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Discussion » Questions » Religion and Spirituality » If there were 10 million earth-like planets able to sustain life would God have to attend each one to make a life/creation plan?

If there were 10 million earth-like planets able to sustain life would God have to attend each one to make a life/creation plan?

Or would he just let life begin via abiogenesis and evolutionary process happen since the planet Earth alone probably gives him enough problems to deal with?

Posted - February 2, 2018


  • 1393
    1- "Ruled out pending corroborating data. Evidence tends to exclude them at every turn. " >>> damn, there goes my great, great grandmother from 500 generations ago. Ruled out. I knew I should have kept that strand of hair.

    2- "One need not be an oracle to assert this position, only widely read" >>> hmmm so if one is widely read one becomes an atheist. All those Muslims in the middle ages who for about eight centuries pushed out the frontiers of human knowledge and laid down the foundation for a method of investigation we call science today were probably not widely read then.

    3- "I hope your reference to “atheist priesthood” is purely metaphorical" >>> sorry to disappoint, but no it wasn't purely metaphorical. It was pointing at the paradox of you appearing as an authoritative high ranking official of - a non existing organisation

    4- There must be a logic which says if you have dismissed long quotes of verses from the Bible as not convincing then you can make reference to that in dismissing a quote from the Qur'an as not convincing, even if it wasn't presented as evidence for any claim.

    5- It must also be normal procedure in a discussion to wager that your studies of the subject in every way exceeds that of the person you're discussing with even if you have no firm data on what their level of study is.

    6- "Out"? Well, no one leaves when winning is easy, however they do make a hasty exist when they feel it is starting to get too hot. I don't go out that easily, so do come back if you feel you have found a strong and reasonable argument to present.
      February 11, 2018 4:11 PM MST

  • 5354
    Sure, you cannot just plop the same kind of carbon-polymer based life down on every planet. On some planets it would die, on others it would thrive.
      February 2, 2018 9:25 PM MST

  • 5808
    God's presence
    is within everyone and everything everywhere.
    not to worry...
      February 3, 2018 9:36 AM MST

  • 3463
    No, he would do like he has done with us by dumping them out and letting them fend for themselves, buzzing thru once in awhile to make sure they don't blow themselves up. This post was edited by Lulu'sMom at February 10, 2018 3:28 PM MST
      February 3, 2018 10:16 AM MST

  • 1393
    "buzzing thru once in awhile to make sure they don't blow themselves up." >>>> so he hasn't buzzed thru on earth yet because we haven't yet got close enough to blowing ourselves up?
      February 10, 2018 3:28 PM MST

  • 7280
    Perelandra, a book by CS Lewis, the second in his "space trilogy," and the book he considered his best.  tells the story of a race very much like ours that did not fall.

    Quite an interesting concept.
      February 3, 2018 1:53 PM MST

  • 22891
    you need to ask god that question, its too complicated for us humans
      February 3, 2018 2:59 PM MST

  • 5835
    Ok, so you all want to write your own bibles. That is typical. There is always somebody who thinks they have a better idea than God had.

    So the scientist talks to God. He says "God we don't need you any more. Why, we can even make a man from dust, just like you did."

    God says "Hey go for it. That's worth seeing."

    The scientist stoops and grabs a handful of dirt.

    "HOLD ON!" roars God. "Get your own dirt. That's mine!"
      February 3, 2018 6:35 PM MST

  • 5354
    Nah. I most definitely do not want to write a bible. That is as silly as conquering the universe.
      February 10, 2018 1:16 PM MST

  • 2706
    Never gave it much thought probably because it never seemed important to me. Some folks might call me naive, silly, narrow-minded, or even stupid for believing what I do but the Bible talks about God making only the earth inhabited and for me that's always been good enough. Stars and other heavenly bodies are talked about in the Bible but the earth is the only one spoken of as having life. Jesus died for all of mankind here on earth, not Mars, Venus, the Moon, or any other place. As always, just my opinion for what it's worth.
      February 8, 2018 8:44 PM MST

  • 17039
    Given the string of bizarre coincidences of the "no sech animal" variety that made complex life possible in the first place, we may well be alone!

