To be clear, this isn't a comment aimed at any person or either political party, but it seems like mud-slinging is at an all-time high across all media and social media platforms. ... moreTo be clear, this isn't a comment aimed at any person or either political party, but it seems like mud-slinging is at an all-time high across all media and social media platforms. Personally, I don't think we have a problem with the democrats or republicans or the left or the right or the liberals or the conservatives. I think it's the polarization and the us vs. them mentality that will do us all in. Are people, in general, capable of stopping these kinds of remarks? Should they be stopped? What would it take to stop them? less
I was given the nickname “The Beast”. I was overtiming on the overnight shift when I was still a corporal years ago. The captain needed a forced cell move completed and... moreI was given the nickname “The Beast”. I was overtiming on the overnight shift when I was still a corporal years ago. The captain needed a forced cell move completed and the S.O.R.T. team doesn’t work overnight. They always used the biggest and strongest officers to do them overnight. There’s five officers who go in. The first one has a shield and the other four are etched assigned a limb to subdue. I took a running start, burst into the cell, and rammed the inmate against the wall knocking him unconscious. I was then called “The Beast” by the supervisor filming the incident. It stuck. less
Climate change will INCREASE the number of wildfires and create a food shortage worldwide.I think they said it will occur by 2020 though I'm not sure. I overheard it on the telly w... moreClimate change will INCREASE the number of wildfires and create a food shortage worldwide.I think they said it will occur by 2020 though I'm not sure. I overheard it on the telly which is in the living room. Did anyone hear that too? What do we do now? We sure as he** don't need more wildfires in California.
When temporary Marshal Law is declared by President Trump, it will allow civilians to get arrested without the protection of the constitution, this in turn will allow the Deep Stat... moreWhen temporary Marshal Law is declared by President Trump, it will allow civilians to get arrested without the protection of the constitution, this in turn will allow the Deep State criminal organization, and all who are involved with it, to get arrested and sent to justice. He will go down as the greatest President ever known in USA History. He , of course, will have to step down after Marshal Law is lifted and the USA is running under a Constitutional Republic again. I personally, am willing to give up my freedoms temporarily, in order to clean out the Swamp once and for all. less
I never understood the robotic response of tons of folks going hither and yon to show up at some last-minute appointed place. To feed off of what? One another? What is the value of... moreI never understood the robotic response of tons of folks going hither and yon to show up at some last-minute appointed place. To feed off of what? One another? What is the value of SWARMS of anything? Locusts or bees or ants or humans or Zombies or thugs ? They dutifully follow orders to be somewhere at a set time and obey they do. So once there what happens? They all giggle and smile and dance or rush off to another place so they can giggle and dance and then rush off to another place? Seriously? WEIRD.
Senator Susan Collins of Maine sez she believes Dr. Ford was attacked but not by Kickapoo Joy Juice. It was someone else what done it. SIGH. Was she there?
Ya got a gullible captive docile audience who laps it up! What's better than that to dump all that rotgot swill snake oil at rock bottom prices to those who can't tell the differen... moreYa got a gullible captive docile audience who laps it up! What's better than that to dump all that rotgot swill snake oil at rock bottom prices to those who can't tell the difference between crap and something good. We are surrounded by the gullible being convinced by the superdupertrooperpoopers. A cacophony of phony baloney being consumed as if it were a feast! SHEESH
How much should you pander to that which is REPULSIVE to you just so you can "win"? Once you lose yourself how can you ever get it back without having permanently hobbled it?... moreHow much should you pander to that which is REPULSIVE to you just so you can "win"? Once you lose yourself how can you ever get it back without having permanently hobbled it? Is it worth it?
Or are our limitations inborn and not in our control? Do you ever get frustrated when you don't understand something and wish you were smarter? Or are you perfectly content as you ... moreOr are our limitations inborn and not in our control? Do you ever get frustrated when you don't understand something and wish you were smarter? Or are you perfectly content as you are believing what you do and do not want your apple cart upended/disrupted?
The "6th" sense refers to extra-sensory perceptionThe SEVEN senses are the well-known five plus proprioception and vestibular sensation.The NINE senses are the well-known five plus... moreThe "6th" sense refers to extra-sensory perceptionThe SEVEN senses are the well-known five plus proprioception and vestibular sensation.The NINE senses are the well-known five plus heat/cold, pain, balance, body awareness.There are also 21 and I expect many more beyond that. But we always rely on the five and stop there unaware of what lies above and beyond. Why?