING? Kickapoo Joy Juice is still in the crosshairs and maybe somewhere sometime justice will be served. Until then I'm guessing Kickapoo ain't gonna sleep so well at night. Wood you?
When I’m using my iPad or iPhone I haven’t been able to type messages on either device. I don’t know if it’s my devices or other mobile devices. I have no i... moreWhen I’m using my iPad or iPhone I haven’t been able to type messages on either device. I don’t know if it’s my devices or other mobile devices. I have no issues when I’m on my laptop.
I gambled once when I went with a group of friends. I played Blackjack for three hours. I only took $40 and left with $80. The other two times I went I ate and drank some beers wat... moreI gambled once when I went with a group of friends. I played Blackjack for three hours. I only took $40 and left with $80. The other two times I went I ate and drank some beers watching sports. I‘m not a fan of gambling. It isn’t for me.
In the aftermath of Michael's fury, we have extensive damages and power outages around us. Here,at the family homestead, the effects were minimal despite the wind and rain. Most of... moreIn the aftermath of Michael's fury, we have extensive damages and power outages around us. Here,at the family homestead, the effects were minimal despite the wind and rain. Most of our county saw flooding due to the number of creeks and ponds we have here. Power outages are as close as 3-4 miles away. We've made it due to the providential and protective hand of God. I would praise Him and offer thanks if I had lost it all and walked away with my life. I know that many have suffered greatly, even to the extent of lives being lost. In spirit, we are as one. Our portion of the country was already in terrible shape due to Florence. The impacts of the two storms will take a lot of time to recover from. Many thanks to the thousands of emergency responders, law enforcement, utility workers and National Guard for their fine efforts. Our people are resilient, rising to recover from these setbacks, with faith in God and an eye to the future. less
Former AG Eric Holder says kick them.Hillary says no civility until Dem control one House of Congress. Maxine Walters says harrass them get in their face. Then you have A... moreFormer AG Eric Holder says kick them.Hillary says no civility until Dem control one House of Congress. Maxine Walters says harrass them get in their face. Then you have Antifa who is more than willing to do the violence.There was a prolife woman recently drop kicked to the face by a man at a protest.
"Kanye West is what happens when negroes don't read""Kanye West is the White House's token negro"The host seemed to think these comments by the guests were funny.Added: Same host s... more"Kanye West is what happens when negroes don't read""Kanye West is the White House's token negro"The host seemed to think these comments by the guests were funny.Added: Same host said Kanye West's visit to the White House was a "minstel show"
The super don list of usual suspects keeps growing and growing and growing so it can no longer be referred to as usual. There are probably hundreds of them by now don't cha think?
Will the market dive again today and will super don accept responsibility for it or will hs ignore it and only open his mouth if the market soars? I expect he will blame all the us... moreWill the market dive again today and will super don accept responsibility for it or will hs ignore it and only open his mouth if the market soars? I expect he will blame all the usual suspects.
No matter what happens to others or what happens to them some folks ALWAYS STAY THE SAME and never change. Their beliefs are rock solid, their heads are made up and nothing/no one ... moreNo matter what happens to others or what happens to them some folks ALWAYS STAY THE SAME and never change. Their beliefs are rock solid, their heads are made up and nothing/no one can reach them. What causes such "devotion" and certitude in people? Ignoring experiences to hold on to a belief is kinda wacky isn't it?
Donny Deutsch is a guy on TV sometimes who sez when super don crosses his arms it reveals insecurity, pathos and neuroses. I dunno what it means or reveals but it looks very hostil... moreDonny Deutsch is a guy on TV sometimes who sez when super don crosses his arms it reveals insecurity, pathos and neuroses. I dunno what it means or reveals but it looks very hostile to me and also a barrier between the arms-crossing-the-chest person and everyone looking at him/her. How often do you cross your arms and when you do why do you?
*For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about I shall tell you.There was a little girl who was optimistic about everything. No matter what happened to her she made... more*For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about I shall tell you.There was a little girl who was optimistic about everything. No matter what happened to her she made it into something positive. She opens a door and finds piles and piles of sh**! She gets so excited and laughs and claps her hands and jumps up and down with joy. When asked why she says "there must be a pony in there somewhere".
The super don must be front and center and cheered wildly 24/7 otherwise he will die. It's not essential for him to pay attention to what's going on during Michael. He will have pl... moreThe super don must be front and center and cheered wildly 24/7 otherwise he will die. It's not essential for him to pay attention to what's going on during Michael. He will have plenty of time for the photo ops later when he goes to "see the damage". Right now? Well he** whatcha think he'd do? Give up being cheered and adored and clapped at and worshipped just because some Americans are going through a little old hurricane? Whaddaya think he's dumb or something? Whatever he does the Hurricane will do what it will do so why shouldn't he get the love and laughs and cheers and "lock her up" echoes of things that are WAY MORE WAY MORE WAY MORE IMPORTANT TO HIM? Wanna fight about it? The super don ALWAYS DOES WHAT IS RIGHT and ALWAYS TELLS THE TRUTH. He is perfect in all ways. Better not forget it or he will make you pay. He's got his eye on you. You've been warned. less
Do you Google and investigate whatever it is to learn everything you can about it? Or do you just go along with whatever protocol the doctor tells you to follow because what you do... moreDo you Google and investigate whatever it is to learn everything you can about it? Or do you just go along with whatever protocol the doctor tells you to follow because what you don't know can't hurt you? Are you perpetually incessantly endlessly curious about everything or not really? Why?
Is "thinking light" your cuppa tea while heavy thinking holds no interest for thee? Whaddo I mean by "heavy" thinking? Weighty profound topics like what is the meaning of life and ... moreIs "thinking light" your cuppa tea while heavy thinking holds no interest for thee? Whaddo I mean by "heavy" thinking? Weighty profound topics like what is the meaning of life and why do people hate and do we really have choices or is everything we do/say/think preordained? Stuff like that. :)