    Firstly, you need a terrestrial (not a gas giant) planet in the "Goldilocks zone" of a G type star. Plenty of those.

    While still mostly molten, it needs to be hit by a protoplanet a third its size at precisely the right angle and velocity to tilt its axis, set it spinning at a furious rate and results in the formation of a large, close-orbiting moon. There may be quite a few of those too.

    AFTER that it needs a substantial bombardment by water-ice comets, delivering water to what was previously an arid planet. If it happens before the collision, the water gets vapourised by the impact and is lost. If too much time elapses, the moon can't play its vital role - creating huge tides combined with 500mph hurricanes, washing vital minerals into the infant oceans, allowing the formation of basic amino acids. As the moon recedes (it's still drifting away at a little more than an inch per year) the tides become less violent, the planet's rotation slows allowing the winds to subside somewhat - and bacteria can propagate in calm, shallow seas.

    3 billion years later, weathering combined with the action of cyanobacteria depletes the suplly of atmostpheric CO2, locking the planet into a global ice age lasting millions of years. This isn't your run-of-the-mill ice age caused by unusual weatger at aphelion, this one has mile-thick glaciers at the equator. Microbial life almost perishes - until the eruption of several supervolcanoes tips the vbalance in the opposite direction and evolution really takes off - complex multicellular life is born from those microbes thst survived the big freeze.

    Of course I'm not done yet. Three hundred million years later there's another catastrophe, a vocanic supereruption of unprecedented violence which caused a global greenhouse effect. The Siberian Traps. The atmospheric temperature rises 10C, slowing oceanic circulation to a standstill - which causes the oceans to acidify and lose their ability to retain oxygen. Also causes massive thousand-year droughts on the land. 95% of all life on Earth is wiped out (trilobite and brachiopod phyla cease to exist). However, when the planet eventually cools, another evolutionary kick start creates the most successful animals of all time, which ruled the planet for millions of years - the dinosaurs.

    Fast forward to 65 million years before present day - and Earth is visited by another catastrophe, an asteroid the size of Mount Everest slams into the planet near what is now Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. Superheated debris is scattered globally, sparking forest fires. The resulting dust and smoke shuts out sunlight - providing no light for the few plants that survive the conflagration. The dinosaurs that survived the fires starve to death - which creates an opportunity for a small, warm-blooded, omnivorous creature to become the dominant type of life - mammals.

    Without those catastrophes, we wouldn't be here at all ... 

      February 8, 2018 11:39 PM MST

  • 5391
    Surely makes one appreciate the miracle of our existance all the more, doesn’t it? 
      February 11, 2018 9:07 AM MST

  • 14795
    They say there are twenty million different living growing life forms on this planet and they are still finding more many living creatures from the oceans and land including bacteria and viruses that have live and become extinct we will never know since earth was created by the big bang billions of years ago....

    Everloution  and meteor strikes  has created and killed off countless billions of different life form on this planet.....

    The number of planets out there in the great devide is un calculable...... There must be trillions of other planets with life forms far in advanced to ours and others where life is just getting a foot hold.....

    Only distances ,time ,food and limited engey sorces prevents traverling vast distances in space for any distant beings.......
    Who knows where it all ends out there and if it does end what's on the other side....
    God only exist in the minds of people that still live in the dark ages and for some strange reason refuse to except proven scientific facts..... 
      February 9, 2018 2:52 AM MST

  • 17039
    Actually the Earth wasn't formed in the Big Bang, no planets were. Heavy elements were unknown until several first-generation stars had gone supernova, fusing increasingly heavier elements from lighter ones before scattering them in colossal explosions. The universe is believed to be about 14bn years old, the Solar system a mere 4.5bn.
    I personally do believe in God - and I have a degree in Applied Science (I also have one in Theology). I'm not a literalist fundamentalist - but Somebody played hooky with the Second Law of Thermodynamics on this planet.
      February 10, 2018 5:47 AM MST

  • 5354
    True, but hardly relevant.
      February 10, 2018 1:09 PM MST

  • 14795
    So what was here before the 14 billion year threasehold.....where did this great void out there come from and where is it expected a ding to and what's on the other side.......
    where did this god come from and how can there be so many of them scattered around the world....also why do gods always insist on killing disbelievers .....or being placed in purgatory......

