This is not a group of like-minded citizens. THIS IS A HORDE. THIS BLIGHT ON HUMANITY AND RATIONAL THINKING, THIS Q ANON THINK THAT HILLARY CLINTON RAN A SEX TRAFFICKING... moreThis is not a group of like-minded citizens. THIS IS A HORDE. THIS BLIGHT ON HUMANITY AND RATIONAL THINKING, THIS Q ANON THINK THAT HILLARY CLINTON RAN A SEX TRAFFICKING RING. THEY THINK THAT SHE WAS EVEN ARRESTED FOR IT, AND THE MEDIA IS KEEPING IT OUT OF THE NEWS. CHILD PORNOGRAPHY IS WHAT THEY ACCUSE TRUMP'S ENEMIES OF. MEANWHILE THE PRESIDENT IS RAPING HIS WAY TO RE-ELECTION.TELL US, Q'S, TELL US WHY YOU ALWAYS CHOOSE TO BELIEVE EXACTLY WHAT YOUR PRESIDENT IS DOING CRIMEWISE IS WHAT YOUR ENEMIES ARE DOING? WE SPENT MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND HOURS AND HOURS OF HILARY TESTIFYING. SHE TESTIFIED. AND? NO HACKING. NOTHING. BUT? trump? He is up on charges for this now. He did this and more. He colluded with Russia and he conspired to get them to hack Hillary Clinton, his political opponent's emails. WHILE HE ACCUSED HER, HE WAS COMMITTING AND IMPEACHABLE VIOLATION. HELLO? The president's a rapist and... less