It seems she got MECHANIZED CURTAINS(costing $52.7K) for her luxury apartment which raised eyebrows.She sez she is stepping down because it's time to do so.She didn't mention what ... moreIt seems she got MECHANIZED CURTAINS(costing $52.7K) for her luxury apartment which raised eyebrows.She sez she is stepping down because it's time to do so.She didn't mention what else she would be facing if she didn't leave.Maybe it's nothing. Maybe it's something. Seems evert super don employee has his/her hands out to grab whatever can be grabbed at tax payer expense. Is she innocent? I dunno.
Looking for small or unimportant errors or faults, especially in order to criticize unnecessarily.A nitpicker is a person who finds faults, however small or unimportant, everywhere... moreLooking for small or unimportant errors or faults, especially in order to criticize unnecessarily.A nitpicker is a person who finds faults, however small or unimportant, everywhere they look. After seeing a movie, a nitpicker lists every tiny thing he or she didn't like about it. Use the informal nitpicker when you're talking about someone who is extremely critical, even when those criticisms seem inconsequential.
How much downer and dirtier could either have been and both had a win. I rest my case. Until and unless Dems go way down low as low they can go and start matching trumpicans and Ki... moreHow much downer and dirtier could either have been and both had a win. I rest my case. Until and unless Dems go way down low as low they can go and start matching trumpicans and Kickapoo Joy Juice akins dirty trick and lies for dirty trick and lies they will lose lose lose lose. It's a different world. The super don (aka MUD per an Answermug pal) made it so. Changed the world forever. Forever? No hope of getting back what he got rid of because it cramped his style? None? SIGH.
We're all different so experiences are perceived is definitely individual. A teenage drunk can easily become an adult drunk and die from it. Or a teenage drunk can mature eno... moreWe're all different so experiences are perceived is definitely individual. A teenage drunk can easily become an adult drunk and die from it. Or a teenage drunk can mature enough to realize ho w stupid that is and just stop being stupid. One size does not fit all. There is no single template within which every teenage drunk fits as an adult. So when you know someone's history you are always taking a chance on what that person will do and what you can expect and what he will deliver.
Does someone like that have to TAKE THE PLEDGE and never drink again because he clearly has no control over the amount he drinks? Or can the younger drunk change his ways as ... moreDoes someone like that have to TAKE THE PLEDGE and never drink again because he clearly has no control over the amount he drinks? Or can the younger drunk change his ways as an adult and learn how to be a "social" drinker which is someone who never gets drunk, passes out, vomits, can't recall what happened?
We know the ONLY SOURCE OF TRUTH is super don. You have to run everything through him to get his approval before you believe or reject it.So if what he says is true then the entire... moreWe know the ONLY SOURCE OF TRUTH is super don. You have to run everything through him to get his approval before you believe or reject it.So if what he says is true then the entire spectacular singular unique bizarre weird meltdown of Kickapoo Joy Juice never happened either.Anyone know what did? Didja check with super don to make sure? When?
Hits of yesteryear being regurgitated repeatedly getting the same responses. The speaker is boring and the audience doesn't require anything. They deserve each other and get off on... moreHits of yesteryear being regurgitated repeatedly getting the same responses. The speaker is boring and the audience doesn't require anything. They deserve each other and get off on being with one another and the rest of the world can go to he** because they don't care. Isn't that sweet? They can't quit one another and don't need anyone else. A cozy wozy dozy thing.
A once-washed brain can never get back what it lost during the "washing" process. Which accounts for the woeful lack of logic prevalent in the brainwashees. That is the first thing... moreA once-washed brain can never get back what it lost during the "washing" process. Which accounts for the woeful lack of logic prevalent in the brainwashees. That is the first thing to go don'tcha know? Reason, common sense, logic. Bye bye! :(
Why do the super don and Kickapoo Joy Juice supporters ASSUME women they don't know are liars? A convenient way to salve their consciences( assuming they have any) for suppor... moreWhy do the super don and Kickapoo Joy Juice supporters ASSUME women they don't know are liars? A convenient way to salve their consciences( assuming they have any) for supporting sexually deviant predators? So all their daughters are truthtellers and all the unknown women who say the same thing are liars? That is ILLOGICAL but I guess logic is irrelevant when your head is made up. Sadly.
Imagine witnessing any adult lose control and hissy fit tantrum his/her way through a job interview? Would YOU hire such a person or would you call the cops to escort the person of... moreImagine witnessing any adult lose control and hissy fit tantrum his/her way through a job interview? Would YOU hire such a person or would you call the cops to escort the person off the premises? Any adult who LOSES CONTROL in public has more than a screw or two loose. Why some folks are wired that way I don't know but I sure as he** wouldn't trust someone like that to be a streetsweeper let alone a SCOTUS Justice. What if said streetsweeper loses control behind the wheel on the job and just plows in to a house because he "lost it"? Yet it can work to one's advantage in a certain corrupt and despotic government and is considered to be a badge of honor and the key to getting a very powerful and forever job. What kind of wackadoodle government is that? less
I haven't found a definitive answer to this. Some sources say it's a bad idea to take a dog out into bear country because the dog may aggravate a bear and bring it back to camp and... moreI haven't found a definitive answer to this. Some sources say it's a bad idea to take a dog out into bear country because the dog may aggravate a bear and bring it back to camp and other sources say it's fine and can be helpful to have a dog around. I have a black lab that's about 7 years old and she's normally a very docile creature. She's like 80+ pounds. She likes her people, stays close, and is obedient. I'd keep her on a leash anyway though... mostly because she's a house dog and I don't want to risk her wandering and getting lost. It hit me that she'd probably love going camping with us. She loves all kinds of trips. And, if she will help prevent us from getting eaten, I'm all for it. But, if she's a risk, I'll leave her at home. Have any of you had personal experiences with dogs and bears? less
I love Howard Jones' music.His "Life in One Day" - - incredibly empowering lyrics and a great song for me.
I've seen him in concert - - at one of the concerts I suddenly got escort... moreI love Howard Jones' music.His "Life in One Day" - - incredibly empowering lyrics and a great song for me.
I've seen him in concert - - at one of the concerts I suddenly got escorted out of line by security guards -- I asked what was wrong as they walked with me - - nothing was wrong, it was that the guards thought I was Howard Jones' brother and they were taking me backstage! "You look so much like him," they said. Stupid me - - I told them I was not his brother and they let me go. If I had played along, I could have met Jones!:) less