    Mr Satan never made such hatful he exists as well...
      February 10, 2018 6:51 AM MST

  • 2657
    Obviously not all religions with all their different gods can be true, either all are false or one could be true.
    I didn't know that God killed people for disbelieving, is that in the Bible? Is purgatory in the Bible? 

    Interesting article:

      February 10, 2018 7:17 AM MST

  • 14795
    My tablet says Safari can't connect to I can't read what in them.  :(

    So no one gets killed in the Middle East ,Arab states ,India or Pakistan for any religious reasonsor abused because there female.....

      February 10, 2018 7:37 AM MST

  • 2657
    Answermug always adds an 's' to 'https'.
    On answermug, you have to copy and paste link in to the browser and then remove the 's' from 'https' before hitting enter. 

    Yes, people quite often get killed for religious reasons and women often abused for religious reasons. None of that supported within the context of the Christian Greek Scriptures, although often perpetrated by professed Christians as well.

      February 10, 2018 7:42 AM MST

  • 5354
    Come now Texas, as much as you quote the bible surely you know that "Turning away from God" is a sin punished by death. Try re-reading Exodus 32. It is quite explicit about it.
      February 10, 2018 1:25 PM MST

  • 2657
    I am still learning. Which verse or verses are you referring to? 
    Don't want to read the whole chapter right now but for the most part it is about the Jews, who knew God exist and led them out of Egypt  and they witnesses many miracles. They then wanted a God they could see and had Aaron make a golden calf and committed idol worship.

    Turning away from God isn't necessarily the same thing as disbelieving. Also what was the context? People in the Nation of Israel that don't believe in God? People from other Nations that don't believe in God?
      February 10, 2018 5:44 PM MST

  • 5354
    The entire story of the golden Calf, Including Moses's conversation with God who first want to slay them then and there ,and then say than believing in s different god is sin so he will kill them later.
      February 10, 2018 6:17 PM MST

  • 2657
    So you are talking about apostasy and idol worship, not just someone that never believed in God, right? 
    Referring to 'his people' makes me think that they did believe in Jehovah and they even celebrate a festival to Jehovah with the idol. I may be missing something but it seems they still believed in Jehovah but mixed false worship with it, kinda like Christmas and Easter.

    (Exodus 32:5-8) When Aaron saw this, he built an altar before it. Then Aaron called out: “There is a festival to Jehovah tomorrow.” 6 So they got up early on the next day and began offering up burnt offerings and presenting communion sacrifices. After that the people sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to have a good time. 7 Jehovah now said to Moses: “Go, descend, because your people, whom you led up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves. 8 They have quickly deviated from the way I commanded them to go. They have made for themselves a statue of a calf, and they keep bowing down to it and sacrificing to it and saying, ‘This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt.’”
    (Exodus 32:14) So Jehovah began to reconsider the calamity that he had spoken of bringing on his people.
      February 10, 2018 6:28 PM MST

  • 5354
    That is one problem with the JV bible version ;-)) The word Jehovah can only refer to the Jewish/Christian deity, the word Lord can refer to any deity and even to a human ruler.

    Other versions mostly have it like this:
    5 - When Aaron saw this, he built an altar in front of the calf and announced, "Tomorrow there will be a festival to the Lord."
    6 - So the next day the people rose early and sacrificed burnt offerings and presented fellowship offerings. Afterward they sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry.
    7 - Then the Lord said to Moses, "Go down, because your people, whom you brought up out of Egypt, have become corrupt.
    8 - They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them and have made themselves an idol cast in the shape of a calf. They have bowed down to it and sacrificed to it and have said, `These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.'
      February 10, 2018 6:46 PM MST

  • 2657
    NIV? One of the worst translations out there. 
    I  included the KJV and 4 translations that use a form of God's name. See if some of these help:;KJV;DARBY;NOG;ASV;KJV;DARBY;NOG;ASV

    See the problem with replacing God's name with a title?
    Psalms 110:1 (NIV) The Lord says to my lord:
      February 10, 2018 6:55 PM MST